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- Nepal es un mapa de Overwatch basado en el país con el mismo nombre. Años atrás, un grupo de robots omnicos con experiencia en lo que ellos llaman un despertar espiritual. Abandonaron lo que sus vidas programadas para establecer un imperio en lo alto de los Himalayas de Nepal, donde los omnicos de ideas afines pueden meditar en la naturaleza de su existencia. Dirigidos por su líder espiritual Tekhartha Mondatta, se apoderaron de las ruinas de un ancestro monasterio y lo convirtieron en el hogar de el Shambali, un lugar donde los omnicos y los humanos hacen peregrinaciones esperando encontrar una mejor verdad.
- For a relatively small country, Nepal has a diverse landscape, ranging from the humid Terai plain lands in the south to the mountainous Himalayas in the north. Eight of the world's ten highest mountains, including Mount Everest, are in Nepal.
- País asiático conocido por su cercanía a la cordillera del Himalaya.
- Poverty is widespread, half the people are poor and a third are extremely poor. Nepal suffered a devastating Earthquake in 2015 and lack of infrastructure hampered relief efforts. Nepalese who rank low in the Hindu caste system and Nepalese who belong to less privileged ethnicity are more frequently poor and Illiterate than Nepalese in more fortunate positions. Before the earthquake poverty was declining in Nepal. Nepali is spoken, and Hinduism is the main religion though Buddhism is also practised. The Nepalese Monarchy was finally abolished in 2007 and Nepal is now a Parliamentary democracy.
- Nepal is commonly divided into three physiographic areas: the Mountain, Hill, and Terai Regions. These ecological belts run east-west and are bisected by Nepal's major river systems.
- Nepal fought against Britain during the colonization of India, it became a republic in 2008, and it was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2015.
- Nepal was a landlocked country in Southern Asia. It shared land borders with China to the north and India to the south. ("Day 7: 12:00am-1:00am")
- Nepal is a god-forsaken "country" in Asia somewhere that worships cows or prepubescent girls, but not in a perv kind of way. Their leading industry is carryingEpisode #289 .
- Nepal (Nepali: नेपाल / Nepāl) is the 56th character in the game. He was added in the 3.4 Update along with Czech Republic and Georgia. He is a five star opponent and doesn't have hard Unlock Requirements. He is not very hard opponent to play against if you know how to stop his Power Shots and avoid him having Power always activated. If you have any questions about the character Nepal, please ask them here.
- Nepal is a landlocked central Himalayan country in South Asia.
- Nepal is a country in Asia. Kathmandu is the capital and is the largest city. Lake Tilicho is frozen into a ice rink for 3-4 months a year. No ice hockey is played.
- Nepal (cz.) - Nie pal.
- Nepal is a country located in the Himalayas.
- Nepal is a country of Asia.
- The flag of Nepal is a unique flag, because it is currently the only non-rectangular national flag on Earth. Instead, it is a double pennant design. It has a blue border, red background, and two national religious symbols in the centres of each "triangle".
- Nepal is a country in South Asia. Kathmandu is the capital and largest city.
- Podczas wizyty Komety Halleya, w sposób odkryto naturalne pokłady orichalcum (yotc s.85).
- In Among Thieves, Nathan Drake travels to the Valley of Temples in Nepal, looking for a certain temple related to the Phurba, thought to house the location of Shambhala and the Cintamani Stone.
- Nepal invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* Népal gentilé
* nepalès
- Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (Nepalese: सङ्घीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र नेपाल, Sanghiya Loktāntrik Ganatantra Nepāl), is a country in southern Asia that borders Tibet in the north, Assam in the east and Bengal and India in the south. Its capital is Kathmandu.
- Nepal (nepali: नेपाल, Nepāl) ist ein Binnenstaat in Südasien. Es grenzt im Norden an die Volksrepublik China und im Osten und Südwesten an Indien.
- Nepal is a select-able nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Feudal Monarchy.
- Nepal नेपाल is the other, much smaller majority Hindu country in South Asia. Located in the Himalyas, Nepal is bordered by India, China/Tibet and Sikkim. Kathmandu is the capital and largest city. Other main cities include Dharan, Thimi, Pokhara, Biratnagar, Lalitpur (Patan), Bhaktapur.
- During Halley's Comet visit, naturally occurring orichalcum discovered.
- Nepal is one of the locations in Overwatch. It is a Control map. It has three stages: Village, Shrine, and Sanctum. Years ago, a group of omnic robots experienced what they described as a spiritual awakening. They abandoned their preprogrammed lives to establish a monastery high in the Himalayas of Nepal, where like-minded omnics could gather to meditate on the nature of their existence. Led by their spiritual leader, Tekhartha Mondatta, they took over the ruins of an ancient monastery and turned it into the home of the Shambali, a place where omnics and humans alike make pilgrimages in the hopes of finding a greater truth.
- Nepal - kraj w Himalajach zamieszkany przez 28 mln osób. Graniczy z Chinami i Indiami. Stolicą kraju jest Katmandu. W Nepalu rozgrywa się fragment filmu Poszukiwacze zaginionej Arki. 40pxTo jest dopiero zalążek artykułu. Tematyka, której on dotyczy jest o wiele szersza. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go].
