About: OOC Autobot Meeting - January 2011   Sponge Permalink

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Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Autobot OOC Meeting going down in aprox 15 minoooooots, located in the Meeting Room just south of the Visitors Center!" Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Meeting to be commencing shortly, just off of the Visitors Center for those of you not in the know (Grimlock). Also, everyone is welcome to participate!!" You say, "Okey doke, I think we're ready to roll out." You say, "But be warned that once a topic has run it's course and starts getting out of hand, I will strike it dead and we will move onto something else." You say, "Don't everyone speak at once now."

  • OOC Autobot Meeting - January 2011
  • Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Autobot OOC Meeting going down in aprox 15 minoooooots, located in the Meeting Room just south of the Visitors Center!" Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Meeting to be commencing shortly, just off of the Visitors Center for those of you not in the know (Grimlock). Also, everyone is welcome to participate!!" You say, "Okey doke, I think we're ready to roll out." You say, "But be warned that once a topic has run it's course and starts getting out of hand, I will strike it dead and we will move onto something else." You say, "Don't everyone speak at once now."
  • Non-TP
  • OOC Autobot Meeting - January 2011
  • 2032(xsd:integer)
  • OOC Meeting Room
  • Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Autobot OOC Meeting going down in aprox 15 minoooooots, located in the Meeting Room just south of the Visitors Center!" Announcement: Rodimus Prime shouts, "Meeting to be commencing shortly, just off of the Visitors Center for those of you not in the know (Grimlock). Also, everyone is welcome to participate!!" You say, "Okey doke, I think we're ready to roll out." You say, "So, here we go. I'll be logging this meeting and posting to the wiki, as requested, for anyone who couldn't make it. I like informal meetings, where a topic is introduced.. hashed over, and we all move on." You say, "But be warned that once a topic has run it's course and starts getting out of hand, I will strike it dead and we will move onto something else." You say, "Also take notice of the meeting rule object in the room, that's how one will gain the floor to introduce a topic for discussion. If you want to bring up a topic, please page me and I'll put it on the list. You'll be nudged to bring it out onto the floor, then we'll discuss it." say I'll start us off, but feel free to page for getting the magic talking stick next! You say, "I'll start us off, but feel free to page for getting the magic talking stick next!" You say, "Firstly, I am your new Rodimus Prime.. and TP Wiz (1/15). I am honored to be in both positions, and look forward to serving you.. the players. That said, I apologize if I haven't been around in the IC sense.. but that's more of a plot decision rather than a time one. I am around, and if I'm connected and you want to talk.. just page!" You say, "HoS is to be wrapped up soon, so look for me to emerge onto the IC Grid!" You say, "Don't everyone speak at once now." Sit-Com lol. Blue Hovercar says, "Er, sorry. I was mostly hoping to use this meeting to figure out what was up these days without having to read through the boards. >_>" Torque says, "That was surprisingly fast for a TP. At least I think so." Sky Lynx hahas at Blurr. We'll get to that probably. Sky Lynx says, "And without revealing SEKKRET DEETAILS I think it's cool that the retire/reapping of Rodimus got worked into ongoing stories. :> It feels more.. cartoon plotty, for lack of a better phrase." Fortress Maximus says, "Yes, from what I've heard the HoS TP was largely open ended for players to be able to take advantage of doing what they've always wanted within the applicable theme. Kudos to whoever masterminded Rod's return into the TP though." Encore says, "I personally think it' good we have a Rodimus... I arrives just before the last one left and... well we lost cohesion for a while" You say, "Yes Blurr, we will eventually get to hashing out what's been going on recently. Torque: Usually TPs last around 2 weeks, to get a point across.. but not tread over overdone ground. Encore: You'd be surprised how often either fachead sits open for extended periods of time. Thanks Lynx and FM, which brings us to our first suggested topic of discussion.. you have the floor Maximus." Fortress Maximus says, "What I'm interested in knowing though is how players feel about being dropped into an open ended TP like these. Is there any feedbacks that you guys can give on this matter?" Gyrocopter says, "I like being in open ended TPs a lot. It reminds me of the Risk TPs which were some of my very favorite. I would love to see more open-ended things done on the 'regular' grid. My only only complaint about HoS is there is a slight feeling of everything is different, and everything that happens will be erased, or forgotten or otherwise not be open to chatting about on the regular grid." Sit-Com likes Open-Ended TPs. This particular one just didn't interest me. Fusillade admits she didn't vote for HoS. I honestly didn't realize until I spoke with Galv a few days ago that it was still going to be open-ended. I had (incorrectly) thought that since it wasn't occurring over the break, that admin did have more structured plans for it. Please excuse typos, on a smartphone keyboard. Foxfire pats Fusi. Sky Lynx says, "It mostly got delayed because the mush was nearly dead quiet over the holidays, from what I remember" Grimlock nods at Sky Lynx. Jazz says, "I don't mind open ended TP's either, but there needs to be a good level of observation to make sure that things don't go too far off the intended path. That said, the HoS doesn't really appeal to me and that's why I'm not participating. Nothing personal, just my opinion. You should participate in stuff that appeals to you, not stuff you feel you /have/ to be a part of." Blue Hovercar says, "Boy, I can second THAT one." You say, "For my part, I enjoy open ended TPs. I didn't vote for HoS either, but seems the playerbase is enjoying running rampant as old steampunk tricycles or the like. And a very good point Jazz, we can't force you to participate.. and you shouldn't feel as if you MUST participate." Fusillade says, "the alt u things are generally intended for the dead of the holidays, so players expect that to be open-ended, SL. :)" Encore nods Sky Lynx says, ".. That was bizarre" Sky Lynx says, "Did my comment get through?" Torque says, "What does open-ended even mean? PLease excuse my ignorance." Gyrocopter says, "If there were open-ended TPs on the regular grid with the 'normal' characters maybe that would be more appealing to a broader number of players." Gyrocopter says, "Hopefully all the players ;)" Sit-Com says, "Which