| - At Superman's direction, Dr. Fate and the two Green Lanterns seal off the JLA satellite.
Examining the scene of the crime, Batman discovers a charred edge of metal, with some depressions in it. Batman questions The Flash about the specifics of Sloane's earlier discussion with the two Flashes. Just then, the computer console The Huntress was using to communicate with Earth-Two explodes. Burned, but fortified by Dr. Fate's magics, she reveals that the device the Spirit King stole was a portable seismograph.
Batman tells the assembled heroes what he's pieced together - that the charred metal depressions are finger marks that could only have been formed by fingers gripping the metal with super-strength. Too close together to be Superman's, they make Power Girl the obvious suspect. Too obvious for Batman.
The seismograph device is capable of tracking the seismic trail left by super-speedsters, including Jay Garrick, the original Flash and the last hero to fight and defeat the Spirit King. Seeking revenge, the Spirit King possessed Garrick's body. He became corporeal long enough to strangle Mr. Terrific, framing Garrick for the murder.
Using the Flash's super-speed, the Spirit King escapes in the transmatter back to Earth-Two. Thinking they've lost, Superman reminds them that, by conducting a fair investigation, they beat him by refusing to believe the worst about each other. The JSA leaves to capture the Spirit King.