| - Repair: 2 Made in the form of a large and exceptionally beautiful orichalcum and blue jade pectoral, this item looks exceedingly striking and has a similar effect upon the wearer’s voice. The owner must commit two motes to use this item. When the wearer then spends two additional motes of Essence, this artifact amplifi es his voice for the next scene, allowing him to be clearly heard up to 100 yards away. In addition, the item uses currents of Essence to modulate the wearer’s voice and alters it to specifi cally enhance public speaking. This item can make almost anyone into a gifted public speaker and can transform an already talented orator into an absolute master of verbal communication. The pectoral adds four dice to all rolls to make speeches or verbal performances (including singing and storytelling) to audiences of more than three people. This device’s greatest power, however, is its ability to affect all sound within 100 yards. If the wearer spends five motes, this item damps out and interferes with all other sounds so that everyone within 100 yards can hear the wearer perfectly. This effect also prevents listeners within 100 yards from hearing other speakers who are more than five yards away, unless those other speakers are using Charms or a similar artifact to enhance their speech. In addition, the pectoral glows with a bright and wondrously enticing light that adds two additional dice to Presence rolls made for the wearer for the next scene. Within 100 yards of the wearer, his voice is the loudest sound, even if he is speaking in the midst of a pitched battle. Anyone within this area who does not stop up her ears cannot avoid listening to the wearer. When the pectoral is used in this fashion, people within 200 yards can still hear the wearer, but loud noises can easily drown out his voice, and at this range, avoiding listening to him is quite easy.