The Lion King is a video game based on Disney's popular animated film. The title was published by Virgin Interactive in 1994, and was released on SNES, NES, Game Boy, PC, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Amiga, Master System and Game Gear. The NES and Master System versions of the game were never released in North America. like the movie the game was based upon, the story of the game follows Simba's journey from a young carefree cub to the battle with his uncle Scar as an adult.
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| - The Lion King (video game)
| - The Lion King is a video game based on Disney's popular animated film. The title was published by Virgin Interactive in 1994, and was released on SNES, NES, Game Boy, PC, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Amiga, Master System and Game Gear. The NES and Master System versions of the game were never released in North America. like the movie the game was based upon, the story of the game follows Simba's journey from a young carefree cub to the battle with his uncle Scar as an adult.
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| - PC
- Sega Genesis
- Amiga
- Game Boy
- Game Gear
- Super NES
- Sega Master System
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| - The Lion King is a video game based on Disney's popular animated film. The title was published by Virgin Interactive in 1994, and was released on SNES, NES, Game Boy, PC, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Amiga, Master System and Game Gear. The NES and Master System versions of the game were never released in North America. like the movie the game was based upon, the story of the game follows Simba's journey from a young carefree cub to the battle with his uncle Scar as an adult.