| - - cave in ~ oceansplash Have you ever just wanted to get away? From problems, from unkindness, from just life in general? Right now, that's basically my life story. But before, things were wonderful. My littermates were still with me. I had friends to laugh and play with. And most importantly, I honestly felt like myself. But things have changed. And if you want to know my story, we'll have to start from the beginning. Which happens to be The Incident. ~ ~ Life isn't fair. But sometimes, we have to make do with the little that we have. Now, the ocean is my net. I cling to it when I'm confused. Angry. Jealous. ~ ~ ~
| - - cave in ~ oceansplash Have you ever just wanted to get away? From problems, from unkindness, from just life in general? Right now, that's basically my life story. But before, things were wonderful. My littermates were still with me. I had friends to laugh and play with. And most importantly, I honestly felt like myself. But things have changed. And if you want to know my story, we'll have to start from the beginning. Which happens to be The Incident. ~ ~ Life isn't fair. But sometimes, we have to make do with the little that we have. Now, the ocean is my net. I cling to it when I'm confused. Angry. Jealous. But most of all, sad. Because I'll never get Mistypaw back. And even when I see her in StarClan, it's not the same. She'll be Mistypaw. And I'll be Oceansplash. ~ The ocean is my refuge. The ocean is the one place that I honestly feel like... ...well, me. And because I come her so often, to see the setting sun... ...and to dwell on the memories of the past... ...they've made me into something different, and completely new. To me, I'm Oceansplash. But to them? I'm Ocean Eyes. ~ I've always been distant. Some scorn me for never focusing, remaining resentful. Others accuse me of being a spy, being false-hearted. ...and they can blame me all they want. But the truth of the matter is, I am, I was, and I'll always be distant. On the rare occasions on which I admit this, it's always the same— ~ I've always wondered why it's me. Me, of all cats. Is it my appearance? My personality? The whereabouts of my kithood I know nothing about? But I am the only cat treated so poorly. The cats' abusive behavior toward me used to be so unclear... Until the day everything changed. ~ "Why you little—" They do not have any power over me. I can defy them. ~ You can't hope to have what you've never felt before. And for me, that's hope itself. I've never felt any peace since being with those rogues. I've never felt true to myself. But there's nothing I can do, is there? My name is Starfish.