| - They are said to lure men with their beautiful songs and then drown them. Other tales tell of them dancing men to the point of exhaustion and death. In the short story "A Grain of Truth" Geralt initially believes Vereena is a rusalka. Upon finally meeting her, he comments:
- In Slavic mythology, a rusalka (plural: rusalki) was a female ghost, water nymph, succubus or mermaid-like demon that lived in a waterway. According to most traditions, the rusalki were fish-women, who lived at the bottom of rivers. In the middle of the night, they would walk out to the bank and dance in meadows. If they saw handsome men, they would fascinate them with songs and dancing, mesmerize them, then lead the person away to the river floor to their death.
- Rusalka je říční obdoba dryády. Někdy se jim říká víly. Mívají dlouhé, většinou světlé vlasy, jež si zdobí věnečky z květin. Buď nosí jednoduché tenké košilky nebo jsou zcela nahé. Přestože obvykle mlčí, dokáží krásně zpívat. V noci vycházejí z vody a tančí při měsíčku. O rusalkách se povídá, že na svůj zpěv lákají muže a pak se topí. Jiné pověsti praví, že své mužské oběti utancují k smrti vyčerpáním. V povídce Zrnko pravdy si Geralt nejprve splete Vereenu a považuje ji za rusalku (ve skutečnosti to byla bruxa). Kategorie:Bestiář
- (Mashenka Medviedenko) was the water nymph of myth. Mashenka can control water or vapor in quantities up to her own body weight. She can draw upon the water in her own body at the risk of dehydrating herself and dehydrate other people. It is more difficult for her to manipulate frozen water than liquid or gas.
- Si dice che conducano gli uomini fuori strada, con le loro bellissime canzoni e poi li anneghino. Altri racconti dicono che danzino con loro fino all'esaurimento o alla morte. Nel racconto "Un briciolo di verità", Geralt inizialmente crede che Vereena sia una rusalka. Ma dopo averla finalmente conosciuta, dice queste parole:
- Rusalka is the Soul Healer in Anturoon Sentry Post.
- A rusalka was a female fey water spirit that lived in cold lakes, streams, and rivers. They were notorious for their song, which could lure mortals into their arms or into watery graves.
- A Rusalka is a being from Slavic mythology and folklore that is considered a water-demon that haunts waterways - according to most traditions the Rusalki were fish-women, who lived at the bottom of rivers. In the middle of the night, they would walk out to the bank and dance in meadows. If they saw handsome men, they would fascinate them with songs and dancing, mesmerize them, then lead the man away to the river floor to his death.
- Die USSR Rusalka ist das Prachtstück der russischen Marine, wurde 1865-67 in St. Petersburg gebaut und ankert thumb|Das Oberdeck der Rusalkain den Wässern vor Kuba im Golf von Mexiko. Sie ist 204 Meter lang, 42 Meter breit und hat eine erstaunliche Anzahl von Waffen zur Verteidigung. Das Schiff ist ein wichtiges Objekt in Call of Duty: Black Ops, vorallem in der Mission Projekt Nova, denn von ihm aus werden die Nummern gesendet, um Schläfer in den gesamten USA freizusetzen, die dann Nova 6 aktivieren.
- Rusalka je jedna od vodenih vila iz narodnih vjerovanja slovenskih naroda. Pogrešno se vjeruje da su rusalke nastale od utopljenih djevojaka. Po predanju, vječito su mlade i lijepe, sa dugim raspletenim riđim kosama spuštenim niz leđa. Ako bi neko čuo pjesmu rusalki, ili ako bi ih kako ugledao pri igri, namah bi onijemio. Rusalke takođe i primamljuju i dave ljude, kojima nisu baš naklonjene. Najjače sredstvo protiv rusalki je pelin, a koristan je i bijeli luk.
- Rusalkas are female water spirits of slavic folklore, similar to Naiads. They inhabit rivers and lakes and are not associated with the ocean. In some stories, they are said to be undead beings, the ghosts of girls who drowned or commited suicide by drowning due to having their hearts broken. Consequently, Rusalkas are often malevolent towards humans and will cause drownings, but are not necessarily of this disposition. While Rusalkas are associated with bodies of water in folklore, this is not exclusive - in Belarus, they were associated with forests and fields. Although associated with water and described as "fish women who live at the bottom of lakes", they show very little of acctual "fish" traits - they seem to have been imagined as handsome human females - with local variations, for e
- [[Bild:Rusalka.jpg|thumb|200px|Rusalka aus dem PnP RPG Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni Zeichnung von Jarosław Musiał]] Rusalkas oder "Nixen" sind Wasserwesen aus dem Pen-and-Paper RPG Wiedźmin: Gra Wyobraźni. Sie sind artverwandt mit den Dryaden und oftmals werden sie Vila genannt. Rusalkas leben in Flüssen und Seen. Sie haben langes Haar, das mit Blumenkränzen geschmückt ist. Meistens sind sie unbekleidet oder sie tragen lediglich weite fließende Gewänder. Rusalkas sind ruhige Geschöpfe, können aber wundervoll singen. Nachts steigen sie aus dem Wasser, um im Mondlicht zu tanzen. Es heißt, Männer werden von ihrem verführerischen Gesang angelockt und die Rusalkas ertränken sie dann. In anderen Erzählungen heißt es wieder, sie tanzen mit den Männern bis diese tot umfallen. Rusalka werden oft mit Bru