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“WINDOWS is a graphical interface of MS-DOS developed and marketed by Microsoft. . . .”

  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • Windows
  • “WINDOWS is a graphical interface of MS-DOS developed and marketed by Microsoft. . . .”
  • center Windows je nebezpečný počítačový virus, který byl původně vyvinut českými partyzány za Druhé světové války v obci Polepy - Okna ([1]); tím se vysvětluje polepenost jejich kódu. Po středověkých morových ranách, po epidemiích lepry a tyfu je doposud nejhojněji rozšířeným virem na území tzv. vyspělého světa. Šíří se pomocí technologie vymývání mozků, tzv. pop-upy, známými jako mozkožrouti z edukativního seriálu Futurama.
  • Windows — მსოფლიოში ყველაზე საიმედო ოპერაციული (ან საოპერაციო) სისტემა. Image:Wga-2.png * ინფორმაცია ვერ ჩავტვირთეთ. Image:Winxplogo.jpg Image:Xp errors.jpg
  • Windows is the radio operator who was never able to successfully contact anyone in Antartica.
  • thumb Microsoft Windows es el nombre de una familia de distribuciones de software para PC, smartphone, servidores y sistemas empotrados, desarrollados y vendidos por Microsoft y disponibles para múltiples arquitecturas, tales como x86 y ARM.
  • Windows is a category of furniture. The Tramway Porthole can also be considered a window.
  • The were designed primarily for Windows with a few titles being ported to (or occasionally designed specifically for) alternative platforms, such as Linux (Docking Station and Creatures Internet Edition), Macintosh (the original Creatures and, more recently, Creatures Exodus and Creatures Village), PlayStation 1, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, GameCube and XBox.
  • Windows is a collection in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The Inquisitor's chosen windows decorate his/her Quarters. Collect every style of window.
  • File:Quake1.gif File:Globe.png Quake 1 has difficulties being run under Windows XP and other modern operating systems. Since the release of Quake's source code, amateur programmers have modified the game so that it can be played on modern Windows operating systems, along with extra features such as better graphics. If you have XP, Vista, or Windows 7 and are having problems with Quake, follow these steps and it should be working in no time.
  • Fenestrae sunt operandi ratio a Microsoft
  • Les jeux Creatures ont principlement tous été conçu pour Microsoft Windows avec quelques titres (ou étant de temps en temps conçus spécifiquement pour) divers plateformes alternatives, comme Linux (Docking Station et Creatures Internet Edition), Macintosh (le tout premier Creatures et, plus récemment, Creatures Exodus ainsi que Creatures Village), PlayStation 1, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation 2, GameCube et XBox. Windows
  • Nombre: Windows
  • Windows ist ein erfolgreiches Betriebssystem von Microsoft. Die Aktuelle Version ist Windows 8.1.
  • Windows is a track from the crowz era.
  • Η λέξη "Windows " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη " ".
  • Windows (like Doors) can be seen in (almost) every House, Guildhall, Shop etc. Sometimes their closed, sometimes not. But you can also look through them. In addition, if their closed you can't throw items through them.
  • Windows are an important part in nearly all buildings. Unfortunately, windows are completely transparent, generally made of glass (which is quite weak), and some do not even have curtains. It is a bad idea to break through one when scavenging, as the sharp edges will probably cut someone, and the noise will attract zombies.
  • Windows is a line of furni. It has 17 different windows to choose from. A select few windows are able to be rented with Duckets. This means after being bought with Duckets, a user can only keep them for a limited time before they disappear.
  • Anruf bei der Hotline... Kunde: "Ich benutze Windows..." Hotline: "Ja..." Kunde: "...mein Computer funktioniert nicht richtig." Hotline: "Das sagten Sie bereits..."
  • Windows ονομάζονται: * Τα λειτουργικά συστήματα της εταιρίας Microsoft: Windows 1.0 Windows 2.0 Windows 3.0 Windows 3.1 Windows 3.11 Windows NT 3.51 Windows NT 4 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows 2000 Server Windows XP Home Windows XP Pro Windows XP Media Edition Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista Η Microsoft επίσης διαθέτει και μια σειρά από λειτουργικά συστήματα για μικρές συσκευές όπως κινητά τηλέφωνα και PDA * Ο χώρος που οριοθετεί μια εφαρμογή στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή.
  • thumb|right|Windows Windows ({wɪndoʊz}, deutsch:Fenster) ist eine Software oder auch eine sogenannte weiche Ware und ist das Hauptprodukt von Microsoft. Der Name Windows wurde gewählt da das Programm auf bzw. in einem Fenster abgespielt wird. Um alle Fehler des Programmes voll ausnutzen zu können, muss meistens eine Maus, eine Tastatur und wenn möglich ein Headset verwendet werden.
