| - This lore can be found on Dromund Kaas. You get this Codex once you complete and turn in the quest [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn. X:-350, Y:1121
- Sithspawn were creatures altered by Sith alchemy for use by the Sith Order. Using genetic engineering together with the dark side of the Force, Sithspawn were remade to be more brutal, more cunning, and, in some cases, more intelligent. The darkstaff, an ancient Sith artifact, had the power to turn creatures into Sithspawn, and in about 19 BBY, the Human Len Markus used the staff to mutate some Mulissiki on the planet Cularin. "Sithspawn" was also a curse originating from Corellia.
| - This lore can be found on Dromund Kaas. You get this Codex once you complete and turn in the quest [HEROIC 2+] Shadow Spawn. X:-350, Y:1121
- Sithspawn were creatures altered by Sith alchemy for use by the Sith Order. Using genetic engineering together with the dark side of the Force, Sithspawn were remade to be more brutal, more cunning, and, in some cases, more intelligent. Notable Sithspawn included the Massassi caste of the Sith species, Exar Kun's Terentatek monsters and Battle hydras, the reborn Emperor Palpatine's Chrysalide rancors, Leviathans, Swamp wampa, mutated Noghri, Smoke Demons, Dart flowers, the two Dark Jedi Gorc and Pic, and, believed to be the worst Sith abominations, Technobeasts. They could fight with chain manipulation and could have offspring as well. The darkstaff, an ancient Sith artifact, had the power to turn creatures into Sithspawn, and in about 19 BBY, the Human Len Markus used the staff to mutate some Mulissiki on the planet Cularin. "Sithspawn" was also a curse originating from Corellia.