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- Vole are animals in the Survivors series.
- Vole is a Cidarian city.
- Vole je městečko v Cidaris.
- Vole was the lookout for the Ragstopper.
- Vole è una città di Cidaris.
- Vole ist eine der größeren Städte im kleinen Königreich Cidaris. Vole ist ein Handlungsort im Roman "Feuertaufe" ("Chrzest ognia").
- Since the voles in Sonic the Comic live near water, they may actually be based on European Water Voles, like one of the main characters from The Wind in the Willows.
- Vole: Jest niewielkich rozmiarów stworzeniem wywodzącym się z Kardasji Prime.
- Un vole mesurait environ vingt-cinq centimètres de long, avait des poils courts sur le corps et était généralement considéré comme un parasite. Il avait six pattes et était attiré notamment par des Champs d'énergie. Son front représentait une forme de cuillère, semblable à celle des Cardassiens et des traits à la base des joues,sous les oreilles.
- A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body and a shorter, hairier tail and a slightly rounder head. The Owlery floor is covered in regurgitated skeletons of these creatures, indicating that they are a favourite food of owls. An old lady near Knockturn Alley warned Harry Potter in 1992 not to go from Diagon Alley to Knockturn Alley, and threatened him with turning him into a vole. Jarveys are known to eat these. A vole is one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm.
- Categoría:Esbozos Vole es una ciudad de Cidaris.Categoría:Ciudades
- Voles are squirrel-like mammal mobs that are located near the starter area of the Human characters, Yahhoy West. They were involved in one of the first starter quests for the humans, he quest being supplied by Attendant Nannan. LP 314 EP 199
- Vole was a Centauri Minister of State during the rule of Regent Milo Virini. Vole was an extremely ambitious man, a fact that even the Regent had to contend with. His actual plans were unknown, but it was likely he intended to replace Mollari as Prime Minister or even seize the throne of the Centauri Republic itself. It was possible he was behind the attempt to kill Londo on Babylon 5, which prompted Delenn's decision to assign G'Kar to accompany Mollari to the Royal Court as his bodyguard. When Mollari came back to Centauri Prime, Vole started to make trouble by questioning his choice of a Narn for a bodyguard. Vole even gave G'Kar the opportunity to revenge himself on the guard who whipped him, but the Narn would not comply. This little scheme probably had nothing to do with G'Kar person
- For a time, Quark held vole fights in his bar after hours, resulting in a marked increase in his monthly power usage. When he attempted to have his power allocation increased, he and his brother Rom gave Captain Benjamin Sisko inconsistent stories about the cause for the power increase, and Sisko forced an end to the vole fights. (DS9 reference: Legends of the Ferengi)