  • Von Idioten teilweise auch 'WinDoof' genannt. Der weltweite Standard unter den Betriebssystemen. Ursprünglich von einem genialen Mann namens Bill Gates als eine grafische Oberfläche für DOS entwickelt, ist es heute auf jedem gescheitem Computer zu finden. Natürlich gibt es auch Neider, die versuchen, etwas ähnliches zu erstellen. Zu diesen billigen, meist asiatischen Plagiaten gehört unter anderm auch das von Apple verwendete Mac OSX. Siehe auch Windowsspiele
  • Windows je nebezpečný počítačový vírus. Po stredovekých morových ranách, po epidémiách lepry a týfusu je doteraz najhojnejšie rozšíreným vírom na území tzv. vyspelého sveta. Už by ho dávno zrušili, ale nemôžu, pretože ide o zmysel života linuxovej komunity. Zistilo sa, že na každom linuxovom portáli je minimálne 90% článkov venovaných Widliam a Mrkvošrotu.
  • Windows was the Radio Operator of the U.S. Outpost 31. He is portrayed by Thomas Waites.
  • NeoTech Windows - rodzina kilku systemów operacyjnych wyprodukowanych przez firmę NeoTech. Po przejęciu firmy Microsoft przez koncern NeoTech kontynuuje ona wydawanie kolejnych systemów operacyjnych pod handlową nazwą Windows, w celu zachowania dla potomności historycznej nazwy. W żadnym z nowych tytułów, mimo wysiłków informatyków NeoTech, nie udało się zlikwidować "ekranu śmierci". Dotychczas ukazały się, m.in. następujące tytuły: * Windows 8000 * Windows CEMeNT * Windows AstalaVista 2060
  • Windows is a series of software operating systems and graphical user interfaces produced by Microsoft.
  • Viele Fragen zu Windows werden hier beantwortet. Leider ist das Dokument nicht auf dem neuesten Stand. Aktuellere Informationen gibt es auf englisch.
  • Microsoft Windows is a series of operating systems that are developed, marketed and sold by Microsoft. Microsoft introduced ab operating enviroment named Windows on 20th November 1985. Windows soon begain to dominate the world personal computer (PC) market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which was introduced in 1984. In recent years, Windows has begun to expand their operating system and extend it onto other devices, such as mobile phones and tablets.
  • Windows is the Microsoft - made operating system that has swept the nation. It was made by Bill Gates, and today is the number-one example for big business making it in the real world.
  • Microsoft Windows – system operacyjny firmy Microsoft, który był odpowiedzią na Macintosh Apple'a w 1985 roku. Wersje od 1.0 do 3.11 były nakładką na DOSa, a póżniejsze – samodzielnym systemem operacyjnym.
  • Windows (like Doors) can be seen in (almost) every House, Guildhall, Shop etc. Sometimes they are closed, sometimes not. You can look through them. In addition, if they are closed you can't throw items through them.
  • thumb|350px|Pantalla de bienvenida, despedida y demas procesos de Windows.Sistema inoperativo de Microsoft. De caracteristicas hogareñas, diseñado especialmente para que cualquier usuario amateur pueda manejarlo, despues de todo el único conocimiento informatico que se requiere para utilizarlo es Ctrl+Alt+Supr. Se dice que Gusty puede guiarte por el registro de Windows a través del teléfono.
  • The second thing you will probably want to do with the machine is add a couple of essential services. The first service that you will want to install will provide you with the tools needed to connect to the shares on your Windows network. In Linux, these functions are provided by a package named Samba. To install this package, make sure you have a network connection and then open a terminal window using the Leaf icon — "Run Command" and typing in xterm. With xterm open, type "su root," which will cause the computer to prompt you for your root password. Type that in (assuming you set one up using the previous instructions) and then type "apt-get install smbfs." The computer will do a few things and in about a minute or two you should be back at the prompt again.
  • Windows, a product of the Microsoft Corporation, is the operating system used by a majority of personal computers. It also appears to be the primary target platform for Neverwinter Nights, as the Toolset and several support features (such as automated updating) are provided for only this operating system.
  • Windows er et operativsystem grunnlagt på såkalt lukket kildekode. Windows hadde sitt utspring fra dos da Bill Kaulitz i 1982 av ren latskap ikke orket å løfte på ræva for å åpne vinduene sine, så han tastet kommoden "C:\open da windows man or else ill have to lift mi ass up!" Det han ikke hadde tenkt på var at rommet han satt i hadde luftkondisjonering som var styrt av en annen pc i det samme nettverket. Dette førte selvsagt til en hel masse krøll og tull som Bill lagret inn på en diskett og planla å selge kopier av over hele verden for blodpenger.
