| - [Source] Mustafar était une planète volcanique des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure, dans le système Mustafar.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Level-art.png Mustafar is a level.
- Mustafar Kategória:Planéty
- Mustafar is a planet in the Star Wars universe.
- A fiery volcanic world where lava was mined like a precious natural resource, Mustafar often served as a place to dispose of unwanted evidence, a quality which drew Black Sun to the planet. It also drew the Sith: it was on Mustafar that Darth Maul began his Sith training. Mustafar also served as the last capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and was the site of the Separatists' downfall, an event that shaped galactic history. In a duel that followed, Darth Vader fought his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and lost, as a result of which he was forced to wear dark armor for the rest of his life.
- Mustafar, to mała, wulkaniczna planeta na Zewnętrznych Rubieżach, w układzie Mustafar. Mustafar była jedną z baz Separatystów podczas Wojen Klonów. Darth Sidious polecił Nute Gunrayowi by ten wraz ze swoimi ludźmi ukrył się w bazie na planecie. Obiecał, że przyśle im swojego ucznia, który przez pewien czas będzie tam dowódcą. Było to kłamstwo. Uczeń Sidiousa przybył, lecz zamiast dowodzić zabił wszystkich, którzy znajdowali się w bazie. To właśnie tutaj odbył się pojedynek Obi-Wana Kenobiego i Anakina Skywalkera, który już całkowicie przeszedł na Ciemną Stronę Mocy.
- Mustafar - fikcyjna planeta z Gwiezdnych wojen. Planeta ta jest pokryta licznymi wulkanami i potokami lawy. Podczas wojen klonów znajdowała się tutaj baza przywódców separatystów. W roku 19 BBY na planecie tej miał miejsce pojedynek pomiędzy Darthem Vaderem a Obi-Wanem Kenobim, który zakończył się okaleczeniem Vadera.
- Mustafar var en lavaplanet i Yttre Randen. På planeten fanns det industrier som använde lava som en naturresur. Under klonkrigen var planeten kontrollerad av KSS och Teknoförbundet. KSS använde planeten som högkvarter tills 19 BBY, då KSS blev splittrat, när Darth Vader dödade Separatistrådet på order av Darth Sidious. thumb|left|260px|Typiskt landskap på Mustafar
- Mustafar (pronounced MUSTAFAR!!!!!) was a planet covered in tomato soup and pizza cheese lava, and home to the Mustafarians. The planet was in close proximity to Rastafar, where the Rastafarians were known to generally chillax. People often meet their demise here thanks to being melted by the lava. They usually state the obvious by saying they're melting too. Some whiny bastard met his doom on this planet. The burny-burny-oh-shit-my-legs-are-off kind of doom. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Mustafar is a young volcanic planet. Two different species are native to the small world, the Mustafarians and the Kubazians. Mustafar is caught between the gravitic forces of two gas giants, Lefrani and Jestefad, in the Outer Rim, causing massive volcanic disturbances. Return to the Location Database Return to the Main Page.
- Mustafar is a Volcanic World Based off The Star Wars Series. it Was Satan's Homeworld of Volcanic Area.
- thumb Mustafar este o planeta cu activitati vulcanice intense . In 19 IBY, Darth Vader inainte cunoscut ca Anakin Skywalker , a fost trimis de Palpatine sa-i ucida pe toti cei din Consiliul Separatist.Dupa ce i-a ucis , Darth Vader s-a duelat cu Obi-Wan Kenobi.Obi-Wan Kenobi l-a infrant si l-a lasat sa fie ucis de lava.Palpatine a reusit sa-l salveze dar a trebuit sa-i dea o armura ca sa mai poata trai.
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- Mustafar was the planet that Obi-wan fought Anakin and defeated him.
- The deadly world of Musafar is originally from the Star Wars galaxy. During it's time among the Multiversal core it rose to some importance before being consumed by the wormhole and fading to obscurity. It is an excellent source of minerals and the occasional mystic item. The Planet is currently held by the Lords of Midnight.
- Mustafar was een kleine planeet die te vinden was in het Mustafar System in de Outer Rim gebieden, tussen de Hydian Way en de Ninth Quadrant.
- Mustafar is also a main shipping port of Sos and Sas. The Sos there is incredibly addictive because of the Mustafar peppers in them. Darth Vader runs the Sos factory here. Teams like the Jedi Council, the Pokemon League and the Mane Six hav attempted to destroy it multiple times but have failed. They eventually gave up after Supreme Leader Snoke proclaimed the planet the new base for the First Order. Until he was brutally slaughtered by Jar Jar Binks
- Mustafar è un pianeta vulcanico, situato nell'Orlo Esterno della Galassia. Nel 19 BBY fu l'ultima sede del Consiglio Separatista e luogo prima della seconda missione di Darth Fener, che permise a Palpatine di decapitare il CSI e vincere le Guerre dei Cloni, e poi di un lungo duello con Obi-Wan Kenobi, che terminò con la sconfitta del Signore dei Sith.
- Mustafar er en planet i Star Wars-universet. Mustafar er kun med i Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith, af filmene. Planetens overflade er overvejende dækket af lava og klippe.
- Mustafar fue un pequeño planeta volcánico situado en el Sistema Mustafar, entre dos gigantes gaseosos en los Territorios del Borde Exterior, que estuvo aliado con la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes durante las Guerras Clon y más adelante fue tomado por el Imperio Galáctico después de que la Unión Tecnológica fuese nacionalizada al final del conflicto.
