Paul and Barry Chuckle, better known as The Chuckle Brothers, are the world's most successful deranged brother comedy double act having pursued and plundered a career on the BBC since the late 80s following their success in escaping Butlins as the only performers to escape a criminal conviction. Recognised for their 'tasteful' fashion, the Brothers decline to wear typical pedestrian garb, instead wearing outrageously cutting edge haute couture such as pink farahs and yellow diamond pattern jumpers made exclusively from a rare Argiope argentata form of spider silk (it is said that one pair of Barry's Y-Fronts is made from over 500,000 spiders alone at a cost of £3000 a pair, despite this, Barry frequently flaunts such extravagance by skidding himself on purpose during interviews just to dem
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| - Paul and Barry Chuckle, better known as The Chuckle Brothers, are the world's most successful deranged brother comedy double act having pursued and plundered a career on the BBC since the late 80s following their success in escaping Butlins as the only performers to escape a criminal conviction. Recognised for their 'tasteful' fashion, the Brothers decline to wear typical pedestrian garb, instead wearing outrageously cutting edge haute couture such as pink farahs and yellow diamond pattern jumpers made exclusively from a rare Argiope argentata form of spider silk (it is said that one pair of Barry's Y-Fronts is made from over 500,000 spiders alone at a cost of £3000 a pair, despite this, Barry frequently flaunts such extravagance by skidding himself on purpose during interviews just to dem
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| - Paul and Barry Chuckle, better known as The Chuckle Brothers, are the world's most successful deranged brother comedy double act having pursued and plundered a career on the BBC since the late 80s following their success in escaping Butlins as the only performers to escape a criminal conviction. Recognised for their 'tasteful' fashion, the Brothers decline to wear typical pedestrian garb, instead wearing outrageously cutting edge haute couture such as pink farahs and yellow diamond pattern jumpers made exclusively from a rare Argiope argentata form of spider silk (it is said that one pair of Barry's Y-Fronts is made from over 500,000 spiders alone at a cost of £3000 a pair, despite this, Barry frequently flaunts such extravagance by skidding himself on purpose during interviews just to demonstrate how elite and wealthy he is).