| - Usually used to take down an enemies health quickly, the Cavalry unit can be used any number of ways ranging from main battlefield support, to assaulting archers to keep them off of you, to quickly scouting an area. Cavalry should avoid Spearmen, and Axemen at all times as they are extremely vulnerable to their attacks. One volley of axes, or one wall of spears is more than enough to obliterate a cavalry troop.
- The Cavalry unit is the 'middle' unit of Risk, representing 5 army. They are soldiers on horse-back.
- The word "cavalry" refers to two distinctive species of homosapiens - one fictitious and the other real.
- When in human form, Cavalry is susceptible to all human limitations and vulnerabilities.
- A Cavalry is a fast attack unit available in several Civ games.
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- Cavalry are mounted troops, so a Stable is required before any cavalry units are available. Cavalry units are generally faster than Infantry, though a combined force moves at the speed of the slowest unit. They also tend to be more expensive in research, training and upkeep, though they also tend to be more powerful.
- Some cavalry rules. In general cavalry should be hard to transport.
* Attack 2, Defend 1, Move 2, Cost 4
* Attack 1, Defend 1, Move 2
* Attack 1, Defend 0, Move 2
- The Cavalry units are: Scouts, Light Cavalry, Mounted Archers and Heavy Cavalry. They are called like that because they use horses to travel so "cavalry".
- Cavalry refers to a variery of mounted troops. From the Classical to Enlightenment Age, cavalry serve anti-personnel role, causing heavy damage to foot soldiers. There are three types of cavalry: light, heavy, and ranged. All cavalry are trained at the stable.
- Cavalry are units which usually have the Trample ability, which lets them deal double damage to Archers. However, Cavalry are themselves vulnerable to Infantry which have the Pikeman ability. One of the more popular decks utilizes the Human Hero Arlen, Silver Knight to boost Cavalry attack, and Anglor Warsmiths to increase their health. Archers are not available to the Demon or Orc factions, although Hired Bandits can be used in Demon or Orc squads.
- The cavalry (from the French cavalerie) is the second oldest of the Combat Arms, and as soldiers or warriors who fought mounted on horseback in combat, it represents the mobility and offensive power of the armed forces. A soldier in the cavalry is known as a cavalryman. The designation was not usually extended to any military force that used other animals, such as camels or mules.
- Kimabusha, the cavalry, were some the most formidable units found in Rokugani armies, and would normally be comprised of select, highly trained, samurai.
- Cavalry is a self-buffing arte that prevents the user from staggering for a short duration of time. In Tales of the Abyss, this arte is also able to recover a small amount of HP if it is equipped with a "Grass Chamber". When used in a Fire or Light FOF Circle, it becomes Phalanx, which provides the same effect but for a longer duration. In the PlayStation 3 version of Tales of Vesperia, the "Athenor" skill can alter this arte into Amenes Sorbe, which instead of preventing stagger, negates the damage from elemental attacks. In Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2, this arte becomes a skill that applies the same buff to Rowen J. Ilbert's "Taunt" action.
- Unlike the other divisions of the Guardian Corps, the Cavalry isn't stationed in any one location, instead patrolling the skies of Cocoon on their airship, the Lindblum. Their usual work is disposing of the monsters roaming the uninhabited areas of the outer rim of Cocoon and other disturbances.
- Cavalry in this type of game is split into three different sections, ranged cavalry, hand cavalry and siege cavalry. All types of cavalry (except for ranged cavalry) in Age of Empires can built at the stable from the Bronze Age onward.
- Cavalry was a type of military unit where the soldiers usually travelled and fought on horses. Cavalry units had the speed and mobility to attack enemy troops behind the lines and avoid capture in a tactic known as cavalry raid. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach") The Colt .45 was a cavalry pistol invented by Colt Firearms in 1873. (TNG: "Time's Arrow" ) The US 7th Cavalry Regiment was a cavalry unit of the United States Army. (TNG: "The Defector" )
- Special weapons were designed for use on horseback, such as the lance, composite bow, saber, and carbine. Defense against cavalry required engagement in poor terrain to negate the horse's speed, archers able to attack from a distance, or highly disciplined ranks of pikemen trained to withstand the terrifying impact of cavalry charges.
- Cavalry is a mounted unit product in stable and archery range(mounted archer). They are stronger, faster, more durable than infantry, but they are expensive and cost 2 pop cap. Most of cavalry are melee, but there are ranged, such as Gun Cavalry, Persian Cavalry and Mounted archer(produced at archery range). There are two special cavalry : War Elephant(Produced at Stable) and Elephant Archer(Produced at Archery Range). They were built from Copper Age until Industrial Age. This is the type of Cavalry: Shock Cavalry Pierce Cavalry Ranged Cavalry Ranged Cavalry were divided into two Mounted archer
- Cavalry is a small, developing, and young nation at 25 days old with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Sikhism. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens enjoy freedom from high taxation and as a result tend to earn more money. The citizens of Cavalry work diligently to produce Silver and Marble as tradable resources for their nation. It is an aggressive country that some say has an itch for war. When it comes to nuclear weapons Cavalry will not research or develop nuclear weapons. Plans are on the way within Cavalry to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Cavalry allows its citizens to protest their government but uses
- Cavalry is a type of consisting of mounted soldiers organized for scouting, flanking and/or shock assaults. Cavalry is most commonly equipped with horses and are organized into troops of fifty cavalrymen led by a lieutenant. Ten troops are organized as a squadron under the command of a captain. Three squadrons under the command of a Banner-General form a Banner of Horse. Generally, Legions combine cavalry (horse) and infantry (foot) Banners; "pure" cavalry legions (and higher formations) are almost unheard of. Cavalrymen are often contemptuous of infantry or foot soldiers.
- The designation of cavalry was not usually given to any military force that used other animals, such as camels or mules. Infantry who moved on horseback, but dismounted to fight on foot, were known in the 17th and early 18th centuries as dragoons, a class of mounted infantry which later evolved into cavalry proper while retaining their historic title. From earliest times cavalry had the advantage of improved mobility, making it an