Shikisoku Zekuu is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Wanderer, and Endless Journey in the End of Time. The story is set in ancient Japan in the middle of the Heian era where the existance of youkai had began to be forgotten as humans continue their lives not knowing what will come next. The story is about a young travelling onmyoji who believes that the youkai will once again return to people's lives and live in harmony with humans.
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| - Shikisoku Zekuu is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Wanderer, and Endless Journey in the End of Time. The story is set in ancient Japan in the middle of the Heian era where the existance of youkai had began to be forgotten as humans continue their lives not knowing what will come next. The story is about a young travelling onmyoji who believes that the youkai will once again return to people's lives and live in harmony with humans.
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jutsu type
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debut shippuden
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literal english
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jutsu classification
| - Hiden, Kenjutsu, Chakra Absorption Technique,
unnamed jutsu
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jutsu range
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Novel Debut
| - Hojo, Sargon's Greatest General
english tv
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jutsu class type
| - Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
jutsu media
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| - Shikisoku Zekuu is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Musou Yami, Wanderer, and Endless Journey in the End of Time. The story is set in ancient Japan in the middle of the Heian era where the existance of youkai had began to be forgotten as humans continue their lives not knowing what will come next. The story is about a young travelling onmyoji who believes that the youkai will once again return to people's lives and live in harmony with humans.