comment, lynx?" Sky Lynx says, "Why HoS started later than usual" Jazz adds, "But even though I'm not participating, seeing that the player base has the option to participate is great. It's better than having no options." Sit-Com says, "I don't think it did." You say, "Open ended leaves a lot to be discovered to the playerbase. Less structure of going to points A, B, & C.. and more depending on where the player's themselves go." Sit-Com says, "Oh wait, nevermind, found it." Torque says, "Ah" You say, "Less herding, more free-form basically." Gyrocopter says, "Another thing I like about open ended TPs is I find it's easier for small groups of people to start scenes up at unusual times, rather than the main weekdays at 7pm EST starting time for the big scheduled TPs." Ultra Magnus says, "Open ended is fine so long as it doesn't drag on and stall. Somethings need prodding to keep them running if folks are not into them or it hits a snag, but I think that's better than having a plot preset that no matter what is done the end result is set in stone beforehand." Encore says, "It's about the balance, I think" Jazz says, "I think there's certainly a place for scripted TP's though. They can be especially fun if they're organized well and offer an interesting story. To add to Ultra's point, having some sort of official closure is the best part of the scripted kind. It's easier for TP makers to build the story into a big-finish of sorts." Encore nods You say, "Okay, I think we've got a good section of pros and cons on HoS. Next topic by request: What sort of Decepticon instigated scenes get your attention? Do you decide based on whether or not a clear premise is decided on RP-Coord? Do you decide based on who is running or present at the scene? What scenarios appeal enough to make you decide to log in an alt or hop IC?" Sit-Com doesn't need a clear premise. I fly by the seat of my parachute. You say, "For my part, usually I'm the Decepticon instigating. :P But to answer the question, usually a fun or exciting locale or group of players will draw my interest. A concrete premise on +rp doesn't matter too much to me, though." Torque says, "I agree with Roddy. Though I do need to start using my Con alt more. :/" Whiteout just notes, Sky Lynx is having issues connecting and staying connected to this MUSH for some reason. Grapple staples Sky Lynx to the floor. Marissa Faireborn says, "I am much more interested in a clear premise." Marissa Faireborn says, "When the ostensible scene-starters have no particular ideas and just say "let's think of something" it makes me feel like I am being asked to entertain them instead of them presenting an entertaining idea." You say, "And sometimes it comes down to who is combat-OK or makes sense for the scene. Usually I can work any character into a scene, but if it's too much against the grain and it's obvious by +rp chatter that there's no real consensus.. I'll usually sit it out." Torque says, "Well yeah, if you're gonna start something, I think you should have something in mind. If not you end up all going 'what do you wanna do' 'I dunno, what do you wanna do'." Encore nods Blue Hovercar says, "Well, I think just requesting, 'Can someone help me think up ideas?' is acceptable. But for me... right now, I'm still kind of burned out, truth be told. So if I were around, I'd probably only go to a scene if someone /else/ was doing the plotting." Marissa Faireborn says, "Specific players also add to the appeal of an invitation, but that's at least partially because those players often have a premise already in mind." Marissa Faireborn says, "Unusual locations and scenarios also increase interest." Fortress Maximus says, "The locale and the people present are usually deciding factors for whatever or not I attend. I think it's important for the players to realize that while it's always a good idea to have a reason for the scene to take place, the justification doesn't have to be a masterpiece by any standard. Sometimes I hear people comment that they'd like something to happen but they aren't the leader-ish type to lead scenes. Personally I think that's really short changing one's worth. The motivation is there. The reasoning can be as simple. If me or a few other CoCers are around, then ask us and we just may be able to drop you a script on the fly as well." Encore nods slowly Blue Hovercar was once in a scene where the concept was, 'Blurr stuck in the elevator with some other people in Debris, driving them nuts.' Fortress Maximus says, "Although it can be simple as a routine patrol or recon effort on Cybertron. It's our characters' homeworld and very much a war zone 24/7. A plot can be as simple as recalling your favorite action flick and ripping it off." You say, "So it seems that stimulating and unique scenarios and/or locales with a cemented plot idea or outlines is the general consensus here?" Whiteout duct tapes SL on. Grapple emote adds staples to the duct tape. Foxfire offers superglue. Grapple has been in World of Warcraft waaay too much. Gyrocopter says, "Are there any thoughts on how Decepticons can participate in Bot-heavy scenes?" Gyrocopter says, "Or general mixed-faction scenes." Gyrocopter says, "Besides bar scenes. ;)" Sit-Com thinks that spying and neutral locations are the usual standbys. Encore nods "And there's the ever-popular game for all cons: 'Go annoy the Autobots' You say, "Spying, disguise, or just outright 'IM HERE TO BE A PAIN IN YOUR SIDE' introductions work for me." Sky Lynx says, "Autobots just need to be out somewhere, doesn't really matter what they're there for. :D" Grimlock says, "Spies are a good start. Or disguises. Or heck, if the 'con is game, the 'bots could even do a 'catch and release' thing and try to shake 'em down for info?" Blue Hovercar says, "There's the ever-popular space poncho." Grapple snrks. Fortress Maximus says, "!" Encore loves being banshee and just going "Hi! *SCREAM!