| - Ah, Mighty Glacier. Strong, brutish, big, strong, not so bright (unless that is point), strong... Because Mother Russia Makes You Strong. And in video games, he is being almost invariably Russian. Other countries are, in some rare cases, substituted, but video game's large fellow often has good chance of being from former Soviet Union. May also be replacink the g in -ing works with k, for example; drinkink, skiink, dancink, and so on. May have one of five possible names: Ivan, Vladimir, Yuri, Dmitri, or Boris. Examples of Husky Russkie include:
| - Ah, Mighty Glacier. Strong, brutish, big, strong, not so bright (unless that is point), strong... Because Mother Russia Makes You Strong. And in video games, he is being almost invariably Russian. Other countries are, in some rare cases, substituted, but video game's large fellow often has good chance of being from former Soviet Union. May also be replacink the g in -ing works with k, for example; drinkink, skiink, dancink, and so on. May have one of five possible names: Ivan, Vladimir, Yuri, Dmitri, or Boris. This actually is not beink limited to just games. Apparently it has been common stereotype in Western film for Russian men to be depicted as large, boorish "bears" who are speakink in broken English. However, is most visible in video games. Especially fightink games. Often tend to be either The Brute or Boisterous Bruiser, often dependink on what side they are beink on. Owink to greater yemotional freedom yin Russian culture, may also be Emotional Bruiser. This seems to be becomink either Evolving or Discredited Trope; however, more recent games such as Team Fortress 2 breathing new life into trope for sheerest Camp value. If you went back to Seventies and asked someone what Husky Russkie was being, they'd assume you were referrink to woman. See also Mother Russia Makes You Strong. Examples of Husky Russkie include: