| - In the drawing room, Gerard is playing chess when Gabriel sneaks in on foot through the secret panel. He creeps up behind Gerard and punches him in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Quickly, he pulls out a rope and starts to strangle him. Leticia walks into the drawing room, forcing Gabriel to escape through the window. Gerard slowly regains consciousness, but has no idea who attacked him. They notice the door to the secret panel is open, and together they enter the secret passage. Meanwhile, Gerard shows up at the jail and Quentin tells him he has a lot of explaining to do.
- Ingo kann sich nicht von Annette trennen - zu sehr liebt er seine Frau. Doch als Annette wissen will, wie es weiter geht und Ingo dazu steht, wenn Tom der Vater ihres Kindes ist, flüchtet Ingo überfordert. Er muss nachdenken. Als er Annette schließlich mit dem Entschluss überrascht, dass Kind akzeptieren zu wollen, ganz egal, wer der Vater ist - platzt Tom ins Geschehen. Schafft er es, die beiden davon zu überzeugen, dass zwischen ihm und Annette in Wirklichkeit nie etwas gelaufen ist? Richard organisiert für die überglückliche Claudia eine Verlobungsfeier. Claudia lässt es sich nicht nehmen, auch Simone einzuladen, die jedoch zunächst ablehnt. Doch als Simone wieder einmal alleine in der Villa sitzt, ändert sie ihre Meinung und überrascht Richard und Claudia mit ihrem Erscheinen. Claudias
| - Ingo kann sich nicht von Annette trennen - zu sehr liebt er seine Frau. Doch als Annette wissen will, wie es weiter geht und Ingo dazu steht, wenn Tom der Vater ihres Kindes ist, flüchtet Ingo überfordert. Er muss nachdenken. Als er Annette schließlich mit dem Entschluss überrascht, dass Kind akzeptieren zu wollen, ganz egal, wer der Vater ist - platzt Tom ins Geschehen. Schafft er es, die beiden davon zu überzeugen, dass zwischen ihm und Annette in Wirklichkeit nie etwas gelaufen ist? Richard organisiert für die überglückliche Claudia eine Verlobungsfeier. Claudia lässt es sich nicht nehmen, auch Simone einzuladen, die jedoch zunächst ablehnt. Doch als Simone wieder einmal alleine in der Villa sitzt, ändert sie ihre Meinung und überrascht Richard und Claudia mit ihrem Erscheinen. Claudias Eifersucht wird geweckt. Als Florian von Lena massiert wird, bekommt er eine Erektion. Er bleibt in der peinlichen Situation bemüht cool, aber auch als Lena den Vorfall überspielt, bleibt er angespannt. Warum ist das passiert? Er hat doch Franziska und ist glücklich mit ihr. Aber trotzdem: Seine Blicke wandern erneut zu Lena.
- In the drawing room, Gerard is playing chess when Gabriel sneaks in on foot through the secret panel. He creeps up behind Gerard and punches him in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Quickly, he pulls out a rope and starts to strangle him. Leticia walks into the drawing room, forcing Gabriel to escape through the window. Gerard slowly regains consciousness, but has no idea who attacked him. They notice the door to the secret panel is open, and together they enter the secret passage. Later, Carrie walks downstairs as Gabriel, back in his wheelchair, enters the foyer. Carrie notices mud on Gabriel's shoes, arousing her suspicions. Gabriel says he was struggling to get into a carriage earlier, and Carrie appears to believe him. Gabriel enters the drawing room as Gerard and Leticia exit the secret passage. Leticia explains that there is a murderer somewhere in the house, but Gabriel seems to be uninterested as he and Gerard exchange words. Gabriel eavesdrops on Gerard and Leticia after he leaves, and Leticia informs Gerard that Quentin has asked to see him at the jail. Gabriel goes to the jail and tells Quentin he doesn't trust Gerard and believes he is behind all of the wrongdoings at Collinwood. Quentin says he needs time to process his thoughts. Back at Collinwood, Daphne walks in on Carrie in the drawing room, drawing a picture of Jeremy. Carrie is embarrassed, not only because she likes Jeremy, but because of his father and his hatred of the Collins family. The two wonder what will happen to Quentin. Meanwhile, Gerard shows up at the jail and Quentin tells him he has a lot of explaining to do. Quentin is suspicious of the fact that Charles is the one prosecuting him, but Gerard lies and says he has cut off all ties with Charles. Gerard surmises that Charles perhaps just wants to make a name for himself, but Quentin still has his doubts, especially considering that Barnabas and Desmond are very much against Gerard. Gerard changes the subject and tells Quentin someone attacked him the drawing room the previous night, and Gerard thinks whoever did it also wants Quentin to be found guilty. Quentin also learns that Daphne is still receiving letters from Joanna; Gerard vows to put an end to it once and for all. At Collinwood, Daphne enters the foyer and smells Joanna's perfume; she hears the piano being placed from the drawing room, but finds it is just Leticia and Carrie playing. Carrie leaves and Daphne asks Leticia to use her second sight to help her. After initially not feeling any presence, Leticia begins to feel an evil force, not knowing that Gerard has just entered the house. A suspicious Gerard walks in on Daphne and Leticia, and Leticia asks who Joanna is. Daphne abruptly leaves, but finds a letter from Joanna in the foyer that says she will return tonight, and she "will succeed." Leticia is confused, but offers Daphne refuge at Rose Cottage. Gerard wonders if someone is in contact with Joanna and tipping her off. In the middle of the night, a hooded figure enters Daphne's bedroom and raises a knife. As the figure is about to lower the knife, Gerard emerges from under the covers and stops it.