*" Rodimus Prime admits, "I do find it fun when two patrols meet up all unexpectedly, like bumping into eachother while out on routine patrol duty." Fusillade says, "Come visit my mountain sometime!" Jazz says, "That's something to think about. With the CoC pendulum swinging in the Bots direction right now, as Bots it's probably as good a time as any to include Cons in any scenes you think of. The hope is if we can give the Cons something to work with, they'll increase their numbers and that as a whole benefits the entire mush." Sky Lynx says, "If you need an excuse for Autobots to be out somewhere, the general doing something to help people is always a good start too. :D" say If no one else has anything to add, we'll move on. EDC/Junkion alliances, doubly important now that we have at least one from each respective faction. What can we do to improve the relation and activity between them and us? Should more scenes be geared to them, with Bots/Cons as tag-a-longs.. or vice versa? You say, "If no one else has anything to add, we'll move on. EDC/Junkion alliances, doubly important now that we have at least one from each respective faction. What can we do to improve the relation and activity between them and us? Should more scenes be geared to them, with Bots/Cons as tag-a-longs.. or vice versa?" You say, "*One from each respective faction present, that is." Grimlock says, "A Junk vs. EDC war, obviously!" Encore says, "I'm not sure on that one. I've been pondering including the EDC in my next upgrade RP, requesitioning an Avenger gatling gun for the AC130 chassis" Sit-Com D: Encore takes a shot in the dark "Perhaps not a war, but some kind of friendly competition might be in order..." Sit-Com thinks it can go both ways, Rod You say, "Care to explain Sit-Com?" Repugnus says, "I'd love to do something to help the EDC out, but if we put too much emphasis on the humans then people will start complaining that this is a TF MUSH, yadda yadda, drama drama..." Jazz says, "I think it's a matter of finding a fine balance for everyone. Players are going to simply have more interest in some factions than others. It's how it is. Some players don't like playing Bots...some don't like playing Cons. Just the same, I think some might not have a big interest in EDC or Junkion stuff. I don't think it's smart to cater whole TP's to a certain faction just for the sake of giving some time to the EDC and Junkions to shine. I think the point is trying to find a good medium of plots that can include all the factions in some sense." Fortress Maximus says, "I have no problems designing scenes with Junkions and EDCs have the spotlight or facilitated with crucial supporting roles, but personally I feel that what EDC and Junkions are lacking now is clear leadership and a motivated player base that's willing to get out there and make their scenes as well. If we don't have a proper foundation to allow for a faction to thrive, then everything we do are pretty much just band aid solutions to a greater problem that needs to be remedied." Sky Lynx says, "EDC does have Marissa here... Junkions are kinda... y'know, I don't think I've -seen- any lately other than poor Sit-Com. c.c" Sit-Com nods. Some of them have RL issues or are burnt out. :(You say, "Nice points all around. So we should first and foremost be focused on us, and if they (EDC or Junks) can be added in.. then do so?" Encore says, "There's also Dee-Kal" Jazz says, "So here's another question that I don't necessarily agree with, but it's a topic for discussion I think. Should we continue to facilitate players for EDC or Junks or drop the factions in order to bolster the Bots and Cons, making them the sole focus. Just a topic for discussion." Sit-Com doesn't think dropping the factions would necessarily be helpful. Facilitation works better. Gyrocopter says, "I don't like to think of it as EDC, Junk and Autobot...I think of it more like 'team good guy'. In a scene I can easily play a human or an Autobot alt (or a Decepticon)." You say, "That is one that has been presented in the past Jazz. Believe it or not, usually struck down by the factions (Junk or EDC) themselves." Ultra Magnus says, "Sounds about right Rodimus. They can be fit in to bigger bot/con stuff until they can stand on their own. Special focus on them when they have no leadership stepping up to get more action for their faction as is." Gyrocopter says, "I would like to try opening up the EDC bases and human areas for Autobots. Maybe even change the descs of San Fran to indicate Autobots might be walking down a street or something similar." Encore nods You say, "Rather, their most vocal members." Sit-Com wants to open up Junkion areas for bots and humans too. Currently Monstereo's the only ranking Junkion and he's taking a burnout-break. Encore says, "I do agree." Jazz says, "Agree with what Encore?" Fortress Maximus says, "I believe in that case then another character should be appointed rank. What we have right here are factions that can't even qualify as being barebones. If there's to be any hope of these factions being able to sustain themselves, we really ought to consider finding a player who is willing to take the burden of rank and initiative to create scenes for their playerbase. Meanwhile, Bots can easily fulfill their part of the bargain by providing parts where EDC and Junkion players can come in and do things so the burden isn't all on the EDC/Junkion leadership alone." Encore nods You say, "Hello Andi, we're discussing Bot/EDC/Junk relations." Andi Lassiter says, " Okay." Ultra Magnus says, "You also have to take into account that the concepts of each, the Junks more so thatn the EDC, may not appeal to all as shown by the limited number of them. Forcing them on the other factions might not be so good. They can't stand alone are are heading towards death." Sit-Com can step up. Jazz says, "That's a good point Maxiums. Perhaps some of the EDC or Junks here could be given ranks and responsibilities ICly that give them leadership positions to work from. If the thought is to keep the factions going, then we need leaders in their small numbers." Marissa Faireborn says, "I've enjoyed my alliance occasions with the Autobots. I'm certainly open to being included but honestly there are not so many humans that I expect it." Encore nods Ultra Magnus says, "Three active humans or so and one Junk for the most I think." Marissa Faireborn says, "I think it's easy to forget about the humans when planning events and storylines, but if there was a role left in for them in the planning stage that may make it easier or more inviting for us." Encore says, "Two Junks, there's Dee-Kal too" Sky Lynx says, "Though that reminds me, on a semi-related note -- are humans still counted as free towards alt limits?" You say, "Yes." Gyrocopter says, "Human OCs are." Ultra Magnus says, "Almost seems with those numbers it might be time to close them down." Marissa Faireborn says, "Personally I like the idea of a Good Guy Faction. Whatever writing issues they might've had, the movies did a good job of integrating humans and Autobots in a way that made the humans important while still requiring the Autobots to be the heroes." Fusillade says, "I suppose if there was a better way to integrate factory (civilian) humans in scenes and IC organizations, that might make things a bit more lively for the faction." Fusillade says, "Whoop whoop NEST" Sky Lynx says, "That IS one thing the bay movies did do decently, for whatever other problems they've had." Marissa Faireborn says, "I agree with the factory human issue. Factory humans are not currently allowed to be factioned, but EDC humans require a full app. I think that most people willing to write an app would rather write it for a Transformer. Humans have no AFC equivalent." Sky Lynx says, "But, that kind of circles back to the activity issue. We don't have a lot of EDCers out there showing that they can hold their own, either, for people to realize that" Marissa Faireborn says, "It's