Stanley Griff is an imaginative young boy. He is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television program, Stanley. He has several pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a dentist (the latter two were revealed in the episode "Double-Duty Dad").
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| - Stanley Griff is an imaginative young boy. He is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television program, Stanley. He has several pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a dentist (the latter two were revealed in the episode "Double-Duty Dad").
- Stanley also has a grandmother who is known as Grandma Griff. She is the only one who can speak with animals, and with whom they speak, and who never dismisses that memory. She owns a copy of the Great Big Book of Everything. In fact, she is the one who gave a copy of it to Stanley for his fourth birthday and taught its theme song to his mammal pets Harry and Elsie, though in the Halloween episode "Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest", she says she can't sing anymore. Despite being a boy, Stanley is voiced by Jessica Stone, starting when she was 11 years old.
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| - Being scared of the dark, having a stuffed koala instead of a real one , swimming in the big pool
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| - Dennis, animals, The Great Big Book of Everything
| - Orange tiger pajamas
- Small, slender, very few short strands of brown hair, red shirt, brown shorts, blue shoes with white soles
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| - Imaginative, curious, animal-loving, resourceful
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| - "The Great Big Book of Everything"
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| - Talking to his pets and even to animals who don't talk
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| - Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up
| - Dennis, Harry, Elsie, Marci and Mimi, Lester
| - "Five, four, three two one. Into the book to have some fun."
| - Stanley Griff is an imaginative young boy. He is the titular protagonist of the 2001 animated television program, Stanley. He has several pets: a goldfish named Dennis, a dog named Harry, and a cat named Elsie. He has an older brother named Lionel, who enjoys playing his electric guitar, a father who stays at home and draws cartoons, and a mother who is a dentist (the latter two were revealed in the episode "Double-Duty Dad").
- Stanley also has a grandmother who is known as Grandma Griff. She is the only one who can speak with animals, and with whom they speak, and who never dismisses that memory. She owns a copy of the Great Big Book of Everything. In fact, she is the one who gave a copy of it to Stanley for his fourth birthday and taught its theme song to his mammal pets Harry and Elsie, though in the Halloween episode "Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest", she says she can't sing anymore. Despite being a boy, Stanley is voiced by Jessica Stone, starting when she was 11 years old. What counts Stanley in the "Singing Heroes" category is the episodes "Look Who's Helping" and "A Billy Goat for Dad" when he sings.