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- |- |Ofisiel quest beskrivelse: |- |Publiseringsdato: 01.09.2012 |- |Start: Cook i Lumbridge Castle Kitchen |- |Difficulty: Lett som bare det! |- |Lengde: Veldig lang. |- |Member: Nei |- |Krav: Å kunne melke en over prisa ku som har bra melk, plukke et super stort egg og lage eksta fin flour. |- |Ting som trengs: 1 pot, 1 Bucket og 20000 coins. |- |Monstere å bekjempe:ingen, haha! heldige deg! |}
- Cook's Assistant er den ældste quest i Runescape, og for det meste en af de første en spiller klarer, da den kan klares helt uden at forlade Lumbridge.
- left Praat met de kok ("cook") in de keuken van Lumbridge Castle. De hertog van Lumbridge is jarig maar de kok is vergeten de ingrediënten te halen. Hij zal je vragen om te helpen met het halen van de ingrediënten. Zeg dat je wel wilt helpen. Neem de pot mee die op tafel staat en ga de ladder af naar de kelder om de emmer te pakken. Deze spullen heb je nodig voor de flour en de milk.
- To obtain milk, you simply have to use a bucket on a Cow. A bucket item spawn point can be found inside the chicken farm across the river north-west of Lumbridge, or you can simply purchase one from the General Store north of the castle. Cows can be found by following the path that leads north-west out of Lumbridge.
- This quest was one of the six available during RuneScape's launch, and was originally developed by Paul Gower. It has since gone through a rework and another improvement which introduced different ingredients and additional rewards.
- leftTehtävä aloitetaan Lumbridgen linnan keittiöstä. Kokki kertoo sinulle, että Duke Horacion syntymäpäivä on pian, ja kokin pitäisi tehdä kakku Dukelle. Kuitenkaan kokilla ei ole tarvittavia aineksia, ja antaa sinulle tehtäväksi hakea korkean laadun maitoa, todella valtava muna ja todella hienoa jauhoa.
- Description: The Lumbridge Castle cook is in a mess. It is the Duke of Lumbridge's birthday and the cook is making the cake. He needs a lot of ingredients and doesn't have much time. Start: Go to Lumbridge Castle's kitchen on the east side of the 1st floor. Talk to the cook and tell him you will get the ingredients for him. Difficulty: Very easy Length: Short Requirements: None
- Cook's Assistant is the first RuneScape quest ever released. In the quest, players must obtain a bucket of top-quality milk, a super large egg, and a pot of extra fine flour. They need to give the items to the cook, who requires the ingredients to make a birthday cake for Duke Horacio. This quest was one of the six available during RuneScape's launch, and was originally developed by Paul Gower. It has since gone through a rework and another improvement which introduced different ingredients and additional rewards.
- Aby rozpocząć quest porozmawiaj z kucharzem w zamku Lumbridge Castle. Dowiesz się że szykuje on tort urodzinowy dla Diuka, ale zapomniał kupić odpowiednie składniki. Kucharz prosi cię o przyniesienie:
* Garnka mąki
* Jednego jajka
* Wiadra mleka. Wszystkie składniki możesz kupić (np. na Grand Exchange), jednak łatwiej zdobyć składniki samemu. Przed udaniem się po nie weź z kuchni garnek na mąkę. Zejdź też do piwnicy (przez klapę w kuchennej podłodze) i weź wiadro na mleko.
- To begin the quest, talk to the cook in the Lumbridge Castle's kitchen, which is on the ground floor[U.K. floor]. He tells you that it is Duke Horacio's birthday, and he is supposed to prepare a cake for the celebration, but he has forgotten to bring some of the ingredients required for the cake. Thus, he requires you to bring him a bucket of milk, an egg, and a pot of flour. Note: A pot is found on the kitchen table, and a bucket is down in the cellar on a table.
- To begin this quest talk to the Cook (Lumbridge) in the kitchen of Lumbridge Castle's first floor. He will tell the player that he needs ingredients to make a cake for Duke Horacio. He wants the player to retrieve flour, milk, and finally an egg and to bring those items back to him. Before you head off to collect the ingredients, you may need to obtain an empty pot from the table closest to the cook in his kitchen or buy it from the lumbridge general store. This is especially suggested if you plan on making your own flour.
- Det var en av de sex quester tillgängliga under lanseringen av RuneScape. Även Jagex nämnde i mars 2006 nummer av Postbag from the Hedge att Cook's Assistant var den första quest som de började utveckla.
- Cook's Assistant yra užduotis, kurią dauguma žaidėjų padaro pirmą.Tai labai lengva užduotis- visus daiktus, kurių jai reikia, galima gauti ją darant.Tai pirmoji išleista RuneScape užduotis. Ją reikia pradėti Lumbridžo pilies virtuvėje kalbant su kepėju.Jis tavęs paprašo gauti tris indigrientus tortui- super didelį kiaušinį, specialių miltų ir didelės kvalifikacijos pieno.Kiaušinį galima rasti daugumoje Lumbridžo vištidžių.Miltus galima pasigaminti Lumbridžo malūne.Miltams reikia kviečių ir tuščio puodo.Juos reikia gaminti taip: Pakalbėti su žmogumi malūne, užlipti į trečią aukštą, įdėti kviečių (gana vienų),paspausti svirtį,nulipti žemyn ir paimti miltus. Pieno galima rasti didžiausioje karvių ganykloje Lumbridže (prie Al Karido). Reikia pakalbėti su melžėja ir paimti kibirą. Melžti reikia
- Готвачът ще ви каже, че се нуждае от продукти, за да направи торта. Той ще поиска да му доставите брашно, мляко и едно яйце. Преди да тръгнете да събирате продуктите, вземете празното гърне от масата ако искате сами да направите брашното. Яйцето: Яйцата могат да се намерят във фермите за пилета. Най-близката ферма е североизточно от Лъмбридж. Има и други ферми, но пренасянето ще отнеме много време. Щом като съберете и трите продукта, може да се върнете при готвача. С това задачата приключва.
- COOK ASSISTANT vaadittavat guestit: ei tarvitse. tarvittavat tavarat:empty bucket empty pot vaadittavat taoidot: ei tarvitse vaadittavat guest pisteet: ei tarvitse mene lumbridgen linnaan puumaan cokille hän kertoo että hän tarvitsee kakun linnan juhlia varten. hän kertoo että sinun pitää hakea maitoa kananmunan ja jauhoja.