| - Initial Notes About The Mix: It's been a long time since I've done another official mix, mainly because I've been working on this one for a really long time. This one, the theme/gimmick is songs with really long titles. I had the idea because of two of my favorite Pet Shop Boys songs from Nightlife (and two of the three singles from that record) have really, really long titles -- actually, before that, I got the idea from conflating the theme of The Opposite Of Smoke Is Egg Whites with Long Title by The Monkees. Anyway, I had trouble figuring which Pet Shop Boys song to go with, so I decided to use both. There wasn't any mathematical limit to this one -- I just set my iTunes title field divider at a place that looked good and only used titles that were reduced to needing an ellipsis. I als
| - Initial Notes About The Mix: It's been a long time since I've done another official mix, mainly because I've been working on this one for a really long time. This one, the theme/gimmick is songs with really long titles. I had the idea because of two of my favorite Pet Shop Boys songs from Nightlife (and two of the three singles from that record) have really, really long titles -- actually, before that, I got the idea from conflating the theme of The Opposite Of Smoke Is Egg Whites with Long Title by The Monkees. Anyway, I had trouble figuring which Pet Shop Boys song to go with, so I decided to use both. There wasn't any mathematical limit to this one -- I just set my iTunes title field divider at a place that looked good and only used titles that were reduced to needing an ellipsis. I also tried my best to not do anything with a parenthetical title, but there's a couple who sneaked by, just basically on whim and/or being an awesome song. So, there you go. The thing is, a lot of long-title songs seem to be shoved in the middle of a record, so it was really hard to find ones for disc starters. I think I did OK, but after frustration of having these folders sitting in my Playlist Windows for so long, I figured I'd just get it done and not worry too awfully much about the order -- but I still think the order's pretty good anyway, so I think it sorta lucked out. So here it is! 1.
* Reckless Penguins - Dinner Music For A Pack Of Hungry Cannibals 2.
* Pogues - Down In The Ground Where The Dead Men Go 3.
* The Mr. T Experience - I Love You, But You're Standing On My Foot 4.
* eels - I'm Going To Stop Pretending That I Didn't Break Your Heart 5.
* Nine Inch Nails - I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally 6.
* The Television Personalities - I've Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me 7.
* The Mountain Goats - Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into The Water, Triumph Of 8.
* The Bran Flakes - A Susie Moppet Singtime Sing-A-Long Song 9.
* The Cramps - The Creature From The Black Leather Lagoon 10.
* Mr. Partridge - The Day They Pulled The North Pole Down 11.
* The Magnetic Fields - The Sun Goes Down And The World Goes Dancing 12.
* Sufjan Stevens - They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From The Dead!! Ahhhh! 13.
* Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players - Why Did We Decide To Take This Decision To You 14.
* Barcelona - Why Do You Have So Much Fun Without Me? 15.
* John Linnell - Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May 16.
* Pet Shop Boys - You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk 17.
* Blotto - My Baby's The Star Of A Driver's Ed Movie 18.
* Ween - If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All) 19.
* Buffalo Daughter - Robot Sings (As If He Were Frank Sinatra With A Half Boiled Egg & The Salt Shaker On A Breakfast Table) 20.
* Eric Kassel - How Much About Last Night Do You Remember? 21.
* bis - Everybody Thinks That They're Going To Get Theirs 22.
* Snakefinger - The Picture Makers Vs. Children Of The Sea 1.
* Mr. Zipp - She Left Me For A Destitute Quadropeligic Because Of The Good Sex 2.
* Kenny Rogers And The First Edition - Just Dropped In To See What Condition My Condition Was In 3.
* Belle & Sebastian - The Loneliness Of A Middle Distance Runner 4.
* The Ramones - You Should Never Have Opened That Door 5.
* The Freshies - I'm In Love With The Girl On The Manchester Virgin Megastore Checkout Desk 6.
* Of Montreal - Wraith Pinned To The Mist And Other Games 7.
* The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer 8.
* Shonen Knife - Tortoise Brand Pot Scrubbing Cleaner's Theme 9.
* The Young Fresh Fellows - Don't Look At My Face You Might See What I Mean 10.
* Sparks - Your Call's Very Important To Us. Please Hold. 11.
* The Monkees - Long Title - Do I Have To Do This All Over Again? 12.
* Pet Shop Boys - I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Any More 13.
* They Might Be Giants - I Am 40: Memories Of West St. And Lepke 14.
* The Statler Brothers - The Official Historian On Shirley Jean Berrell 15.
* Warren Zevon - Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead 16.
* Kirsty MacColl - There's A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis 17.
* Yoko Ono - I Felt Like Smashing My Face In A Clear Glass Window 18.
* Buck Owens - You Ain't Gonna Have Ol' Buck To Kick Around No More 19.
* Bonzo Dog Band - I'm Going To Bring A Watermelon To My Girl Tonight 20.
* The Beau Hunks Sextette - Dedicatory Piece To The Crew And Passengers Of The First Experimental Rocket Express To The Moon 21.
* "Weird Al" Yankovic - Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars 22.
* The Flaming Lips - Psychiatric Explorations Of The Fetus With Needles 23.
* Crispin Hellion Glover - The Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze 24.
* Negativland - OJ And His Personal Trainer Kill Ron And Nicole 25.
* The Powerpuff Girls - Love, Love, Love Makes The World Go 'Round