| - Kevin Earl Federline is Britney's 2nd ex-husband and Sean & Jayden's dad.
- Kevin Federline(原名 Kevin Earl Federline 1978年3月21日出生) 一般只稱呼 K-Fed K-Fed並不是摔角手,他是美國職業舞蹈員、模特兒、演員。但是他的名氣是因為他老婆,紅歌星 Britney Spears 而來,他和 Britney Spears 結婚後極速產子,讓 Britney Spears 被逼暫別樂壇,專心安胎。令 Britney Spears 歌迷極度不滿,原因是 K-Fed 成就平平,所以一直被視為靠老婆的軟飯王。
- Kevin Earl Federline (born March 21, 1978), is an American back-up stage dancer, model, actor, and rapper. Had a brief run on WWE wherein he challenged the other white poseur and promoted his awesome fucking album.
- He is seen in "Jungle Love", when Peter Griffin gets a job as his magic mirror, who helps him keep his douchebag look.
- Kevin Jesup Federline a God among mortals and known musical terrorist, is notable for accidentally knocking up Britney Spears, twice, and for being the most reviled individual in American society today. He is less known for his achievements in curing cancer, stopping WWIII, saving his toenail clippings inside his foreskin, giving Bill Clinton head, and being unsafe at any speed. He is the current holder of the Biggest Prick In The Universe title, previously held by Axl Rose.
| - Kevin Earl Federline is Britney's 2nd ex-husband and Sean & Jayden's dad.
- Kevin Federline(原名 Kevin Earl Federline 1978年3月21日出生) 一般只稱呼 K-Fed K-Fed並不是摔角手,他是美國職業舞蹈員、模特兒、演員。但是他的名氣是因為他老婆,紅歌星 Britney Spears 而來,他和 Britney Spears 結婚後極速產子,讓 Britney Spears 被逼暫別樂壇,專心安胎。令 Britney Spears 歌迷極度不滿,原因是 K-Fed 成就平平,所以一直被視為靠老婆的軟飯王。
- Kevin Earl Federline (born March 21, 1978), is an American back-up stage dancer, model, actor, and rapper. Had a brief run on WWE wherein he challenged the other white poseur and promoted his awesome fucking album.
- Kevin Jesup Federline a God among mortals and known musical terrorist, is notable for accidentally knocking up Britney Spears, twice, and for being the most reviled individual in American society today. He is less known for his achievements in curing cancer, stopping WWIII, saving his toenail clippings inside his foreskin, giving Bill Clinton head, and being unsafe at any speed. He is the current holder of the Biggest Prick In The Universe title, previously held by Axl Rose. Federline, or "Gay-Fed" as he is unaffectionately nicknamed by the creative members of Mensa International, was born in the bed of a Ford pickup during a tornado at an Oklahoma trailer park with Garth Brooks music on the stereo. Immediately following his birth, Federline's mother either committed suicide or was murdered by whoever it was that killed Kurt Cobain. Federline's childhood is unclear; he was raised by wolves or by adoptive white-trash parents, or possibly a combination of the two (the White Trash Wolf Theory of child rearing). By the age of 15 he was successfully illiterate; by 22 he was successfully a failure. For some reason, stupid women find Federline's brainless wigger persona irresistable. He was recently fired from McDonald's when caught trying to fornicate with a Big Mac. In public, Federline is often referred to as "Who are you and why are you here?" or "Who the fuck is this? Security!". He holds the distinction of destroying the illusion of Britney Spears' attractiveness. Federline owes at least $500,000 in back child support on his estimated 12.7 bastard children. He is wanted on one planet for public nudity. He is a frequent user of meth and drinks Red Bull and vodka with breakfast, which he eats at 5 in the afternoon. He has a well-known aversion to hygiene products of any kind. If you see him walking down the street, punch his teeth out for me. That fucker owes me money.
- He is seen in "Jungle Love", when Peter Griffin gets a job as his magic mirror, who helps him keep his douchebag look.