ESPN 3D launched on June 11, 2010 with a 3D broadcast of the opening match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Other programs broadcasted include the 2011 BCS National Championship Game and various college football and basketball games. Early programming included 25 matches from the 2010 World Cup and the Summer X Games. Up to 85 live events were shown on the network in 2010. ESPN 3D produced 14 games from the National Basketball Association (NBA) during the 2010-11 season, including 7 playoff games. The first NBA game broadcast was between the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks on December 17, 2010. On June 30, 2011, ESPN announced that ESPN 3D would air the first Men's Semi-Finals match of the 2011 Wimbledon Championships live, to be followed by a tape of the 2nd Men’s Semi-Finals. ESPN would al
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| - thumbESPN 3D - бывший американский цифровой кабельный и спутниковый телевизионный канал, владельцем которого является ESPN Inc., совместное предприятие между The Walt Disney Company (владеет 80% капитала) и Hearst Corporation (владеет остальными 20% капитала). Телеканал показывал в формате трехмерного изображения (3D) трансляции спортивные соревнования, права на трансляции которых были у ESPN.
- ESPN 3D launched on June 11, 2010 with a 3D broadcast of the opening match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Other programs broadcasted include the 2011 BCS National Championship Game and various college football and basketball games. Early programming included 25 matches from the 2010 World Cup and the Summer X Games. Up to 85 live events were shown on the network in 2010. ESPN 3D produced 14 games from the National Basketball Association (NBA) during the 2010-11 season, including 7 playoff games. The first NBA game broadcast was between the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks on December 17, 2010. On June 30, 2011, ESPN announced that ESPN 3D would air the first Men's Semi-Finals match of the 2011 Wimbledon Championships live, to be followed by a tape of the 2nd Men’s Semi-Finals. ESPN would al
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- thumbESPN 3D - бывший американский цифровой кабельный и спутниковый телевизионный канал, владельцем которого является ESPN Inc., совместное предприятие между The Walt Disney Company (владеет 80% капитала) и Hearst Corporation (владеет остальными 20% капитала). Телеканал показывал в формате трехмерного изображения (3D) трансляции спортивные соревнования, права на трансляции которых были у ESPN. Начал вещание 11 июня 2010 года с церемонии открытия Чемпионата Мира по футболу 2010 года в ЮАР. Круглосуточное вещание началось 14 февраля 2011 года. ESPN 3D прекратил вещание 30 сентября 2013 года. Вещал в составе пакетов DirecTV, Comcast, AT&T U-verse, Time Warner Cable и Verizon FiOS. Категория:Телеканалы Категория:Телеканалы США Категория:3D-телеканалы Категория:Спортивные телеканалы Категория:Телеканалы, запущенные в 2010 году Категория:Телеканалы, прекратившие вещание в 2013 году
- ESPN 3D launched on June 11, 2010 with a 3D broadcast of the opening match of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Other programs broadcasted include the 2011 BCS National Championship Game and various college football and basketball games. Early programming included 25 matches from the 2010 World Cup and the Summer X Games. Up to 85 live events were shown on the network in 2010. ESPN 3D produced 14 games from the National Basketball Association (NBA) during the 2010-11 season, including 7 playoff games. The first NBA game broadcast was between the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks on December 17, 2010. On June 30, 2011, ESPN announced that ESPN 3D would air the first Men's Semi-Finals match of the 2011 Wimbledon Championships live, to be followed by a tape of the 2nd Men’s Semi-Finals. ESPN would also air on July 4, 2011 a recording of the Ladies and Men's Finals. ESPN 3D also broadcast all of the 2011 Little League World Series. games.
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