| - Darth Wyyrlok was, in essence, Darth Fanon's nanny. In his spare time, Wyyrlok liked to practice witchcraft.
- During the Clone Wars Wyyrlok was still too young to fight, although by 20 BBY he had reached the age of active service, and narrowly survived the execution of Order 66. On the run from the galaxy, Wyyrlok fled to the Unknown Regions and there encountered the fledgling Sith Order of Decreto. Still young and highly impressionable, the Sith adopted Wyyrlok into their Order as an initiate. Wyyrlok trained with the Sith as a learner for many years, aiding his Master, Guerreiro, in becoming the Dark Lord.
| - During the Clone Wars Wyyrlok was still too young to fight, although by 20 BBY he had reached the age of active service, and narrowly survived the execution of Order 66. On the run from the galaxy, Wyyrlok fled to the Unknown Regions and there encountered the fledgling Sith Order of Decreto. Still young and highly impressionable, the Sith adopted Wyyrlok into their Order as an initiate. Wyyrlok trained with the Sith as a learner for many years, aiding his Master, Guerreiro, in becoming the Dark Lord. During his years as a Sith, Wyyrlok took an interest in the affairs of the galaxy, watching as the Rebellion grew, the Empire collapsed, the Jedi were reborn and the Yuuzhan Vong invaded. During the years of the New Republic he often travelled out into the wider galaxy, not only on missions but on adventures, using a strong skill in illusion to conceal his impressive Sith tattoos. During these journeys Wyyrlok learnt much about the Jedi and, taking influence from the Jedi, he finally learnt to let go of his hatred of the Jedi, and focused his time on developing his skills in the dark side, eventually becoming a true master of Sith alchemy. In 38 ABY, while based on Nerezza, Wyyrlok was called to the defense of the Sith Temple when the Jedi under Jasca Ducato attacked. Wyyrlok survived the battle, and the subsequent destruction of the Temple by The Soiyo, fleeing with his fellow Sith further into the empire. Wyyrlok survived the ascension of Darth Abeonis to the throne, pledging his allegiance to the Dark Lord and became a valued asset during the Sith Crusade, attaining a position within the Hand in the process and eventually becoming a member of the Sith Council. Wyyrlok continued to serve the Sith, long past the reign of Darth Abeonis and into the Successors War; becoming an influential figure during the conflict. After siding with no-one during the early years of the conflict, Wyyrlok's fleet was eventually defeated by another former Jedi, Darth Krayt, and the two joined forces to defeat the usurper Darth Proditor. Wyyrlok once again pledged his allegiance to the new Dark Lord, Krayt, and continued to serve, eventually accepting the rank of Sith Lord. Eventually however, Wyyrlok's time did come. In 214 ABY Darth Wyyrlok moved against the successors of Darth Krayt, the then Dark Lord Darth Mahina. With the assistance of his apprentices Darth Nihilus and Darth Raith the three eliminated Mahina, and opened up the throne of Dark Lord to Wyyrlok himself. Taking the mantle of Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire Darth Wyyrlok ruled the Empire by how he lived; calm, peacefully and without unjust violence. Eventually however his progressive nature brought the Sith into conflict with the extra-galactic Zao tenj, and the Zao tenj War began. It was then that Wyyrlok revealed the Sith that he had over the years, slowly been working to improve relations with the fledgling Jedi Autocracy, and that the Jedi and Sith would be fighting the Zao tenj together.
- Darth Wyyrlok was, in essence, Darth Fanon's nanny. In his spare time, Wyyrlok liked to practice witchcraft.