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- Duels of Destiny est une musique de Underworld : Blood Wars composée par Michael Wandmacher. Elle est la vingt-et-unième piste sur la bande musicale de Underworld : Blood Wars. Catégorie:Musiques Catégorie:Musiques de Blood Wars Catégorie:Musiques instrumentales
- Hier wird in naher Zukunft alles Wissenswerte über die FATE-Reihe stehen...
- Fate is the 178th chapter of Akira Amano's Katekyō Hitman Reborn!.
- Fate (運命 Unmei) is the thirtieth episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga. It features the debut of Kuuga's Rising Mighty.
- "Fate" is the ninth episode of Season Ten of Criminal Minds.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fate]] fata (neutral plural of fatum).
- Fate is the twenty-second volume in the D.Gray-man manga series written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino.
- Fate is a largely non-Christian belief that events are predetermined. A concept contrary to fate is fortune, because it is not deterministic.
- Fate es el vigésimo séptimo soundtrack de Naruto Shippūden 2: Lazos Original Soundtrack compuesto por Takanashi Yasuharu. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
- The Fate attack isn't really an attack at all. It's more of a funny combo the creators put in as a joke....in it Lorelai and Killey seem to be talking, then Viki sneezes and teleports both Lorelai and Killey. At that exact moment Georg attempts to attack the opponent only to have Lorelai and Killey appear directly above him and land on him knocking, them all down. Afterwards Lorelai and Killey become unfriendly.
- The three Fates weave the tapestry of life and have disposition over the length of human lives and the pattern they produce. Clotho, the youngest, spins the threads from the substance of Void; Lachesis, the middle aspect, measures the threads and Atropos, the oldest, cuts the thread of each individual human. When she takes the aspect of Clotho, Niobe must journey to the edge of the Void without aid from the other Fates and replenish her stock of thread.
- Alright, just wanna give a big Thank You! to everyone who signed up as a character, because we finally have all four main characters filled in!
- right|250px|thumb|Un grupo de aventureros luchando contra un notorious monster en un FATE. Un Evento de Tiempo Completamente Activo (también conocido como F.A.T.E. o FATE) es un tipo especial de evento que ocurre en un momento aleatorio al explorar el mundo de Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
- ghnghghnhnghghn
- is episode 140 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.
- File:Fate a.gif Write the text of your article here!
- |-|Miku version =
- Fate is an upcoming 2015 action/adventure video game, scheduled for release on February 17, 2015.
- More details on buying Fate can be found on the Fallen London site.
* – uses of Fate.
* – these sources are available to all players.
- Fate (因縁「フェイト」 In'nen / "Feito"?, "Fate") is a Void-elemental martial arte exclusive to Eizen in Tales of Berseria.
- 運命・ うんめい UNMEI means fate さだめ(7;3) . Sadame no one ever uses. 宿命・しゅくめい: ??????????
- Fate determines your in-combat power regen rate and the amount of power you will have. Having a high Fate stat is crucial for classes such as:
* Loremaster
* Rune-Keeper
* Burglar
- Fate is a quest. __TOC__ Similar quests exist for other alignments, called Destiny for Bontarians and Rivalry for neutral characters.
- Fate (インネン, Innen) is the fifty fourth chapter of the Nisekoi manga series written and illustrated by Naoshi Komi, published weekly in the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.
- Fate ist mehrdeutig. Zu dieser Reihe gehören:
* Fate/Zero
* Fate/stay night
* Fate/stay night (Unlimited Blade Works) (2015)
- Uncanny Dodge - Characters who select Fate as one of their domains receive the Uncanny Dodge I feat for free.
- Name: Fate Run Time: 5:16 Written By: Kevin Currie, Alan White, Ted Stockwell Year: 2006
- Fate is 2015 psychological horror film. It was directed by Alexandre Aja.
- FATE (Future-Altering Time Entity) is a supercomputer in Chrono Cross. It was created by Belthasar made from Robo in the distant future. Based on the old Mother Brain circuit boards, FATE is self-aware and can operate alone. Referred to as the Goddess of Fate by the people of El Nido, FATE operates as an unseen villain until late in the game. FATE's apparatus also sustains the Frozen Flame.
- Fate is the first story in Warcraft: Legends Volume 4 and the fourth part of the Trag saga.
* Written by Richard A. Knaak
* Art by Jae-Hwan Kim
* Edited by Tim Beedle
- Fate is a song from Xenosaga Episode III. It is track on the Xenosaga Episode III Original Soundtrack, having been composed by Yuki Kajiura.
- The Super Star Destroyer Fate was Grand Admiral Syns' flagship. It was powerful, but it showed a classical example that even the mighty must fall. It was destroyed in the most unlikely way. It was forced to crash into an enemy fleet, and was destroyed when its' allies abandoned it at the Second Battle of Kashyyyk.
- Fate is a song from Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, and it's track 6 in the album Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance Original Soundtrack, disc 2. In the movie, the song is featured when the Evangelion pilots intercept the 8th Angel's descent and engage it in combat.
- Host of a golden age horror comic, often narrating a story.
- In 2270, upon being held captive by the Delta Theta III aborigines, James T. Kirk wondered aloud why they always wound up in these sorts of scrapes. Spock opined that it might be fate. (TAS: "Bem")
- Fate was a God who resided in Dunmanifestin on Cori Celesti.
