| - Details: Marie Hilley was a housewife who poisoned her husband, Frank, in 1975. Frank died soon after, but it was believed that he had died of natural causes. Michael Hilley, her son, suspected foul play, particularly because his mother was liberal with the inheritance money and he had laid down the law on fiscal responsibility. When Carol was affected with paraplegia with no known explanation, Michael suspected his mother had injected Carol with a poison that disabled her spinal system. This happened shortly after the death of Frank. To avoid Michael's attempt to avenge his sister and father by cooperating with the law, Marie Hilley disappeared. She resurfaced in Florida under the name of Robbie Hannen and met a man named John Homan. They began dating and got married. Some time later, Rob
| - Details: Marie Hilley was a housewife who poisoned her husband, Frank, in 1975. Frank died soon after, but it was believed that he had died of natural causes. Michael Hilley, her son, suspected foul play, particularly because his mother was liberal with the inheritance money and he had laid down the law on fiscal responsibility. When Carol was affected with paraplegia with no known explanation, Michael suspected his mother had injected Carol with a poison that disabled her spinal system. This happened shortly after the death of Frank. To avoid Michael's attempt to avenge his sister and father by cooperating with the law, Marie Hilley disappeared. She resurfaced in Florida under the name of Robbie Hannen and met a man named John Homan. They began dating and got married. Some time later, Robbie Hannen took a short vacation to Texas, whereupon John Homan then got a call from her "twin sister", Teri Martin that Robbie had died. After getting to know "Teri Martin" by phone, John wished to meet her in Florida. In actuality, Marie Hilley had once again reinvented herself as Teri Martin, getting in shape and coloring her hair blonde. John Homan was taken with his "sister-in-law" and started dating her. However, friends of John, as well as other members of the Homan family, suspected something was amiss and began to keep a close eye on John, warning him about his relationship with "Teri" as well as lack of death certificate for his lawfully wedded wife "Robbie". Their suspicions proved right, as their cooperation with local police proved vital to piece together the search for the missing Marie Hilley. Extra Notes: This case first aired as as part of the "Diabolical Minds" episode on November 3, 1991. This was an unusual case for Unsolved Mysteries as it had already been solved before being broadcast; rather the focus was on the diabolical mind. Other profiled in this special were G. Daniel Walker, Ted Bundy and Saddam Hussein. As the above were all male, Marie Hilley was profiled for being a rare case of a female having a diabolical mind. Marie Hilley was also profiled on The New Detectives and Deadly Women​. Although Carol was not murdered as was her father, Marie was wanted for causing undue harm to her daughter. Results: Solved. In 1982, Marie was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for Frank's murder. In 1987, she escaped. However, her freedom was short-lived as she contracted hypothermia in the wild backcountry during the winter months. One week after her escape, Marie Hilley died from prolonged exposure to the cold. Links:
* Marie Hilley on Wikipedia
* Marie Hilley on Murderpedia
* News Archive on Hilley's Death
* New article on Marie Hilley