  • You may get this feeling now and then, but for me, this fear, this horrible feeling, it occurs every night. Every time the sun goes down. You see, I believe a fear of the dark isn't the fear of the darkness itself; it's what's inside it. A fear… of the unknown. But that’s the strange thing. I'm not afraid of the dark; well, I wasn't. When I was young, I never slept with the light on, I never had a nightlight.
  • Microsoft Windows [] ist ein Markenname für Betriebssysteme der Firma Microsoft. Ursprünglich war Microsoft Windows eine grafische Erweiterung des Betriebssystems MS-DOS (wie zum Beispiel auch GEM oder PC/GEOS), inzwischen hat Microsoft das DOS-Fundament aber völlig aufgegeben und setzt ausschließlich auf Windows-NT-Betriebssystemversionen. Das Hauptanwendungsgebiet für die Windows-Betriebssystemgruppe ist der Desktop-Bereich, es existieren allerdings auch Produkte speziell für den Betrieb von Servern oder Embedded Devices wie z. B. PDAs.
  • Windows est un système d'exploitation performant. La preuve, les erreurs de programmation et autres failles critiques s'affichent très vite. Windows est basé sur le système d'exploitation vite fait mal fait (Quick and Dirty Operating System). Puis, le Quick and Dirty Operating System a évolué en un système d'exploitation vite fait mal fait plus gros. Le MS-DOS est né.
  • Windows are important. They fit in holes in the walls, so that there isn't a draft. They also allow us to see the outside world, where someone may be stealing your brand-new, incredibly expensive car. Why are windows made of glass? Well, basically because glass is clear and reasonably sturdy stuff. Windows are typically made clear so that you are able to see whether some guy is in fact stealing your car. Of course, you may ask, why were windows made clear before cars were invented to be stolen? Frankly, it's a mystery. Research is being conducted at several prestigious universities. Another important quality of glass is that it is much more solid than, say, water. If windows were made of water they just wouldn't work right.
  • Windows is a computer line that was invented by Bill Gates and Microsoft. 0 was also involved somehow, but when asked how, he told us all to... well, I'd better not say it. Anyways, they made it because they want to take over the Moon and use it for commercial use. They have a mascot known as Microsoft Sam, but it is weird. They have had many, many, MAAAAAAANYYYY variations of windows programs, like Vista, 7, and XP.
  • [[Αρχείο:PantzouriaVirtualBox-LUSER.png|thumb|480px|το σύστημα ενός LUSER. το εικονίδιο χρήστη στο μενού εκκίνηση είναι 2 π@π@ρ!@ πράγμα που δείχνει οτι το συγκεκριμένο λειτουργικό σύστημα είναι παπαρα και ο χρήστης του είναι επίσης παπάρας]] εισαγωγή Λειτουργικό σύστημα, η δημιουργία του οποίου είναι βασισμένη στην γνωστή τακτική της Microsoft: “Don’t think for yourself, rather steal someone else’s idea and then, accuse them of stealing it from you, in the first place” windows>> παράθυρα>> παντζούρια
  • thumb|right|Windoofs Windows - gesprochen: Windoofs - ist der größte jemals programmierte Maustreiber den Microsoft (dt.: "Winzigweich") jemals hergestellt hat. Dieses Programm unterstützt vielfältige Absturz- und Einfriermöglichkeiten. Windows wurde auch als "Inbegriff des absolut Bösen" deklariert, da es mit großer Häufigkeit die Daten seines Benutzers verschlingt und unauffindbar ablegt. Bekannt ist Windows auch für seinen Standard-Bildschirmschoner, der sich Bluescreen nennt. Seit Windows Vista, kann man seine Fehlermeldungen nun auch in 3D mit halbtransparentem Fensterrand genießen.
  • Windows es una familia de sistemas operativos desarrollados y comercializados por Microsoft. Existen versiones para hogares, empresas, servidores y dispositivos móviles, como computadores de bolsillo y teléfonos inteligentes. Hay variantes para procesadores de 16, 32 y 64 bits. Incorpora diversas aplicaciones como Internet Explorer, el Reproductor de Windows Media, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Mail, Windows Messenger, Windows Defender, entre otros.
  • Windows_Curved.png
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  • Windows_Open_Wall.png
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  • Windows_Tall.png
  • Windows_Tall_Curved.png
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