worth noting that although I am the human fachead, I am not a fachead as far as the staff position goes, and neither is Wreck-Gar." Marissa Faireborn says, "Arguably neither EDC nor Junkions are already "real" factions as it is." Ultra Magnus says, "EDC folks would need to step up and show at scenes, factory humans are kinda a waste unless you want to run from the big giant robots. Good for social but little else." Sky Lynx nods. Gyrocopter says, "You have to remember that most (if not all) EDCers have a Bot or Con alt (sometimes many). I don't think it's accurate to count how many EDCers show up in scenes." Marissa Faireborn says, "Social is what the humans do, if you have noticed the +where. ;)" You say, "NEST was added to better aid us to work together, and can be pushed back into the spotlight if wanted. I know it's easy to say from my position, but having a roy/wizbit really has no correlation to ability to lead factions or scenes." Blue Hovercar says, "I believe the reason for the non-factionization is that being part of the EDC is assumed to include access to exos and what have you and then combat viability, but it occurs to me that that shouldn't be 'required'. It's not like every person in the army is a tank driver. Is there any reason people can't make factory humans who take non-combat/non-ability-requiring EDC roles?" Ultra Magnus says, "Sadly the bigger TP's of the past the EDC sort of drop the ball making them mostly forgotten." Fusillade says, "We should do something awesome with Mars. EDC has a whole base up there. Watch out, 'Cons might steal it! ;)" Sky Lynx would be all for planning more stuff to involve humans... but that also requires humans to involve. Encore chuckles Blue Hovercar says, "Although on the other hand, since Repair/Heal/etc would also require apps, the potential roles for non-statted EDCers is kind of limited." Marissa Faireborn says, "Transformers are easier to get. You don't need a human to have battles. EDC players all have Transformers for battles. I think that's part of why the humans RP eating so much, that's the thing they can do that Transformers can't." Sky Lynx lols. Grapple dunks a human in energon. Sky Lynx says, "Well, unless you're one of those -lesser- creature modes that enjoys eating stuff... but heaven forbid I ever sink to that level of depravity! " Marissa Faireborn says, "I think that non-combatant factory EDC would probably help our numbers some." Ultra Magnus says, "Humans need more options than prefab exo's too" Andi Lassiter says, "sadly, sometimes it's all we humans can do, social rp. one thing I've seen a lot recently is an odd feeling that humans don't BELONG on this mush. perhaps that general ooc attitude scares off potential human players." Marissa Faireborn says, "Like Blurr said, just because you're in the Army doesn't mean you're a tank driver." You say, "So I think we all agree that we work them in where we can and promote from within their ranks, so that if a new class of either Junks or EDCs are introduced.. some semblance of leadership exists." Encore says, "I try welcome humans in as much as I can" Andi Lassiter says, " and please pardon typos and slowness. connected from my phone at work. felt this meeting was iomportant enough to risk it." Encore says, "Like when you and the EDC picked me up in the desert" Sky Lynx still has that search&rescue EDC pilot sitting on a backburner somewhere Andi Lassiter says, "And we love that kind of opportunity, Encore." Marissa Faireborn says, "Neither we nor the Junkions really have the numbers to be a self-contained faction. We might have our own bases, or in the Junkions' case a whole planetoid, but that's more for spin-off RP than where the action happens." Marissa Faireborn says, "So being included as part of Team Nice is important to us." Encore nods "Perhaps some kind of pro-junk/edc incentive recruitment scheme might work *shrugs* Marissa Faireborn says, "I don't think it's necessary. There's no reason to try to make people play things they don't want to play." Sit-Com doesn't think that's what Encore meant. Marissa Faireborn says, "We should just make sure that those who DO want to play the specialty good guys are accounted for." Encore says, "Not make 'em play it, but encourage those who were thinking about it" Andi Lassiter says, "Maybe a way to make playing a junk or edc more appealing?" You say, "Guys, the topic was fostering relations.. not fixing either faction. I think we've glossed over the latter more than we have the original matter at hand, let's move on." Encore says, "Exactly" Encore says, "Hmm true we have. We can't foster relations with nonexistant factions tho" Andi Lassiter says, "Well, bolstering numbers can only help relations, which will bolster numbers, which will help relations..." Sky Lynx says, "But I agree with Rod, the topic is wandering away from what can be helped specifically Bot side" Marissa Faireborn says, "These aren't things the Autobots can do, though." Gyrocopter thinks having more mingling in day-to-day RP (ie one faction wandering in and out of the other's bases) would help with relations. Jazz agrees we should move on. Whirl transforms into his reckless robot mode. You say, "Next on the list, Earth VS Cybertron VS Space (the rest of it, really). First, do you Autobots (and allies) want plots to focus in one setting alone, or have a healthy balance of all three if it can be helped? Do you feel any of the three settings are looked past in day to day RP, or even bigger TP arcs? Why, and what can we do to promote activity in the unused sectors?" Encore says, "I think a balance would be good" Sit-Com votes for balance. Sit-Com says, "People could get ideas for plots in lesser-used areas of the grid and run them." Marissa Faireborn says, "I think Cybertron and near-Earth space are often neglected." Marissa Faireborn says, "Adventures in space tend to be Random Silly Themed Planet, not Mars or Venus or Jupiter." Torque says, "Even far off space can be neglected thanks to a lot of Bots unable to pilot or fly in space" Encore can't fly in space without help D= Andi Lassiter says, "I like the idea of spreading the love." Blue Hovercar says, "I kind of get bored with Earth, but I wouldn't mind in-solar-system." Whirl says, "There was a time when Metroplex went on a would tour (well that was the plan), how about if next he goes on a space tour?" Fusillade will chime in since this seems like a general MUSH-wide concern: In order to guarantee RP, I think it is necessary to focus RP in a single theatre. However, with that said, I think it would be wise to rotate that area of focus, and at most, have two simultaneous theaters with 'official' arcs/plots/TPs going on at any single point in time. Fortress Maximus says, "I personally feel that Earth can use some cooldown, especially with the recent end of Mexico. If anything, I'd like to promote more activities on Cybertron as well as other planets in space, but with the