- Nepal (oficial Republica Federală Democratică Nepal) este un stat în sudul Asiei, în inima munților Himalaya, situat la cea mai mare altitudine și înghesuit între doi giganți India la sud și China (Tibet) la nord.
- Nepales un pais en Asia. La area es sirca 147,181 cilometres cuadrida. La cuantia de abitores, en la anio 2007, ia es sirca 28 901 790 persones. La site capital es Catmandu. La lingua major es nepali.
- L'ultimo sovrano, Gyanendra, è stato talmente amato da tutto il popolo che alla prima occasione possibile hanno proclamato la Repubblica, e probabilmente fra un po' lo faranno partire per una lunga vacanza-premio ospite di qualche dittatore africano suo amico. La capitale è Kathmandu, particolarmente nota ai fricchettoni e agli alpinisti di tutto il mondo.
- Nepal is a landlocked highberg ethel betwwen China and Indland in the Snowdwell Highreach. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
- Nepal is a small country in Asia, sandwiched between India and Tibet in the Himalayas. Marion Ravenwood's bar, The Raven, was located there. To Indiana Jones, Nepal has the dubious honor of being the place where two of his friends were seen for the last time: Abner Ravenwood and Remy Baudouin.
- It made its only appearance in Book 8 of the first series, The Emperor's Code.
- Nepal is a country in central Asia. It is bordered by India and China. Its capital is Kathmandu. According to Goshawk's Guide to Herbology, there is a wizard in Nepal who grows gravity-resistant trees.
- By the late 20th century, Nepal was part of China, a British Protectorate. The Gurkha Rifles originated in Nepal.
- Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a country located in Asia.
- All visitors to Nepal except the citizens of India and Bhutan, should have valid passports and visas. Visas for entry into Nepal are issued very easily by Nepalese diplomatic offices. Entry
* By Air: Arriving in Nepal by air is more convenient. The international airport is at Kathmandu and the airport is called Tribhuvan International Airport. It is just located on the outskirts of the city at a distance of eight km. The Royal Nepal Airlines is the flag carrier of the country. Many other airlines operate their services like Biman of Nagladesh, Burma Airways, China Airlines, Indian Airlines, Lufthansa, Pakistan International Airlines, Royal Bhutan Airlines, Singapore Airlines and Thai International Airlines. Direct air connections link Kathmandu with many important cities of India like
- Nepal ist ein Königrreich irgendwo im Himalaya. Nepal hat ein Quasi-Monopol auf 8-Tausender, weswegen es also ein sehr reiches Land ist. Die Einwohner heißen Nepalesen, und rückwärts gesprochen heißt Nepal Lapen. Lapen, auch die Wappentiere Nepals, sind kleine murmeltierartige Pelztiere, die aussehen wie Giraffen ohne Hals. Sie leben bevorzugt in den nepalesischen Gebirgsregionen, also überall. Deswegen gibt es auch einen Verein, den Klub kleine Kämpfer kloppen keine Kamele kaputt (kurz: KKKKKK; nicht zu verwechseln mit dem KKK, KKKK oder KKKKK), der sich dafür einsetzt, Kamele als Wappentiere zu nehmen, damit Lapen gejagt werden können und die Nepalesen so der Plage Herr werden. Der Dalai Lhama jedoch, der Regierungschef Nepals, bezeichnete sie während eines Zusammentreffens mit dem Papst
- Nepal (i/nɛˈpɔːl/ ne-PAWL Nepali: नेपाल [neˈpal] ( listen)), officially the Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked sovereign state located in South Asia. With an area of 147,181 square kilometres (56,827 sq mi) and a population of approximately 27 million (and nearly 2 million absentee workers living abroad), Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by land mass and the 41st most populous country. It is located in the Himalayas and bordered to the north by the People's Republic of China, and to the south, east, and west by the Republic of India.
- Solar Cookers International has rated Nepal as the #12 country in the world in terms of solar cooking potential (See: The 25 countries with the most solar cooking potential). The estimated number of people in Nepal in sunny areas with fuel scarcity in 2020 is 6,000,000. Patricia McArdle reports in February 2009 after her visit to Nepal:
- In 1951, the Nepalese monarch ended the century-old system of rule by hereditary premiers and instituted a cabinet system of government. Reforms in 1990 established a multiparty democracy within the framework of a constitutional monarchy. An insurgency led by Maoist extremists broke out in 1996. The ensuing ten-year civil war between insurgents and government forces witnessed the dissolution of the cabinet and parliament and assumption of absolute power by the king. Several weeks of mass protests in April 2006 were followed by several months of peace negotiations between the Maoists and government officials, and culminated in a November 2006 peace accord and the promulgation of an interim constitution. Following a nation-wide election in April 2008, the newly formed Constituent Assembly de
- One dark and stormy night, young Gondwana II, Grandson of Panagea The Great, son of Super-continent Gondwana, a full blooded 21 years, now a man, riding his steed through unexplored parts of the woods of Tethys, further and further, deeper and deeper, rain whipping both: him and his steed's haunches, saw the shadow of a damsel flutter in the distance -- her robe fully drenched and her body's contours hopelessly exposed. She was the voluptuous Eurasia. Young Gondwana II hadn't seen a full grown woman before. Overcome with lust, Gondwana II lost sense of time and plate.