| - Miners are low level neutral that wander around Vernis and Eirel (Elona+). They have no spells or skills, and their combat routine is melee. Like all neutral NPCs, they will engage any hostiles they detect.
- Miners are Dunmer hired by Ralis Sedarys during the quest "Unearthed." They are found at a small encampment at Kolbjorn Barrow after the Dragonborn pays the fee to Ralis.
- Miner (Japanese: 採掘師 Saikutsu shi) is a life you can choose to lead in the game. It is one of 12 life classes available to choose to play as during the game and can be chosen at any time during the game by speaking to the Guild Master. The Miner uses pickaxes to mine ore, minerals and other items from rocks around Revaria. The Miner's Life Shop is located in the Royal Cabin Well at Mount Snowpeak Summit.
- The Miner is a unique unit available in the Age of Empires III campaign. The miners are capable of throwing dynamite and hacking with their pick axes, and have a great siege attack. Their dynamite is extremely good against groups of infantry and buildings. They can only collect Coin (Mines, Plantations) or gather resources from crates of Food, chests of Coin and cords of Wood. The Miner cannot be trained from buildings, but is available in the Scenario Editor.
- Miners are uneducated men who work to extract ore and excavate materials from the earth. The better a miner's skill is, the better the overall production is where they work. Miners work primarily in mines, borehole mines, and salt mines but also work to find artifacts to sell at excavation sites. It's possible for a presidente to have been a miner before rising to power, boosting their relationship with both the Capitalists and Communists and increasing the production rates of all other miners but hurting their relationship with the Environmentalists.
- Not much is known about the Miners. The first encounter with them was only quite recently in the Wastelands. It's thought that they might have been trained by the Helghast army or its defectors. The Miners do seem to operate like an army unit, they fight like Assaults and prefer the StA-3 LMG.
- A miner is
- Mining is one of the four gathering professions. Its crafting counterpart is Jeweler.
- Miner is a boss within Breath of Fire III.
- Miner on kullankaivaja.
- NPC Name: Miner Location: Inside KaMa Cave
- Miner Empires acquire the Mining Colony Upgrade. The upgrade can be applied to any colony, and doubles the number of building slots at the expense of all the turret slots.
- Miner is a skill that can be given to a lemming. It is the seventh of the eight skills available in Lemmings, as well as the Classic Tribe in Lemmings 2. A miner digs a diagonal tunnel downwards. He will stop if he hits steel, if he runs out of ground, or if he is told to do something else.
- Miner is a quest NPC who lives in East Zelie and works in the Mining Guild. He tells stories about crazed goats and The Great Split.
- to mine + -er
- File:Miner.gif The Miner is a recurring NPC in the Metal Slug series, usually seen using his trusty pickaxe.
- The term miner was used to describe those of the mining trade. Eesh Fahm was a miner on the planet Ibaar.
- The Miner is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. Its weapon kind is a pickaxe. Aside from attacking enemies, it can also "excavate" the ground to find compo items (can only occur once stage has been conquered and is at the screen where certain enemies drop the desirable compo items). It also has a built-in Explosion's Card 1 (the ability, not the compo), which one out of four hits result in splash damage, which its damage output can be increased with DEX investing.
- This is a Gathering Profession based on gathering gems, minerals and ores from rocks.
- Miner is one of the roleplaying Subclasses in Elder Tale.
- MINER (Mining for Industrial use of Natural Earth Resources) was a resource extraction company based on Pale (Truane's Star). In 47 FY, MINER's CEO (a Vrusk) was apparently kidnapped and killed. The company was liquidated and the proceeds placed in a private account.
- Miner is a name for one of the generic miners found near the entrance and inside the Nashkel Mines. Talking with them can add three entries to Investigating the Nashkel Mines in journal. Killing them results in reputation loss.
- This profession gathers ore and makes alloys and precious stones. Being a miner is especially useful for the smith profession. Other professions may also use ores, alloys and precious stones but in smaller amounts.
- Add your toon name to this list if you are a Miner:
- Miner These miners are Jaaku's henchmen. the mine rocks and fight with their picks. they are usually found tioling underground for jewels and metals.
