- Kategoria:Rasy Wyrm to dorosłe stadium w rozwoju każdego smoka. __TOC__
- Wyrm was a robot which competed in Series 9 of Robot Wars, entered by Scottish team Memento Mori, who competed in the previous series with Overdozer. After initially losing its first battle in an even faster time than Overdozer itself, Wyrm was reinstated into the competition during the second round and ultimately finished fourth. The name Wyrm is derived from the type of dragon which has no legs or wings, resembling a serpent. It also references a company previously owned by Nicholas White.
- Wyrm's Crowd Dispersion can ragdoll multiple enemies in its radius, whereas Dethcube's Vaporize can only stun a single enemy. Effectively, Crowd Dispersion is more similar to Shade's Ghost in that it stops enemies from attacking its master, but for far shorter periods of time. In summary, Wyrm can be treated as a middle ground between the offensive Dethcube and the defensive Shade.
- Volk Drachen Volk Art Großdrache Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Als Senioren unter den Drachen sind Wyrm in der Regel über 500 Jahre alt. Mit Wyrm wird aber auch das Erwachsenenstadium im Lebenszyklus eines Drachen bezeichnet. So lassen gehören etwa die Drachenaspekte zu den Wyrm.
- Wyrm is a repulsive looking creature from the TMNT lore.
- Glifo:
- thumb|200px Wyrm ist der neueste Monstertyp, der besondere Arten der Drachen darstellt. Der Wyrm-Drache kommen häufig in der Britisch-/Altnorwegischen-Mythologie vor. Diese Drachen haben keine Arme o. Beine, nur den langen, schlangenartigen Körper. Sie haben oft giftigen Atem und die Fähigkeit, den Körper zu regenerieren oder gar abgeschnittene Körperteile nachwachsen zu lassen. Wyrm-Monster ähneln den Drache-Monstern, aber anders als Drachen haben sie mehr ein spirituelles, mythisches, metaphysisches Aussehen.
- Wyrms were creatures found on Merakai. An ancient Sith wyrm inhabited Yavin 4, but was destroyed by Exar Kun around 4000 BBY.
- Winged intelligent serpents.
* They claim to have sought a separate path to dragonhood other than the dragonewt way.
* Also described as misguided attempt to create new dragons after the disappearance of the ancestral dragons.
- Wyrms are traditionally dragons with no legs or wings. Also referred to as the "Guivre."
- Wyrm is the Old English term for dragon or a dragon-like creature. It is used as an archaism in English folklore and modern Fantasy to distinguish it from its Modern English counterpart worm. In recent popular fantasy, Wyrms are often portrayed as subterranean, burrowing, limbless variations on dragons.
- The craft is equipped with at least one rear camera used for tracking pursuing enemy aircraft and has similar weaponry as the Viking (missiles and Gatling guns), albeit less powerful. In addition, the cockpit, which does not appear to be pressurized, serves as an ejection capsule. The vehicle was in use by the Fall of Tarsonis.
- Wyrm is a fictional character in the Wild Cards series of books.
- Just as Drakes, these sorts of creation are not proper dragons, but there is with them only very near cognated. They are weak from they, but however, significantly strong than Drakes. They all be able also breathe clouds toxic , but not fire ) and they very often stay around dragons or too other dragon similar monsters . Wyrms never accustomed and never they stay in the midst of people on castle.know is only one accidentally of group of this creation in one of cave in regions of castles Kriegspire, which who have included certain indefinite closer pact with undead knights and they cooperated with them. These creation do not fly and they are enough free, but simultaneously completely reliable and great assigning injury even than dragons.
- In European Mythology, a Wyrm is often depicted as a snake of considerable size and somehow related to dragons .
- Wyrm ist ein Antagonist der Turtles aus den Archie Comics.
- A wyrm, also called a darkling crawler, is a creature of Perimal Darkling. The only wyrm seen is described as grey and segmented, with antennae. It is about as thick as a man's upper arm, and long enough to wrap around a flying changer's neck to be carried; presumably it is light enough not to be an impossible burden in that circumstance. It leaves a slimy trail behind it as it crawls. Like changers, wyrms are able to change shape, and might well be the source from which the changers' ability was derived.
- Like the sandle, the wyrm is a streamlined animal adapted to a burrowing existence. It has also evolved from the lightly built coelurosaurs of the Cretaceous period. Its streamlining takes the form of a great elongation of the body and neck and the total loss of the forelimbs. Its head is trowel-shaped and used to force a path through the sand. There it moves by undulations of the long body and by thrusting with a swimming motion of the broad hind feet. The back of the wyrm is covered with fine hair-like feathers. The rest of its body is armored by a network of scales. The head is a scaly shield. A row of heavy transverse scales runs the full length of its underside protecting its belly from the constant abrasion of sand and stones as it winds its way along. A heavy shield of scales covers
- In the theology of the Garou, the Wyrm is one of the three incalculably powerful spirits comprising the Triat. The Wyrm's purpose is the cleansing and rectification of creation: eliminating that which the Wyld creates and the Weaver structures. As part of a resultant multiple-personality disorder on a universal scale, there are three "heads" of the Wyrm, each representing a different part of its personality.
- In the theology of the Garou the Wyrm is one of the higher Celestines. The Wyrm's purpose is the cleansing and rectification of Creation, furthering its descent into Entropy. He achieves this by eliminating that which the Wyld creates and the Weaver structures.
- Wyrm (Japanese: 幻(げん)竜(りゅう) Genryū, "Phantom Dragon") is a Type of monster introduced in Duelist Alliance. A wyrm (pronounced worm or vurm) is a type of dragon that commonly appears in British and Norse mythology. These dragons have no legs or arms and only the long, scaled body of a serpent. They are often given poisonous breath and the ability to regenerate or reattach pieces of their body that have been cut off.