majority of my focus being on Cybertron for the time being." Encore says, "I think that'd include and increase the balance." Marissa Faireborn says, "I agree that in order to make it easy for players to develop their own ideas and to have a feeling of ownership and investment, they need to be familiar with a location and not scattered everywhere." Andi Lassiter says, "Marissa, permission to reestablish an EDC-manned base on Cybertron?" Marissa Faireborn says, "Granted ;)" Sky Lynx says, "While 'Random Theme Planet' is all well a good, it would be nice to see more established or even 'repeat cameo' planets get use from time to time." Blue Hovercar made a lot of pretty rooms on Alkor Zephyr... >_> "However, there's also a hole in the universe there." Sky Lynx says, "There's also Dyson Ring, too. -.n" Fusillade falls into it, goes to @desc Valhalla. Marissa Faireborn says, "I would be happy to lead an EDC initiative to build a base or station on or around Cybertron if that's where we're going." Blue Hovercar says, "Oh, yeah! Dyson Ring!" Blue Hovercar says, "I think the EDC should establish a base on Neo-Earth in the Dyson Ring. And I am just throwing this out because I would probably not help at all. >_>" Sky Lynx has managed to wander people there from time to time, but there's not been anything really 'set' going on there. Marissa Faireborn says, "The Halo troubles me because as long as it's here there's no reason to use any other part of the game." Marissa Faireborn says, "I don't set things there because I dislike it. It makes both Earth and Cybertron fairly pointless, especially Earth." Blue Hovercar says, "Halo?" Andi Lassiter says, "Yeah. Heck, we should be setting up bases of operation everywhere the Autobots go, :)" Marissa Faireborn says, "It is literally a duplicate Earth without any humans on it to get in the way, and then on top of that, a duplicate several-other-planets as well." Blue Hovercar says, "Ah. I don't play the game to get the reference." Fusillade says, "There have been a number of plots in the past that have involved the Dyson Ring, SL. It's old hat to some players, and not quite as exciting to them. But that doesn't negate the novbelty and interest to other players. Just explaining how/why there might not be as much recent interest as you were hoping for." Fusillade says, "It's still perfectly usable." You say, "I think the Dyson Ring had a more exquisite purpose, blowing up the Earth and relocating everyone to Dyson Earth.. but that proved very unpopular." Sky Lynx noddles to Fusi. I've mostly used it for one off things that didn't really fit elsewhere, but I didn't want to make up a whole new random place for Blue Hovercar says, "That wasn't the purpose. That was just a random idea after it got discovered that was rejected (prolly with good reason)." Ultra Magnus says, "we should skip the relocation part then :/" Fusillade says, "But in this meeting alone you've seen people chirp about their pet space areas: Mars, the Dyson Ring, Alkor Zephyr, etc. There's a lot of interest in off-the-beaten-path RP, but it doesn't necessarily all wind up going in the same direction. ;)" Marissa Faireborn says, "The ring was also used the last time Cybertron was moved." Blue Hovercar says, "It's 'purpose' was as a planet-moving spacebridge to relocate Cybertron back... some yers ago." Andi Lassiter says, "maybe temporary relocation?" Whirl says, "We should have a 2-week TP at each one." Sky Lynx says, "Yeeeeaaaaah... I don't want to replace Earth either, but it's still a good place to kick around on occasion." Whirl says, "Open ended naturally ;)" Fusillade says, "Well, since Fusi is a space plane and I know that you like it, SL, I'll try to visit the Dyson Ring more often to meddle. ;)" Marissa Faireborn says, "The ring was a bad idea to begin with. It was excessive for its plot role, and no thought was given to its implications when it was simply dropped into the grid as a more or less permanent addition." Blue Hovercar was partially joking about Alkor Zephyr. "I'm fond of the place, but I'm not really around much, and one person being fond of a place does not a TP make." Sky Lynx says, "Truth be told its less 'pet place', and more I find it easier to set stuff up on someplace that's got some establishment than totally wing it. :D ... I should drag people back to the Storage Planet some time too... butnow I'm wandering off topic myself." You say, "So, to sum up our discussion here.. While sitting in the same setting gives a bit of relevance to the TP, it's not out of hand to run side-plots in other locales or settings. Some people want to see REAL space explored more, like Earth Space and the like. And no one wants to blow up Earth and replace it with Dyson Earth." Ultra Magnus says, "Wait, I do." Andi Lassiter says, "Hush, UM." Fusillade says, "I think that is a good summary. Also, it's good to know that people are interested in space locations, so maybe it will make folks bolder in suggesting RP or plots there." Rodimus Prime can't deal with that now. Fusillade tries to grab Rodimus Prime by the underpants but he slips away. Sky Lynx bops Magnus. No more blowing up planets! Even if it is your best line ever Andi Lassiter smiles jokingly at UM. (can't use semicolon, silly mudclient) Fusillade says, "This is belaboring the space scene topic a bit, but I wonder if it'd be possible to make another command that is player editable (and thusly also opt-in for viewing) to include major areas and current events/happenings there to serve as RP hooks for people craving space adventure." Marissa Faireborn says, "I think that +meetme and an excess of episodic events erodes the meaning of any and all locations, while we're on the topic. I prefer longer-lasting storylines in specific places for specific people." Marissa Faireborn says, "When the Wreckers were hosting the Cybertron Autobots in their Debris base and focussed on running events on Cybertron themed around the reconstruction of Iacon, for instance, that was nice." Marissa Faireborn says, "But when events are a different kooky planet every time that no one has a reason to visit or care about besides "we happen to all coincidentally be here, scramble to think of why for your first pose," that is not so interesting." Marissa Faireborn says, "I struggle to think of why I should care about the outcome in such a case and tend not to get involved." Fusillade says, "Although frankly it seems redundant to the 'standing orders' posts that CoC will put up sometimes. I wonder what is a good way to work around the collective forgetfulness regarding those announcements. Usually people don't respond to or remember those posts after half a week has passed." Torque has to go, sorry guys. :< Seeya! Sky Lynx says, "That's kinda one of the reason I like using a place that at least has some establishment, Marissa." Fusillade says, "Maybe something like a message. Of the day. c_c" Repugnus says, "Well, the alternative