| - 100(xsd:integer)
- {Irritated} *sigh* Fine.
- {Nervous} Look, if you ask me, Valentine is a good guy. Saved a lot of lives. But other people think he's just going to bring the Institute's attention.
- That's right.
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Win the game! Buy a Swatter.
- {Question} You change your mind about collecting those baseball relics from the Westing Estate?
- {still a little nervous from before / Nervous} Yeah, yeah, just buy something next time, all right?
- Simple. Go to the old Westing Estate, and look for a baseball, a baseball card, and a baseball mitt, with signatures on all of them.
- Don't forget, you can earn some good money and advance the sport of baseball by finding those relics.
- {Depressed} *sigh* I hate to see her go, but... all right. Let me know if you change your mind.
- {passionate salesman} If you're here, that means you're looking for a Swatter.
- Well, believe it or don't believe it, you'll be convinced once you swing a Swatter in someone's face. How about you buy one today?
- {a man has another man at gunpoint, you're in the crowd watching / Nervous} Whoa, you seeing this? Someone's about to shoot someone.
- {Friendly} I like your gumption. Let me take a look.
- {player asks how Synths replace people / Irritated} Hell if I know. One day someone's human, next day they're a synth. And no one can tell the difference. Not until they kill someone for no reason.
- {Happy} This baseball is the real deal. You'd sign one of these and give it to the children of anyone you killed on the field.
- {passionate salesman} You there. You need a genuine, authentic, custom-made hickory Swatter.
- {generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now how about we get back to baseball, huh?
- {generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, I was talking baseball here. And you can't have a ball game without a Swatter.
- {Friendly} Now can I interest you in these genuine, authentic custom-made hickory Swatters?
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Hey! Swatter! Swatter! Swatter! Swatter! Swing swatter!
- {persuaded to help / Thinking} Well, sales have been down this month... Ugh. All right.
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Buy a Swatter! The game-changer!
- {couple seconds of silence as you think about what was just said / Stern} ... I like my version better.
- You win. 200 caps each, but that's my final offer. You taking or leaving?
- {Happy} Here's your caps. And... thank you! Thank you!
- {negotiating for the baseball bat, giving in to how much you want it / Nervous} That's outrageous! No... you can't put a price on history. I'll pay it.
- {Nervous} University Point was the last loser in that game. Nothing there but Synths now.
- Can't believe you found that Catcher's Mitt. Look at the material on it. You find anything else?
- {player doesn't have enough money, still a bit nervous from before / Irritated} You're a little light in pockets there. Why don't you go bother someone else?
- No, that would be suicide. The bat was the hitter's only defense as he ran the bases.
- Agggh! Three strikes... I'm out.
- Agh! Home run!
- Coach "Quitting is for Punks" Westing had an estate not too far from here. Legend says when he retired, the league presented him with a baseball, catcher's mitt, and playing card, signed by all the other coaches.
- {Irritated} Fine, little miss big shot. Never mind.
- Then you had the Lexington Ladies. An all female team, with coach Bloody Mary Sue at the helm. Highest kill count in the league.
- Go away, son. You bother me.
- Go away. You bother me.
- Got those baseball relics I asked for?
- Here comes... a line drive!
- Hey, I'm talking baseball here. Show some respect.
- I thank you, and baseball thanks you.
- I'm done working for the day. Get lost.
- I'm not looking to make friends. Beat it.
- One team would beat the other team to death with things called Baseball Bats, and the best bats were called Swatters. True fact.
- {Irritated} I ain't eager about being replaced by a Synth duplicate, or having someone who I thought was human suddenly pull out a gun and strike me out.
- {Happy} Look at that card. See those numbers on the back? Tracks the count of enemies beaten to death by the player.
- {Nervous} It was bad enough when the older, robot-looking Synths would occasionally grind a town down to pulp and haul off what was left.
- Swing for the fences, scavver! Ha ha!
- Trying to take some time off over here.
- Whoever had the ball on the opposing team would try to throw it at his head to knock him out. That's what an official "Out" meant back then.
- {Stern} And if you're smart, you won't go blabbing that around. That place is mud in a lot of people's eyes.
- Look at that fire in your eyes. All right. 150 caps for each piece, and you better be worth it. Deal?
- What am I, striking out over here?
- You throwing me a curve ball? Say something.
- {Irritated} So take your trouble somewhere else. I don't care if you say the Institute's not involved. They might be. That's enough.
- {showing off your wares} Baseball history right here.
- {passionate salesman} Need a Swatter with a little more stopping power? Stainless steel nails, my friend.
- {passionate salesman} Now don't be shy. You're never too old to own a Swatter.
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Swatters right here! Best skull-bashers in the Commonwealth!
- {passionate salesman} These aren't just any old pieces of wood. A Swatter is a custom piece of hickory.
- {Happy} That's everything on the list. Thank you. Far as I'm concerned, you're now a part of baseball collector history.
- {caps in the tin is a saying, similar to "money in the bank" / Tired} Suit yourself, but there's caps in the tin for you if you change your mind.
- {Stern} You think you can play me for a sucker? 100 caps a piece, and that's it. Take it or leave it.
- {Irritated} That right, Mister Smarty-Pants? If you're such an expert, how do you think it was played?
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Swatter! Swatter! Who needs a Swatter?
- All the baseball relics you can find from the Westing Estate. Signed. In one piece. You find anything?
- See where I'm going with this? I'll pay 100 caps, each, for those relics. What d'ya say?
- You did a great job finding that card. Any luck finding other relics?
- {persuaded to help / Nervous} Fine. I'll help you out. Just this once.
- {stretch out the "fast" : "They're going faaaaast" / Irritated} They're going fast...
- {player asks about finding a missing child, you're suddenly very nervous, afraid the Institute is listening in / Nervous} Whoa, listen there. If the paper is right about the Institute, then there's no way I'm getting involved in anyone else's problems.
- {Irritated} *sigh* No respect for the sport...
- {Irritated} Fine, mister big shot. Never mind.
- {Irritated} Fine. Get going.
- {Irritated} Heh. Typical...
- {Irritated} Stop crowdin' my stall then.
- {Irritated} Yeah, yeah.
- {Irritated} You'll be back.
- {Irritated} You're missing out, pal.
- {Irritated} You're missing out, sister.
- {Nervous} On your way then. Shoo.
- {sarcastic / Irritated} Sure. Sure.
- {showing off your wares} Feel that heft...
- {showing off your wares} Hand-made. Each one.
- {showing off your wares} The genuine articles...
- {Happy} I'll give you 200 caps for it. On the spot.
- {negotiating for the baseball bat, giving in to how much you want it / Nervous} Oh...dang... all right. Deal.
- {ecstatic, player is holding the rarest baseball bat ever / Surprised} What!? That... That's an original... Look at that paint!
- Any luck getting those relics? The future of baseball could depend on them.
- {Irritated} That right, Little Miss Smarty-Pants? If you're such an expert, how do you think it was played?
- There you go! This is what a swatter feels like, motherfucker!
- There was the Diamond City Demolishers. Big brutes of guys. Played in full Power Armor with special pneumatic arms parts for swinging.
- {barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Don't let down the home team! Buy a Swatter!