| - Sword Girls is a (mostly) free Card Battle Game. It originates from Korea, while its English version is currently in open beta. The game's setting is a world with an Improbably-Female Cast. There are four factions: Vita, a high school; the Royal Academy, a private school for aristocrat girls, and their maids; Crux, a theocratic country; and Darklore, a catchall name for dark forces rejected by Crux, including vampires, Heretics and witches. The game's backstory is mostly pieced together from the flavor texts of cards. Its gameplay is also known for being very dependent on the Random Number God. Followers, the cards you use to fight with, are AI-controlled and can sometimes make decisions against the player's wishes. The game is also filled with truckloads of Fan Service.
* A-Cup Angst: Esprit, who tells the lore explaining the story. She often mentions Rio's breasts, the Crux knights' assets, etc.
* Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Vita's Student Council.
* Action Girl
* Animal Motifs: The Vita faction is a bird, the Academy is a lion while the Crux Faction is a pegasus. Their guardians are this.
* Asleep in Class: And there is even a club whose purpose is to get its members to fall asleep easier. Founded by an insomniac teacher.
* Ascended Extra: Asmis and Rosa Pacifica in the 2nd Season.
* Big Eater: Sita
* Boobs of Steel: Most Crux characters and followers, including Luthica, Jaina, Sigma.
* Bottle Fairy: Sigma, the guardian of Crux.
* Bound and Gagged: The aptly-named Bondage, as well as Forced Confinement and Absolute Control.
* Brainwashed: In order to stop Cinia from her rampaging destruction, Linia brainwashes her.
* Brutal Bonus Level: The Muspelheim dungeon.
* By the Power of Grayskull: Spoofed.
* Dress Up Change: [(555) 800-8135...! Change! Dress Up! Shatter the chains of fate!]
* Cast From Hit Points: Several Darklore spells, such as Sacrifice and Forced Confinement, take some of the player's life as a cost. For followers, there's Dark Magic Plot and Uniform Tweak.
* Chekhov's Gunman: Several characters who debuted with little importance later have a bigger importance in the later episodes.
* Chekhov's Army: The GS.
* Chekhov's Skill: Dress Up.
* Church Militant: The Crux faction is based on the christian knights in Europe.
* The Seeker Leader seems to look like a Saint.
* Cleavage Window: Several characters, especially Luthica.
* Crap Saccharine World: It's full of cute girls doing cute things! However, The Empire has invaded before, monsters are on the loose, class warfare is brewing, the fundamentalists are going on a pogrom, the elements of the underworld are too busy politicking to notice the inevitable rise of an antediluvian evil. Oh, and Linia is ruining everyone's lives for giggles.
* Cute Bookworm: The members of Vita's Library Club
* Cute Bruiser: Some of the girls, like New Knight.
* Cute Sports Club Manager: Team Manager Vernika.
* Cute Witch: Darklore has many of these.
* Darker and Edgier: By the start of EP 3, things become very grim. According the news on the Korean site, it'ss called the "Dark Story".
* Demoted to Extra: By the 2nd season, the four heroines of each faction are nearly unmentioned in the story. Its only main focus was Iri befriending Sita.
* Elegant Gothic Lolita: The style of choice for Darklore girls. Other factions also display it to various degree.
* Perky Goth: The younger Darklore girls seems to be both dark and fun-loving. The (physically) older are just plain dark.
* The Empire: The Lazion Empire, mentioned in the backstory and possess advanced technology. They don't appear in the main story often due to its problems with monsters.
* Eyepatch of Power: Iri Flina and Crescent Elder Chenin Blanc.
* Face Heel Turn: Vernika becomes a vampire thanks to Iri, which turns her into a power hungry vampire and allows her to defeat the head of the Flina family.
* Seven turns into a witch out of sheer hatred.
* Luthica becomes GS 7th Star.
* Fairytale Wedding Dress: All of the Wedding Dress characters.
* Fantastic Racism: The Vampire Families to the Witches, whose headquarters they later destroy.
* Flavor Text
* From Nobody to Nightmare: Vernika goes from a typical student to a reality-warping vampire.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Name a Fanservicey situation that can be found in anime. You can expect a card, somewhere, depicting that situation.
* Giant Poofy Sleeves: Cinia.
* Hot Chick with a Sword: Any girl who wields a sword falls to this trope. Shocking, we know.
* Heel Face Turn: Some of the important characters (except the main heroines) swing to other factions due to some reason.
* The Undertaker sides with Crux because of the clothes.
* Several of Cinia's maids now serve to her older sister due to Cinia's constant behavior.
* The Heretic: Helena and her cult called the Naturalist.
* Heroic BSOD: Cinia.
* Doubt: [Big sister... What is the truth? Now... I can't trust anyone. Everything sickens me, even the blood in my veins.]
* Horny Devils: Succubus Cantabile, Laevateinn, and Vivace.
* I Just Want to Be Normal: Crux Knight Terra.
* Japanese School Club: Alongside the more usual clubs such as tennis and basketball, Vita also has a cooking club that only makes sweets as well as the Sleep Club, whose primary activity is...sleeping.
* Joshikousei: Vita Public High School.
* Kuudere: Sita Vilosa in the Vita Faction and later on Eisenwane in the Crux Faction.
* Late for School: The Latecomer, which lampshades it.
* Lesbian Vampire: Iri is hopelessly in love with Vernika. Some of the other Darklore cards are chock-full of lesbian subtext as well.