to +meetme is people fumbling around trying to get to a location. I don't think anybody wants that." You say, "Hopefully you don't mean Femax. :/ And you're welcome, I thought coming together to construct Debris and then working out of it when the Cons had all of Cybertron was interesting.. new ground for Bots." Andi Lassiter says, "And simply travelling from point a to point b could generate some fun social rp. we've lost that with being able to pop from place to place." Repugnus says, "In my experience, RP'ing as you travel can work, but only if traveling is the whole point. Otherwise, it just holds up a scene." Marissa Faireborn says, "I can think of another couple alternatives to trying to collect widely scattered players via +meetme, such as "people tend to gather and stay around where the events are occurring" and "a variation on +meetme which only works within zones."" Pincher has arrived. Blue Hovercar uses the dreaded +MEETME! Encore says, "Hey Doc" Suddenly, Blurr is a robot! Marissa Faireborn says, "When travel is more difficult, players remain closer to eachother and closer to the event hotspots. When players are closer to eachother, they tend to run into eachother more and spontaneously interact." Rodimus Prime agrees. "Usually all that really does is stall the end result. So while it might have been fun back in the day about ten percent of the time, in this day and age.. +meetme is the preferred method of getting to where you want to be. Because seriously, why should anyone be kept out of scene because of that?" Repugnus shakes his head. "Too messy, too complicated." Blurr says, "Which works until people get too bored with the favored locations." Blurr says, "Not favored so much as the 'current plot ones.'" Marissa Faireborn says, "I'm bored already thanks to +meetme making all locations equally irrelevant." Repugnus says, "I understand you want to bring people together, you know, but removing features seems to be the wrong way to go about it." Marissa Faireborn says, "We may as well make an "rp in this" object and drop it in the OOC room and then describe it as whatever the planet of the day is." Encore says, "Perhaps some kind of IC limitations, rather than +meetme deletion thing." Encore says, "And cock, I've got to go too" You say, "Once again, off topic guys. I think I summarized our findings above quite well, but let's move on now." You say, "Since we've already glossed over 'Reactive VS Proactive' with the Decepticon topic, I'll move to the next.. Iacon. Or more precisely, it's rebuilding. I'd like everyone to take a moment and visit the page with it's suggested layouts: " Andi Lassiter says, "sigh. wish I could right now. Personally, as long as you make the repair bay human-accessible, it's all good to me. :)" Marissa Faireborn says, "Is Fort Max's suggestion based on War for Cybertron?" Sky Lynx says, "Not entirely, I don't think. But I bet we could still have those awesome overhead highways as part of the scenery anyways" Fortress Maximus says, "It's actually a mix of all canon TF sources on Iacon." Marissa Faireborn says, "I think I like Fort Max's number of rooms and room names best, but Redshift has the best layout." Blurr says, "I agree." Marissa Faireborn says, "Backfire's layout doesn't make the location of the medbay and other things like that clear." You say, "Also, what do people think of the name 'New Iacon' rather than just plain ole Iacon?" Pincher says, "I prefer Iacon." Fortress Maximus says, "Indeed, I endorse Redshit's idea the most, one moment while I explain why." Foxfire hands Max an F... Blurr says, "I just like as many connections as possible, as many connections to the center room as possible, and it being as clear as possible from the center room what is in what direction." Pincher says, "Iacon is more accessible to new players just jumping in, whereas with 'New Iacon', it begs the question why it is new." Marissa Faireborn says, "Redshift's layout obliges everyone using either the shuttlebay, command area, medbay or the home object area, to go through the city center, which will cause them to bump into eachother more. It's a friendly layout encouraging interaction." Fortress Maximus cries. Marissa Faireborn says, "I prefer normal Iacon." Blurr says, "I'm good either way." Jazz says, "I like Redshift's the best because of its simplicity and its connection to the main city center." Marissa Faireborn says, "Also, there are few unnecessary rooms, and none other than the city center in the path of someone trying to use the useful parts of the city." Pincher looks. "I have to admit, I like Redshift's layout, too. Logically, putting the medward next to the spaceport makes sense - if you have a critical case coming in via medevac, the medward is right there for you." Marissa Faireborn says, "I also like that the city center is actually in the center of the city." You say, "While I respect that, it's not Iacon. We've gone through two (if you count Iahex as well), and keeping in the renaming tradition while keeping a bit of the old.. I think New Iacon reflects that it's based on the city of old, which means we aren't restricted to what any one depiction of Iacon was." Marissa Faireborn says, "It's good to keep fluff rooms branching off the outer sides so that they can be visited when people want to use them, instead of putting them in a path where they're in the way of people who just want to get refuelled." Jazz says, "I agree with Marissa there." Fusillade says, "I suppose "Aim Here" as a name would be in poor taste. ;)" Marissa Faireborn says, "No one knows better than we do what Iacon looks like. It was never thoroughly mapped in the canon, and the kind of person who would nitpick our Iacon over not being "accurate" to the "real original Iacon" is a horrible person." Rodimus Prime changes the layout to resemble a big 'X' Jazz says, "I don't mind New Iacon either." Repugnus says, "Right, I think Redshift has a good, well-connected setup there." Sky Lynx says, "I just want it to be less of a mess than it was before, that's all I care. X)" Pincher says, "London's burned down how many times and is still London? :)" Blurr says, "I'm good with either Iacon or New Iacon." Andi Lassiter hmphs at Fusillade. "Not if you let us rename NCC as 'kick me'. :) Marissa Faireborn says, "Or San Francisco." Repugnus says, "A lot of the old cities were just confusing mazes. Anyway, New Iacon, Iacon, whichever." Repugnus notes New London is probably a small town in America Sky Lynx says, "Neo Iacon!" Marissa Faireborn says, "New Iacon isn't really objectionable, I just don't think there's a good reason for it." Sky Lynx is totally not serious Fortress Maximus says, "Initially my idea of Iacon was to basic expand upon it from just a simple military base to what it was represented in all the other canon materials. A true city state. I took a page from Nightsiege's concept. Basically a city grid, and a military base with all the usual stuff