| - There are plenty of Bards dotting the lands, though you may know them better as musicians, and they play many beautiful songs to the delight of all who listen. But, who can forget their other duty? It is their charge to recount the great legends of old to every passerby, to bring tales of great deeds and greater heroes to those who have lost all hope and/or are stuck farming! You must admit, however, that Barrows Brothers and Waldo the Demon Slayer do get rather boring after the eighth retelling. We must provide them with new material!
| - There are plenty of Bards dotting the lands, though you may know them better as musicians, and they play many beautiful songs to the delight of all who listen. But, who can forget their other duty? It is their charge to recount the great legends of old to every passerby, to bring tales of great deeds and greater heroes to those who have lost all hope and/or are stuck farming! You must admit, however, that Barrows Brothers and Waldo the Demon Slayer do get rather boring after the eighth retelling. We must provide them with new material! This contest is simply to create the best legendary tale in short story form! You must introduce your characters, enemy, and conflict AND end it all in a fantastic fashion inside a story that can be read in one (or two) sittings. Be sure to put the Bard's Tales Template at the top of your article! You will be judged based on how entertaining the story is, how amazinglyawesomespectacular the characters are, and on your grammar. You know that English class you are taking/took? Yeah, you’ll be using some of that stuff.