Brandelwyn "Bran" al'Vere is the Mayor of Emond's Field, in the Two Rivers, though now he has willingly let much of his power go to Perrin Aybara, Lord of the Two Rivers. Egwene al'Vere is one of Bran and Marin's children.
thumb Brandelwyn "Bran" al'Vere ist der Bürgermeister von Emondsfeld in den Zwei Flüssen, allerdings hat er seine Macht später bewusst auf Perrin Aybara, den Lord der Zwei Flüsse, übergehen lassen.
Brandelwyn "Bran" al'Vere is the Mayor of Emond's Field, in the Two Rivers, though now he has willingly let much of his power go to Perrin Aybara, Lord of the Two Rivers. Egwene al'Vere is one of Bran and Marin's children.
thumb Brandelwyn "Bran" al'Vere ist der Bürgermeister von Emondsfeld in den Zwei Flüssen, allerdings hat er seine Macht später bewusst auf Perrin Aybara, den Lord der Zwei Flüsse, übergehen lassen.
Brandelwyn "Bran" al'Vere is the Mayor of Emond's Field, in the Two Rivers, though now he has willingly let much of his power go to Perrin Aybara, Lord of the Two Rivers. Egwene al'Vere is one of Bran and Marin's children.