| - The Spirit Tree is a Spirit Tree from the RuneScape continuum. He is head of the Disturbing Acts of Violence Department's Medical Division. He's widely regarded as something of a miracle worker, both due to his healing abilities and his uncanny tolerance for squick. He's been under pressure recently, however, since his rival, the Elder Evil Tree, has become head of DAVD(i).
- If the player has finished The Grand Tree quest the spirit tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold will become a hub as well. After completing The Path of Glouphrie the player can travel freely between any two spirit trees.
- Spirit Tree on puu Tree Gnome Villagessa. Se mahdollistaa erikoisen liikkumistavan. Puu pystyy teleporttaamaan sinut kaikkien sukulaistensa luo ja sukulaiset voivat teleportata sinut sen luo. Puulla on sukulaisia seuraavissa paikoissa
* Varrockista vähän matkaa luoteeseen
* Itä-Ardougnen luoteiskulmassa, tätä sanotaan Khazard-battlefieldiksi
* Tree Gnome Strongholdissa, The Grand Tree-tehtävä pitää olla suoritettu, että puu suostuu puhumaan kanssasi, mutta voit teleportata sen luokse
* Grand Exhangen koilliskulmassa
- Spirit Trees are used to teleport to other Spirit Tree locations around RuneScape Classic after completing the Tree Gnome Village quest. Young spirit trees will teleport to Tree Gnome Village where the old spirit tree acts as a hub.
- The spirit tree in the centre of Tree Gnome Stronghold is added to the network on completion of The Grand Tree. After that quest, this tree can be used without completion of Tree Gnome Village, however it will only be one way and the other trees will 'not be interested in talking'.
- If talked to, she requests that players grow spirit trees in Brimhaven, Port Sarim and Etceteria, and says that Glouron will reward them if they do so. If players choose to fulfil her request, once all three trees are fully grown (and their health has been checked), Glouron will award a farming XP lamp worth 50,000 experience.
- Spirit tree on teleporttaustapa P2P-RuneScapessa. [[Tiedosto:Spitit_tree.png|frame|Spirit tree grand exchangessa]] Jotta puita voi käyttää on Tree Gnome Village-tehtävä oltava suoritettu. Puita ovat
* pääpuu on Tree Gnome Villagessa, se voi teleportata sinut kaikiin muihin
* Länsi-Ardougnen kaakkoiskulmasta etelään
* Varrockin grand exhangelta koiliseen
* Tree Gnome Strongholdissa Muut puut teleporttaavat sinut ainoastaan pääpuun luo ja se taas minkä haluamasi puun luo. Näistä viimeinen ei suostu puhumaan kanssasi, kunnes ole suorittanut The Grand Tree-tehtävän. 1.