that we'd find in there." Marissa Faireborn says, "By now every city on Cybertron should be New Something, if we go that route. ;)" You say, "So we're agreed on the layout, I'll see if Reddo has a more detailed outline with the fluff rooms laid out. I've got a couple of topics under this to discuss, first being Omega Supreme. More than a couple of players have suggested it's really a let down to have the Autobot's biggest hitter as a big sulking titan chilling in Crystal City. I agree on this point, and think it'd be cool to have Omega's residence set up in the city-center of Iacon." Ultra Magnus says, "Agreed, I like that move." Marissa Faireborn says, "I like the idea of a city grid outside of Redshift's core base concept, but I don't think the big city grids get used very much. It doesn't hurt to have them as long as they don't get in the way of using the base." Marissa Faireborn says, "I also like that idea. Omega was made to guard things, he is wasted guarding an unused part of Cybertron." Pincher says, "Wouldn't be too hard to stat Omega as a TACS object that sits there and people can use via Control and repair with Constructicon. He had a base mode that smaller figures could man." Pincher says, "Er, Construction. Not Constructicon. Freudian slip." Fusillade says, "How open would people be for a +details system that blurts out another room's worth of information about specific sub-areas to players?" Fusillade says, "Instead of allowing more sprawl?" Pincher says, "A few of the older rooms in Polyhex have something similar." Marissa Faireborn says, "It's also very sensible from the Autobot perspective. Crystal City is of no value to anyone but its NPC residents. The Decepticons wouldn't attack it unless they just wanted to vandalize something. Iacon is full of Autobots and Autobot sympathiser civilians. That's a target that needs guarding." Whirl says, "I'm still not clear on how many civilians there are on Cybertron." Whirl says, "And what they do. :)" Marissa Faireborn says, "I would prefer that system to more rooms, but for newbies rooms are easier to see and maybe more evocative." Fusillade says, "like, 12." Pincher says, "Like, they'll be blah >statues<, and if you hit in 'statues', it gives you more info on the statues." Fortress Maximus says, "So when Redshift heard the idea he expanded on it and he said the exact same thing as you did, Marissa. (PS, I totally agree with Omega sitting in Iacon as well) Basically he suggested pulling out some of the rooms that we'd find in the Decagon (The Autobot military HQ in Iacon) and spread it across the NORTHERN quadrant of the city grid. So the spaceport would actually be where we would land, instead of having another room inside Decagon to confuse people. Iacon's hospital would actually be where we ship our wounded to and it'll be right next to the spaceport for ease of access. While fancier things like meeting rooms remains within the Decagon." Fusillade says, "Okay, maybe a couple hundred really." Fortress Maximus says, "So basically all the essential military stuff that we normally use are spread across to the north, so whenever in doubt, head north. That's his layout, and I think it's great. The fluff rooms on the south should be something you guys pitch in ideas about. Think. What kind of stuff would you like in your capital city? What stuff would you see yourself RPing in. I loved Blurr's idea of hidden rooms as well, so there might be some of those sprinkled around to reward people who explores. It might even become your personal hang out." You say, "So no one opposes Omega coming over to guard Iacon, cools. Every base usually has some worthless fluff that gets little use, but sets it apart from the others. What are some cool features you guys would like to see in Iacon?" Marissa Faireborn says, "I love Omega Supreme. I would like to see him more often as a plot device." Pincher says, "There was a random obstacle course in the US Headmasters. I suppose we could have an obstacle course as a Fluff room. People could use it for casual training scenes." Marissa Faireborn says, "Even if it's just as an excuse for why the Decepticons don't demolish Iacon again." Andi Lassiter says, "I'd like to see an at least semi-permanent EDC establishment in Iacon." Sky Lynx says, "An EDC/Earth embassy would be a good idea" Marissa Faireborn says, "I agree with Andi, it would be good to have an embassy room where the different allied alien races can have their embassy objects." Fortress Maximus writes down these ideas. Marissa Faireborn says, "Since the Autobots are diplomatic and friendly." Marissa Faireborn says, "Or just make one for us since we are about the only allied aliens going, unless you count the Junkions. ;)" Andi Lassiter nods. "That way Andi doesn't ICly have bring camping gear and canned food every time she comes to help with repair stuff on Cybertron. Sit-Com nods. Ultra Magnus says, "embassy objects would require the 'military' parts of Iacon to be the only areas flagged to require bot/ally flags to enter or we're going to have people locked out of their areas within the city" You say, "So Training Course, with like different stat checks?" Pincher says, "I'm not sure it would /need/ to be coded, but code might be fun, if it isn't too difficult. Was just an idea, if people would actually use it." Fusillade says, "It can be done as a single-night RP event. :)" Pincher says, "Yeah. There is also that." Fusillade says, "An object may be friendlier to people who may not be as comfortable suggesting numbers to +roll against for stat checks." You say, "The only idea I had was a racing track, located in the civie area of the city. More for occasional race between two speedy cars, like Blurr and Bee.. or host to an actual competition with alien racers and the like, to draw monies for the Autobot war effort." Pincher says, "A race track might be cool, too, and would be a nice nod to the fact that most Autobots /are/ cars." Blurr says, "Mmmmmm, charity event..." Whirl would like to see a giant gerbil tunnel-like transport system for cars. ;) Sky Lynx says, "That's why I like the idea of the techno-highways from WfC too, Pincher" Sky Lynx says, "Even if just as scenery" Whirl says, "Maybe also as one or two extra 'highway' rooms?" Whirl says, "Since we're talking about fluff that's likely to rarely get used." Marissa Faireborn says, "I'd like to see a gerbil tunnel system that is also a highway, as in War for Cybertron." Marissa Faireborn says, "The highway exits could link more remote and inconvenient parts of the city." You say, "There are other rooms I think that could take the place of fluff that isn't used, as opposed to highway rooms. Like a post office, entertainment sector, public speaking forum, etc." Sky Lynx says, "The highways could just in descs. As a reminder that most of the people using the city ARE cars." Fortress Maximus says, "Well you guys can get a glimpse of what the @descs for a few rooms