- Mustafar, introduced in the Trials of Obi-Wan expansion, is a world dominated by massive, fire-spewing volcanoes. It has a more traditional layout than Kashyyyk, although its map is somewhat smaller than the original planets. Also, unlike the other planets, a cutscene plays upon arriving to the planet, and the loading screen has a different format. Although there is much more exploratory freedom than Kashyyyk, there are still some areas that players cannot cross, such as the mountains in the northeast. Players can not place any type of structure on Mustafar.
- Kloonisotien aikana kreivi Dooku ja separatistineuvosto rakensivat Mustafariin massiivisen linnoituksen, mikäli Tasavalta voittaisi sodan ja separatistit tarvitsivat turvapaikkaa. Kauppaliitto, Kauppakilta ja Teknoliitto rahoittivat linnoituksen rakennustyöt. Linnoitus sijaitsi kalliolla kahden suuren laavavirran välissä, ja se suunniteltiin valloittamattomaksi. Separatistien suunnitelmien mukaan Mustafarin maasto estäisi vihollisarmeijoiden etenemisen, ja linnoitusta suojelivat voimakkaat suojakilvet. Sädekilpijärjestelmä suojeli linnoitusta tulivuorten purkauksilta, laavalta ja äärimmäiseltä kuumuudelta.
- Der Planet befindet sich zwischen den beiden Gasriesen Jestefad und Lefrani, in einer Position, in der er den Gravitationsfeldern beider Planeten ausgesetzt ist. Er ist Jestefad nahe genug, um in einen Orbit um den Planeten geraten zu können, die Anziehungskraft des weiter entfernten Lefrani verhindert dies aber. Das Wechselspiel dieser kosmischen Kräfte sorgt dafür, dass Mustafars Kern ständig erhitzt wird und erzeugen beeindruckende geologische Schauspiele mit bis zu 800 Grad heißer Lava. Mustafar ist mit großen Lavaseen und Vulkanen überzogen. Den Norden des Planeten bildet die vulkanische Ebene von Gorgoroth, eine kahle, unfruchtbare, mit Schlackenhügeln und Asche bedeckte Gegend. Im Süden des Planeten war die Wetterlage etwas milder.
- A Mustafar kisméretű bolygó volt a peremvidéki Mustafar-rendszerben. A Rutan közelében volt fellelhető és annak befolyása alatt állt, a Hydiai útvonal és a kilencedik kvadráns közt megbújva. A heves, vulkanikus bolygón láváját fontos ásványi anyagként bányászták. Felszínét a lávafolyamok salakja és vulkanikus kalderák ezrei borították, kénfelhős egét tűz és hamu telítette.
- Mustafar is a volcanic planet located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. It was owned by the Techno Union, who mined the planet's lava rivers for ores and metals. Mustafar is home to the native Mustafarians, who are one of the few species known to evolve on a planet with such harsh conditions. The reason Mustafar is so volcanic is because of the planets Jestefad and Lefrani: two gas giants whose gravities hold Mustafar in the center and cause the planet to erupte.
- Mustafar ist dem Süllemooon sein Sohn. Er ist auch Sohn von Agnieschka, wo seine Mutter ist. Mustafar war in Schule Beste von Klasse und er hatte nur den Einsen in Mathe. Auch in Sport war er derbst gut. Als den Mustafar wurde älter er hat sich 3er BMW gekauft und hat er den Darth Melanie kennengelernt. Ihn beide hatten 3 Kinder wo hiessen : Machmed, Machmud und Machmadenlichtaus. Mustafar sein Grab er ist in Garten wo er hat immer mit Hund von Süllemooon gespielen tut. Dem Mustafar seine bekannten Zitate: "Schöah wenn er nicht bald den Mund hält, er kassiert voll den Schelle von mir!"
- Mustafar ist dem Süllemooon sein Sohn. Er ist auch Sohn von Agnieschka, wo seine Mutter ist. Mustafar war in Schule Beste von Klasse und er hatte nur den Einsen in Mathe. Auch in Sport war er derbst gut. Als den Mustafar wurde älter er hat sich 3er BMW gekauft und hat er den Darth Melanie kennengelernt. Ihn beide hatten 3 Kinder wo hiessen : Machmed, Machmud und Machmadenlichtaus. Mustafar sein Grab er ist in Garten wo er hat immer mit Hund von Süllemooon gespielen tut. Dem Mustafar seine bekannten Zitate: "Schöah wenn er nicht bald den Mund hält, er kassiert voll den Schelle von mir!"
- Mustafar was a small planet located in the Outer Rim. The terrain was composed primarily of volcanoes and boiling lava rivers and fields, from which magma was harvested as a resource by the local miners. During the Clone Wars, the Techno Union established facilities on the surface to use the planet's rich but deadly resources to fuel the Separatist's war effort.
- Mustafar var dekket av hundrevis av vulkaner, som var under konstante utbrudd, og hadde mange lave-elver. Mustafar ble presset i en Gravitasjonskamp mellom Gassgigantene Jesfrad og Lefrani, som begge ville fange Mustafar som måne. Dette varmer opp Mustafars kjerne og skaper lava-terrenget. Planeten ble brukt til gruvevirksomhet av Separatistene, som også hadde sitt siste Hovedkvarteret sitt der. Selv om leveforholdene var vanskelige der, hadde det utviklet seg livsformer, kjent som Muastafariere, som bodde i de kjøligere områdene på planeten. De var delt inn i to underarter: De lange og slange Nord Mustafarierne og de kortere, hardførere Syd Mustafarierne. Techno Unionen fattet inntresse for den mineralrike planeten og ansatte Mustafarierne til å utvinne disse mineralene. De fikk beskyttel