| - Pro Baby Jesus. The Pro-Life view holds that Abortion is the Murder of Babies. This is also known as the Correct View. It is held by all real Republicans and real Americans. Some say "moderate" Republicans don't actually support the murder of innocent babies. These are just Democrats in disguise. Bears, oddly enough, have been seen with Pro-Lifers growling at those entering abortion clinics. Be warned though, once you're out of the womb, you're fair game!
- Pro-Life is one of the Seven Pillars of Couples for Christ. To be pro-God, pro-family and pro-poor is to be pro-life. This pillar is about promoting the culture of life, very much under threat today by abortion, contraception, sterilization, capital punishment, euthanasia, assisted suicide, same sex marriage, cloning, population control. It defends the family as the basic unit of society. Further, to be pro-life is to look to living life to the fullest, according to God's intent. Our battle cry: LIVE LIFE!
- Pro-life is the name given to people or organizations who defend the fetal rights of the unborn child, and who oppose abortion. While "pro-abortion" seems to be an accurate term for fetal rights opponents who support taxpayer-funded abortion, pro-choice is the term that describes the feelings of the majority of liberals, and by which they would prefer to be called. The phrase "pro-life," especially in the Catholic Church, may include other issues relating to human life, such as euthanasia and the death penalty.
- This is a conservative stance on the issue of women's rights. Obviously, since it’s about the rights of women, the conservatives push for a restrictive solution. In this case, that solution is never to let the woman make any decisions about having babies other than whether or not to have sex in the first place. If she's married she's not even allowed to say no to her husband. They pretend that everyone who isn't evil will listen to them. They don't care if the woman in question is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, or financially capable of delivering and raising the child. In fact, the more extreme Pro life supporters actually sometimes force a woman who had been raped to carry her baby to term against her choice, or even to carry a fetus that will kill the mother if carried to
| - Pro-Life is one of the Seven Pillars of Couples for Christ. To be pro-God, pro-family and pro-poor is to be pro-life. This pillar is about promoting the culture of life, very much under threat today by abortion, contraception, sterilization, capital punishment, euthanasia, assisted suicide, same sex marriage, cloning, population control. It defends the family as the basic unit of society. Further, to be pro-life is to look to living life to the fullest, according to God's intent. Our battle cry: LIVE LIFE! From its very inception, Couples for Christ has been and staunchly remains pro-God, pro-family, pro-poor and pro-life. A strong pro-life stance is very much in line with CFC’s way of life as well as its work for total human liberation. In response to the encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II, The Gospel of Life, CFC established Pro-Life as a major ministry in order to raise consciousness among its members, as well as others, on the sacredness of life as a basic value rooted in the dignity of man. This is due to the imminent defeat of the "culture of life" by the "culture of death" as a consequence of the worldwide legalization of abortion, capital punishment and euthanasia as well as other anti-life practices. CFC’s pro-life stance is enveloped in its life and culture through the promotion of natural family planning, fertility awareness and human sexuality, chastity education, advocacy and lobbying for pro-life legislation, among others.
- Pro-life is the name given to people or organizations who defend the fetal rights of the unborn child, and who oppose abortion. While "pro-abortion" seems to be an accurate term for fetal rights opponents who support taxpayer-funded abortion, pro-choice is the term that describes the feelings of the majority of liberals, and by which they would prefer to be called. Due to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, the United States allows abortions at virtually any time in pregnancy. Many state governments even pay for abortions using taxpayer dollars, usually due to a court order rather than the will of the people. In American politics, the Republican and Constitution Parties are strongly opposed to abortion on a moral basis and believe it should be illegal. The Democratic Party supports abortion and opposes legal restrictions. Leaders in the Democratic Party, such as its presidential candidates, also support taxpayer-funded abortion. However some Democrats such as the Blue Dog Democrats often hold pro-life views, and some Republicans such as Rudy Giuliani hold pro-choice views. The phrase "pro-life," especially in the Catholic Church, may include other issues relating to human life, such as euthanasia and the death penalty.
- This is a conservative stance on the issue of women's rights. Obviously, since it’s about the rights of women, the conservatives push for a restrictive solution. In this case, that solution is never to let the woman make any decisions about having babies other than whether or not to have sex in the first place. If she's married she's not even allowed to say no to her husband. They pretend that everyone who isn't evil will listen to them. They don't care if the woman in question is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, or financially capable of delivering and raising the child. In fact, the more extreme Pro life supporters actually sometimes force a woman who had been raped to carry her baby to term against her choice, or even to carry a fetus that will kill the mother if carried to term (it is always lost on these people that in such cases the fetus will also die). It has been extended in definition by many organizations to include preventing the death penalty or abortion during any stage of pregnancy for any reason.
- Pro Baby Jesus. The Pro-Life view holds that Abortion is the Murder of Babies. This is also known as the Correct View. It is held by all real Republicans and real Americans. Some say "moderate" Republicans don't actually support the murder of innocent babies. These are just Democrats in disguise. Bears, oddly enough, have been seen with Pro-Lifers growling at those entering abortion clinics. Be warned though, once you're out of the womb, you're fair game!