| - Lord Zedd był potężnym Cesarzem Zła, przez wielu uważanym za największego antagonistę w całym uniwersum Power Rangers. Funkcję głównego wroga pełnił przez dwa ostatnie sezony oryginalnej serii, choć pojawił się też w pozostałych sezonach Ery Zordona odgrywając rolę poboczną. Zedd był początkowo przełożonym Rity Odrazy, jednakże pod koniec drugiego sezonu zakochuje się w niej i bierze z nią ślub. Ma z nią syna - Thraxa. Po wydarzeniach serii w kosmosie zanika w nim zło i staje się człowiekiem.
- One of the Power Rangers' deadliest foes. Responsible for the destruction of the original Zords.
- Lord Zedd (simply known as Zedd) is the recurring antagonist in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers franchise, and the quaternary antagonist in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie. He is the main antagonist in Season 2 of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, one of the two main antagonists in Season 3 (alongside Master Vile), a major antagonist in Zeo, and a minor antagonist in In Space.
- Lord Zedd ist einer der größten Bösewichte bei den Power Rangers. Er wurde besonders durch die ersten Staffeln der Power Rangers bekannt und ist ein wiederkehrender Charakter in den Staffeln Power Rangers Zeo und Power Rangers in Space. Er wurde von Edwin Neal verkörpert und mit der Stimme von Robert Axelrod versorgt. Steven Blum lieh ihm im Videospiel Power Rangers: Super Legends seine Stimme und Tony Oliver synchronisierte ihn in Videospiel Power Rangers Super-Megaforce. Seit seinem Erscheinen wird Lord Zedd oft als größter Feind der Power Rangers bezeichnet.
- Lord Zedd is the self-entitled "Emperor of Evil" and one of the main villians of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as a recurring villain throughout Power Rangers Zeo and In Space. Contents [show] History Taking the Reins Lzedd Zedd's first appearance MajinAburaAdded by MajinAbura Lord Zedd came to Earth after hearing of Rita Repulsa's failure to defeat the Power Rangers. Finding this to be a disgrace, he imprisoned her inside her space dumpster, hurled her into space, and took over the job of destroying the Rangers himself. Zedd then used his powers to create the monster, Pirantishead, who defeated the Dinozords and assumed control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord. After the Rangers got their zords back under control, Zedd angrily opened a crevice in the Earth that sw
- "I am Lord Zedd, Emperor of all I seek!"Lord Zedd is the self proclaimed Emperor of Evil. He arrived on Earth to punish Rita Repulsa, disgusted with her failure in defeating the Power Rangers. Stripping Rita of her powers, he shrunk her and imprisoned her within another Space Dumpster, hurling her into the depth of space. He then mutated a piranha into the monstrous Pirantishead, who assumed command of the Tyrannosaurus and DragonZord. The Rangers barely survived the attack, but managed to regain control of their Zords. Furious, Lord Zedd opened a crevasse in the ground which swallowed all the Zords except for DragonZord. Despite the Rangers' receival of the Thunder Zords, Lord Zedd attacked again and again, each assault deadlier than the last. He swore to erase the Green Ranger forever, c
- Lord Zedd is a major from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series and recurring through Power Rangers Zeo and Power Rangers in Space. He was played by Edwin Neal, with Robert Axelrod supplying the voice. Steven Blum voiced him in the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends and Tony Oliver voiced him in the Power Rangers Super Megaforce video game. Since his appearance, Zedd is often considered the greatest Power Rangers villain of all time.