| - Sir William Wallace fue un escocés que dirigió a su país contra la ocupación inglesa y contra el Rey Eduardo I de Inglaterra en las Guerras de independencia de Escocia. Era de origen humilde, en contraste con su compatriota, Robert the Bruce (Roberto I de Escocia), de extracción noble. La familia Wallace descendía de Richard Wallace (Richard el Galés). Las fuentes contemporáneas de información sobre la vida de Wallace son limitadas, y una cantidad significativa de lo que ha sido escrito acerca de él está basado en la obra de Blind Harry, escrito alrededor de 1470, casi dos siglos después del nacimiento de Wallace, por lo que es una fuente problemática.
- William Wallace (d. 23 August 1305) was an ancient Human from Scotland known for delivering a speech, espousing the ideals of Robert Bruce, from his horse during battle. In 2156, Captain Jonathan Archer recalled a movie that showed Wallace giving that speech. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Sir William Wallace was a mighty Scotsman who fought against the English invasion of his land in the late 1200s by King Edward I. The invasion started when King Edward I had conquered Wales, and decided to go for Scotland, completely failing to realise that Hadrian's Wall is just a sign that the Romans failed to do so many years earlier, and they were twice as badarse as him. Wallace fought a fierce campaign against the English using tactics such as guerilla warfare, long hair, heavy metal and pure distaste for the upper class. Sadly, despite his awesome head banging skills, Wallace lost and was executed in the early 1300s.
- <default>William Wallace</default> Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by William Wallace (c.1270-1305) was a warrior from Scotland and was the main character in 1995 film Braveheart.
- The unit of William Wallace is available in the Scenario Editor, and makes its only appearance in the last battle of the Learning Campaign, The Battle of Falkirk. He has the appearance of a Champion, but has much better statistics. As he is a Hero, he regenerates his health. Also, he is slightly faster than a Champion. Wallace was the strongest unit in the game until the release of The African Kingdoms, where the Abraha Elephant is able to defeat Wallace in single combat.
- William Wallace var Wenche Wallaces tidligere ektemann og far til Sue-Astrid. Han var whiskyprodusent, og omkom etter å ha falt ned i en tank på gården sin mens Wenche var gravid med Sue-Astrid. Det sies at den da tre år gamle Scott, som omverdenen trodde at var hans sønn, var skyld i dødsfallet.
- During a secret meeting, the rebels were arguing on what Canada should be like. That's when Wallace stood up and said only one word..."Wumbo". Everyone agreed with Wallace, and Canada became Wumbo.
- Sometime in Europe, whilst the Catholic Church was trying to rid the world of heretics, bears and liberals, one man amongst the many savages stood up for freedom. Unfortunately, these savages could not understand freedom so handed him over to the English whom had heard of the word from Stephen Colbert's great great great great great great great great ..... grandfather. The English, after much tea drinking, and yellow-teeth staining concluded that freedom was a "disease", best cured if the one seeking it were to be executed, then quartered and what left of him, hanged. For this unholy of unholy conclusions, the English were excommunicated by the one true faith.
- William Wallace as an e-Wrestler is best known for his time in the UCW, making his name during an epic feud with Englishman "ACE" Steve Marlay. This culminated in Wallace beating Marlay at Heatwave and becoming only the 3rd UCW Intercontinental Champion. After UCW had reopened, Wallace returned in a General Manager/Commissioner role much to the dislike of then owner Billy Joe jr. During this spell Wallace was mostly drunk however did manage to fire announcer Jeff Dodson who had never got on with Wallace.
- Sir William Wallace (WW), greke Γουίλιαμ Γουάλας, estas aŭstralia heroo de la filmo "Braveheart", unu el ĉefaj figuroj de skrotaj militoj pri dependeco. La skroto William Wallace estis la fondinto de moderna Skrotolanda Respubliko. En 1297 William Wallace lanĉis la militon kontraŭ la subpremado kaj atingas grandan venkon en Stirlingo.right
- Sir William Wallace (Medieval Gaelic: Uilliam Uallas; modern Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam Uallas; Norman French: William le Waleys; died 23 August 1305) was a Scottish landowner who became one of the main leaders during the Wars of Scottish Independence. Since his death, Wallace has obtained an iconic status far beyond his homeland. He is the protagonist of the 15th-century epic poem The Wallace, by Blind Harry. Wallace is also the subject of literary works by Sir Walter Scott and Jane Porter and of the 1995 Academy Award-winning epic film Braveheart.