- "Call Shadowfire! Quickly!" The small kitten bundled out of the Nursery, hurrying toward the medicine den. "Shadowfire! Leafstripe is kitting! Quickly!" The black she-cat scurried forward, dashing towards the Nursery. "How is she?" Shadowfire burst into the den, seeing blood all over the floor. "No..." "Molekit! Go and bring me cobwebs. Its sticky! Hurry!" The little brown kitten hurried off, trying his best to reach the Nursery quickly. As they waited for Molekit, Shadowfire tended Leafstripe. "Sister, you must heal. Please, two kits are waiting for you..." "Sunkit and Moonkit." "Sunkit!" "Hey..."
- Fate was the leader of a gang called Sons of Fate that controlled Southtown and kept it peaceful after Geese's death. Although he was a gang leader, he only used his power to protect the innocent and was loved by his followers for his warm heart. In the manhua series, Fate is depicted as a tall African-American man in a business suit. In this story, he was killed by Duke in an alleyway.
- Niobe was described as being the "most beautiful woman of her generation" by all who had seen her. At the beginning of With a Tangled Skein, she a woman of twenty-one, arguing with her father over an arranged marriage to sixteen-year-old Cedric Kaftan(most fit men were presumably unavailable due to World War I). Her efforts to thwart the arrangement went in vein, however, and the marriage went along as planned.
- Fate is evidenced throughout the series as events that are predetermined to happen. While many obscure examples are littered throughout, several concrete ones remain. Most notably is the Stand Tohth, which allows its user to see small examples of things fated to happen in the near future. As Tohth's user, Boingo explains several times, whatever is predicted in the book will happen and cannot be changed. The way it will occur might change, depending on events that transpire beforehand, yet the outcome will always be the same. This is most noticeable during Tohth's prediction of Jotaro Kujo's death, which would be from his head being split down the middle. While this didn't happen directly in Part 3 (Oingo disguised as Jotaro had his head split open instead), in Part 4, Jotaro's temporary de
- あなたしだい、マイプリンセス守るのよ、銀水晶を セーラームーンが二度、もう道はこれがあたしたちの運命なの?このようね ああ、幸せになれないの?こんな、この人を見るのは、もういや もし俺がいなくなっても、泣くな自分が信じたことを迷わず貫けもし俺がどうなっても挫けるな俺を信じて勇気を持って敵を倒せ俺の願いだ勇気を持って敵を倒せ |-|Romaji= ginzuishou wo koko ni sashidasesore de omae wa mou youzumiMetallia-sama ga eien ni kizamarechikakou dekita Queen Beryl-sama ga chikyuu wo shihai shita zo!warui ga! anata shidai, my princessmamoru no yo, ginzuishou wo Sailor Moon ga nido, mou michi wakore ga atashi-tachi no unmei na no?kono you ne aa, shiawase ni narenai no?konna, kono hito wo miru no wa, mou iya
- Fate is the somber song used in Mother 3. This sad battle song is first heard when battling the Dog Zombie, a monster encountered in the Sunset Cemetery. Perhaps this song was used to represent those who have died, or perhaps for miserable times and memories.
- Published in Short Stories 1911 Rex Dillot was nearly twenty-four, almost good-looking and quite penniless. His mother was supposed to make him some sort of an allowance out of what her creditors allowed her, and Rex occasionally strayed into the ranks of those who earn fitful salaries as secretaries or companions to people who are unable to cope unaided with their correspondence or their leisure. For a few months he had been assistant editor and business manager of a paper devoted to fancy mice, but the devotion had been all on one side, and the paper disappeared with a certain abruptness from club reading-rooms and other haunts where it had made a gratuitous appearance. Still, Rex lived with some air of comfort and well-being, as one can live if one is born with a genius for that sort of
- Fate, или FATE — универсальная система для ролевых игр, созданная Фредом Хиксом и Робом Донохью на основе FUDGE. Насчитывает четыре редакции: 1.
* (±2000) Хоумрульные хаки Донохью и Хикса под FUDGE, никогда не публиковавшиеся официально и давно безвозвратно утерянные; FATE в то время было сокращением от «Fudge Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment»; 2.
* (±2003) «FATE: Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment», бесплатная система, прославившаяся нестандартным подходом к игромеханике и взявшая несколько призов Indie RPG Awards; 3.
* (±2006) Движок для двух флагманских игр Evil Hat Productions: «Spirit of the Century» (2006) и «The Dresden Files» (2010); тем же движком пользуются и несколько других игр вроде «Diaspora» и «Starblazer»; 4.
* (±2013) Полностью переписанна
- While the word "fate" is often used as an excuse for failure, it is more commonly used by men as a tool to bed a woman. In both situations, a party would use the word 'fate' to describe an event that occurred unexpectedly, which was unstoppable and beyond human control. "Fart" is a closely related word, as it is also an event which occurs unexpectedly and cannot be stopped once the said fart is ordained by the cosmos to occur. However, it would be erroneous for one to use the word "fart" in exchange for "fate". The confusion between these two words would be unforgivable, but the confusion which might arise after a fart is understandable. After a careful, and significantly expensive study by generations of idiots, it would appear that this force of fate is governed to a degree by the orient
- Fate or destiny was a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual. It was a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos. Although often used interchangeably, the words "fate" and "destiny" have distinct connotations.
- Velvet's story begins with Her and her love interest, Cornelius, sharing a romantic moment with each other. After Cornelius left, Velvet's twin brother, Ingway and Skuldi spring out from their hiding places. Ingway tells Skuldi to leave and tell Urzur of his further plans. Ingway reminds Velvet about the curse their mother wrote to them in a parchment, stating that Velvet was to be cursed and Ingway would face death.