- Miners were one of the main castes in Forerunner society, ranking below Builders but above Lifeworkers. They had to obtain the materials required for the work of the Builders. After disobeying his father, Bornstellar-Makes-Eternal-Lasting, a Builder, was sent to work with the Miners.
- The Miner is a minor character in Daxter. When he hit the "mother lode" while mining for eco crystals at the strip mine, he ran into several metal bugs and sent a distress call to Osmo, to which Daxter responded. Upon arrival, Daxter collected eight of the crystals for him. He afterward expressed his satisfaction, saying how Daxter has "no idea how much those Haven City suckers are paying" for them.
- While drilling, there is a chance that a Sim will come across a random gem, some metal, a space rock, some scrap metal or a piece of furniture, along with other miscellaneous items such as Magical Gnomes of Invention. Occasionally, while drilling, a Sim will stop and the hole will glow from underground lights. The hole can then be explored for loot and various moodlets. Occasionally, a Sim participating in an Underground adventure will be unable to make further progress after encountering an underground obstacle, forcing them to abandon the adventure prematurely due to a lack in Logic and Athletic skill, however, there are other possible reasons such as a Sim not being thin enough to fit through a crack. Having a Sim be in a high mood while adventuring is also recommended for best results.
- Mining is fun - just ask any Dwarf! If you are ready to get your hands dirty, hop into exciting mining minigames , where you collect ore and gems as rewards. Miners start by harvesting copper and turquoise. As they level, they learn to dig for new metals, such as tin, silver, iron and even gold. Miners also smelt metal into bars that are used by Blacksmiths to make other cool weapons and armor. Miner is a harvesting job, specializing in the mining of ore and gems and can also smelt the ore into ingots. A crafting class job, experience is gained by completing Miner quests, mining Ore and playing the Smelting minigames.
- A miner was a person who worked in the field of natural resource extraction. This profession was called mining. Among the lithium miners on the planet Rigel XII in 2266 were Ben Childress, Herm Gossett, and Benton. (TOS: "Mudd's Women" ) In the final draft script of "Mudd's Women", it was established that the miners on Rigel XII expected they would probably stay there for only a year or so longer, and that there had originally been four miners, the fourth being Charley Shorr. In 2368, the USS Enterprise-D picked up a group of stranded miners from Harod IV. (TNG: "The Perfect Mate" )
- A Miner is a type of player which spends most of their resources on buildings to keep a good economy. A Miner is similar to a Turtle's head, as it has a relaxed playing style. Miners should have very high level Mines to supply their resources. Miners can also build lots of defenses to keep their resources safe, similarly to Turtles. Later in the game, a Miner can switch to a Turtle or Fleeter, as their Buildings are already at high levels, and cost considerably more. Robotics Factory Lvl 10 Shipyard Lvl 2 Nanite Factory Lvl 4+ Missile Silo Lvl 2>4 Terraformer Lvl 1>8
- En miner er en person som bruger sine miner som sin primære indtægtskilde. Forskellen mellem raiders og miners er, at som raider kan du være heldig at finde en god planet med masser af ressourcer, og høste den - så kan du, efter hvor stærk din flåde er, og hvor heldig du er og hvor mange spillere du har scannet, være heldig at hente et par hundrede tusinde ressourcer hjem pr. dag. Dette beløb varierer selvfølgelig meget, fra raider til raider.
- The Miners' Guild is responsible for the excavation and handling of Eorzea's mineral wealth, be it ores, fossils, precious stones, or otherwise. It should come as no surprise, then, that their most eager customers are the realm's blacksmiths and goldsmiths.
- In the hills and mountains of the Old World, miners dig for gold, silver, gemstones, and valuable ores. Most deposits in the civilised lands are nearly exhausted; as a result, miners spend a good portion of their time in remote areas. Many dream of striking it rich with a large vein, but their tendency to brag dooms their hopes. Word of a strike spreads quickly, and shanty towns spring up as others arrive to exploit the find. These towns are abandoned just as quickly once the find is exhausted.