* Lethal Chef: Katie.
* Loads and Loads of Characters: Oh so many girls... And still counting.
* Manipulative Bitch: Linia is single-handedly responsible for almost all of the main characters' misfortunes.
* She brainwashes Jaina into going a full assault in attack the land of the vampires, with resulting casualties in both sides.
* She "helps" Iri by telling her how to get close to Vernika, which leads to Iri turning Vernika into a vampire. Things get worse from there.
* Meido: The Academy faction is a good source for maids.
* French Maid Outfit
* Battle Butler
* Maid Corps: The three Pacifica daughters have their own maids according to their clothing. Linia's maids wear Japanese style, Rosa's... Well some of her maids act like witches and lastly Cinia's maids wear in French maid clothing.
* Meganekko: All the factions have girls with glasses, like Esprit and Vernika.
* Mini-Dress of Power: The Dress-Up girls, crosses between magical girl and sentai.
* To be exact all 4 factions (and the neutral one). Maron in Vita, Smartyrain in Crux, A fusion of the twins, Rion and Sion in Darklore and Lucerrie in the Academy.
* Linus gets her own Dress-Up form in EP 11 after finding the truth on what Linia is doing.
* The reason of the existence of the Dress-Up is due tremendous amount of injustice and which is occurring in the story itself.
* Mismatched Eyes: Master Luna Flina. It's probably related to her vampirism. Iri has this too. Then GS 5th Star.
* My Rules Are Not Your Rules: The computer's decks often flat-out ignore card limits.
* My Name Is Not Durwood: The maids who never had names except for the "title" of what they do. The 3 most known maids who work for Cinia are New Maid, Mop Maid and Chief Maid. As a matter of fact, these are 3 had other titles.
* Also some of the knights in the Crux Faction like New Knight which later her name is revealed in EP10
* One-Gender School: Vita doesn't seem to have male students. Justified, though: monsters can only be hurt with Talentium, and only women can use Talentium weapons effectively.
* Our Vampires Are Different: The vampires in the Darklore faction, which is composed of 3 families.
* Pandaing to the Audience: Cinia's Pet Panica, the first level boss. You can also gain her as a character, in which case she inexplicably turns into a little girl whose dress is panda motif.
* Panty Shot: Battle Sita and Library Club Daisy, among others.
* Petting Zoo People: The bunny girls, including their queen Cannelle.
* Pimped-Out Dress: When a character is upgraded, her dress become more elaborate. Inverted for Cinia-- her starting dress is already elaborate.
* Proper Tights with a Skirt: The Vita students either have this or Zettai Ryouiki.
* Psycho Lesbian: Iri, after Linia convinces her that turning Vernika is the best way to act on her feelings for her.
* Put on a Bus: Many dozen characters stop appearing, like the four factions' main heroines and unimportant characters. Later, some return with an entrance like Asmis or New Knight, while some...
* Qipao: Wind Sneaker.
* Rags to Riches: The Head Maid after winning the lottery turning her into the Rich Lady.
* Rei Ayanami Expy: Both Sita and Iri share a lot of Rei's traits.
* Rich Bitch: Cinia, although she's a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
* School Uniforms Are the New Black: Even when she hunts monsters and vampires, Sita wears her uniform. She even wears her standard-issue school swimwear to the beach.
* Simultaneous Arcs: The episodes of the story of the game work like this. It is separate into 3 arcs, aside from the Main Story.
* The School Story, which focuses on the Vita Highschool and its daily events.
* The Dark Story, which focuses on the darker side of the story, and has lots of spoilers. It connects with the main story.
* Lastly is the Short Story, which focuses on other minor characters and their apparent lives.
* Shout-Out: Mostly found in flavor text.
* Seeker Lynn: [I got a double rare martial arts manual from the eastern continent. It turns out that the rumor about the undefeated school of the east was true.]
* The witch for Black Magic Plot looks like Marisa casting a Master Spark.
* Black Magic Plot: Finally! With this power, I'll reclaim my freedom!]
* The Silent Maid looks like Sayo.
* There are a dozen Kamen Rider shout outs and poses ranging from Student Council Amy who seem to be a fan of it. Also the Dress-Up Ride of Rion and Sion is seem to based from Kamen Rider W.
* The Hero characters are Shout Outs to Spider-Man, Iron Man, Superman, and Batman.
* A full suit of talentium can easily protect weak flesh. This is the latest in arcanotechnology. You would never be able to build this in a cave with a box of scraps.
* The Prankster: The twins Rion and Sion, until Esprit gives them a lesson.
* The Speechless: Eisenwane, who never speaks except with her talking parrot.
* Student Council President: Celine in Vita Public School and Cinia in the Royal Academy.
* The Alliance: As mentioned in the back story of the game, the Republic of Vita, the Royal Kingdom, as well as several other nations, rebel against the Lazion Empire due to its bullying.
* The Theocracy: Crux.
* Token Mini-Moe: Some of girls in the 4 factions.
* Took a Level In Badass: New Knight.
* Unobtanium: Talentium.
* Vampire Vannabe: Vampire Cultist.
* Who Wears Short Shorts?: Some of the girls wear this, most notably New Knight.
* World of Action Girls: There are males in the story, but they never appear in artwork.
* Zettai Ryouiki: Practically everywhere. The Vita Public School employs this trope as a part of their school uniform.