are like right now" Fortress Maximus says, "" Pincher says, "A lot of the time, alternate modes are kind of pointless, so, yeah, highways, even as one-word blurbs, would be neat." Rodimus Prime nods. "And that's all I have for Iacon, before I move onto my last topic I wanted to touch on.. is there anything else about Iacon people would like to discuss?" Pincher says, "...which reminds me, the guest barracks /could/ be described as being like those crazy stacking parking garages. You get put in a crate and moved somewhere by a robotic crane." Sky Lynx says, "... lol" You say, "...for some reason, I like that idea." Andi Lassiter has! Andi Lassiter says, "That would be hysterical. Especially if a human vehicle gets put in one of those crates. Hee!" You say, "Okay, moving on." You say, "My last topic is our ranking system, +roster and the like. I really want to shake it down, make some changes, and compress the ranking system we have in place right now. What I'd like to do is put the CoC ranking bots other than myself and Magnus in their respective divisions, as directors. Prime would be 8, Magnus 7, CoC Directors 6, Div COs 5, and so forth." Sky Lynx says, "While I see nothing wrong with this, I'm curious as to why." Sky Lynx says, "But I imagine we all are." Marissa Faireborn says, "Do you really need that many? What are the four ranks below the division lieutenants?" Blurr says, "Technically, 8 is supposed to be 'command' level. It got changed because (1) I liked the idea of having the division XOs and above on the Autobot CoC channel and (2) we had a bit of a silly night on CoC-A." Marissa Faireborn says, "Let's put it this way, if the Autobots were Marines, there would be no one of higher rank than Lieutenant." Marissa Faireborn says, "There are not enough Autobots to form a single platoon." You say, "My hope is that it gives you Autobots one more immediate boss to look to for orders, and clear up space in the command roster. Really, I'm only keen on the idea of Magnus and Prime above the divisions. Hrm Marissa, lemme see: 1-Grunt, 2-Squad Leader, 3-Specialist, 4-XO. Also, the Autobots aren't Marines." Marissa Faireborn says, "I think both the Autobots and Decepticons suffer from a tremendous excess of unnecessary ranks which just end up being used as alternate medals." Pincher says, "No one actually RPs in platoons, though. You don't have a 'squad'. You have 'whoever wants to be IC today'." Marissa Faireborn says, "Right, that makes it functionally even less than a platoon." You say, "And I'm not saying you were wrong to do so, Blurr. Just where I'm at, how I feel, I think some compression would do well for the divisions." Blurr says, "There's also the fact that if you ever lower anyone's rank for any reason, it tends to kick up an OOC fuss that is frankly not worth the headache." Marissa Faireborn says, "Let's say that I'm Sideswipe and I'm a grunt, rank 1. Whoever leads me and X other grunts is rank 2, the grunt-leader. Corporal, whatever you want to call them." Marissa Faireborn says, "Then whoever leads N grunt-leaders and their respective teams of grunts is Rank 3, let's call him Sarge." Pincher says, "Thing is, Autobots are never shown to operate like a real world military the way you're talking." Marissa Faireborn says, "This is never going to get up to 8. That would be hundreds of grunts. There's always a big empty space in the middle which only gets used for players to fight over pointlessly." Marissa Faireborn says, "That's true, Autobots are actually even less rank-oriented and may not even have that many ranks per group." Marissa Faireborn says, "Based on the canon, there are argubaly three ranks in the Autobots." Marissa Faireborn says, "1: everyone; 2: Prime's inner circle; 3: Prime" Pincher says, "They do seem to be more organised than /that/." Sky Lynx says, "Too few is almost as bad as too many in a mush setting though" Galvatron says, "What's the rank to get on the CoC channel again?" Pincher says, "5." Blurr says, "I think it's 5." Galvatron says, "What do you think of consolidating the CoCA and CoC-D into CoC for better scene coordination?" Marissa Faireborn says, "There might be a 4th rank which is the particular second-in-command, in our case Magnus." Marissa Faireborn says, "Under Optimus it would've been either Jazz or Prowl." Blurr says, "And I don't know about currently, but I have found CoC-A to be a useful tool. But the problem is, I don't think anyone left on the MUSH knows how to do rank-based locks for channels." Pincher says, "I think people like some seperation, even OOCly." Galvatron says, "Is that wise?" Marissa Faireborn says, "I think people like to fight over some separation." You say, "Okay, so in your example.. where does Ironhide fit? He was certainly not innermost command, but still respected more gall than a run of the mill soldier." Marissa Faireborn says, "And then freak out if that separation ever changes." Marissa Faireborn says, "Ironhide is rank 2, a close friend of Prime. He has his ear. He's no Huffer." Blurr says, "Galvatron, is what wise?" Galvatron says, "To foster a sense of OOC segregation?" Marissa Faireborn says, "If Prime picks a team and Ironhide is in it but Prowl is not, Ironhide is likely to lead it." Galvatron isn't bein' smart, it's a sincere question. Blurr says, "Oh, I know, I just wanted a clarification." Pincher checks something. "If you want XOs at rank 4 to have CoC-A access, I'm pretty sure that can be done. (Same goes for CoC-D, Galvatron.) Blurr says, "Ah, cool." You say, "So, back to topic. Rank compression, any Autobots against it? I don't think anyone really stands to lose 'rank', because it's being compressed.. everyone is being reduced to make the scale smaller." Galvatron says, "Nah, I like not having a CoC-D, it's why everyone was demoted under 5." Pincher says, "Fair enough!" Galvatron says, "So me and Cyc can have a private TS channel." Foxfire !!! Pincher says, "Too much information." Sky Lynx facepaws Foxfire inches away from Galv. D: Blurr isn't against it. "Like I said, part of the reasons for it were kind of silly, anyway, and the other part can apparently be corrected." Galvatron says, "But in all seriousness, I'm big on egalitariansim and I want Shox, Soundwave, and Scorp mingling with other cons on O-D." Galvatron fixes. Now everyone, including Cyc, is under 5. You say, "And that's all from me, really. If anyone wants to bring up a new topic of discussion in free-form (not me regulating topic), feel free. Or just chatter. :)" Fortress Maximus says, "Well let's talk more further about merging COC-A and COC-D together. I see the potential with having the people who are largely tasked with keeping their respective faction running being able to communicate with each other. Can anyone else see any pros and cons to this one?" You say, "Thank you all for coming to my first (hopefully not the last) OOC Autobot Meeting!!"
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