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Vican es un Le-Matoran del Continente Sur, que fue un Matoran de Sombras y un sirviente de Makuta Mutran.
Vican was a Le-Matoran who was transformed into a Shadow Matoran.
Vican is a Le-Matoran and the first Shadow Matoran to be created, although he was later cured.
Vican jest Le-Matoraninem oraz był pierwszym Matoraninem Cienia.
Vican on Toa Kraahkanien johtaja.
Vican was an actor who played the Slitheen. He made his debute appearence in the Sarah Jane Adventures in the Revenge of the Slitheen, following the 2005 Doctor Who episode, Aliens of London/World War 3 and Boomtown. He was for some reason cursed with a crude British accent which seemed to have come from nowhere as his parents were Vietnamese. Solek kept trying to get his autograph so he hired Homer Simpson to kill him but Homer had a heart attack stepping out of the front door.
Vican ist ein Le-Matoraner, der für eine kurze Zeit lang ein Matoraner des Schattens und Mutrans Diener war.
Vican ist ein Le-Matoraner, der für eine kurze Zeit lang ein Schatten-Matoraner und Mutrans Diener war.