Lothlórien is the only faction of the light without having a solid ring of walls, but wooden bridges that are connected to tree nodes. The fortress ring is open, but can be equipped at the nodes with different defensive extensions. Units, main functions and special systems are available in the citadel. With a total of 5 building plots, Lothlórien has a very small number of possible locations. On camp maps Lothlórien offers only 4 Building plots, but provides a bridge ring around the camp. Lorien tactics are situational and specializes in Hit & Run. Through various systems it is possible to acquire the units higher speeds, but has a weakness on the defensive. Lothlórien can recruit Beornings and on settlements and Elves from on outposts.
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- Lothlórien
- Lothlórien
- Lothlórien
- Lothlórien
- Lothlórien
| - thumb|346px|Siedziba Galadrieli w sercu bajecznego lasu Lorien. Lothlórien (także Lorien) – las w środku Śródziemia, oparty o pasmo gór Gór Mglistych, przez który przechodziła Drużyna Pierścienia, w drodze na Górę Przeznaczenia, gdzie czekała na nich gloria.
- Lórien o Lothlórien è il nome di un regno elfico, fondato all'inizio della Seconda Era da esuli Sindar guidati da Amdír che si unirono ai loro cugini Nandor che già vi vivevano. È una foresta della Terra di Mezzo, posta alla coincidenza tra i due fiumi Celebrant e Anduin. Dalla seconda metà della Terza Era fu governata da Celeborn e Galadriel fino alla fine della Guerra dell'Anello. Dopo la sconfitta di Sauron Galadriel partì alla volta di Aman mentre Celeborn continuò a governare per qualche decennio il regno. Dopo la partenza del signore elfico il regno venne inglobato nei Reami Uniti di Gondor e Arnor da Eldarion pronipote di Celeborn.
- Lothlorien (sin. Kwitnienie; sen) zwane także jako Lórien, dawniej Laurelindórenan – królestwo elfów, znajdujące się w Śródziemiu, po wschodniej stronie Morii, nad Celebrantem. Jego władcami są Galadriela i Celeborn.
- Dieser Artikel ist ein Stub, du kannst der Wiki helfen, indem du ihn erweiterst! |}Kategorie:Stub Lothlórien ist ein Gebiet in Rhovanion. Es grent im Westen an Moria, im Süden an den großen Fluss und im Osten an den Anduin. In Lothlórien leben Elben.
- Lothlórien is the only faction of the light without having a solid ring of walls, but wooden bridges that are connected to tree nodes. The fortress ring is open, but can be equipped at the nodes with different defensive extensions. Units, main functions and special systems are available in the citadel. With a total of 5 building plots, Lothlórien has a very small number of possible locations. On camp maps Lothlórien offers only 4 Building plots, but provides a bridge ring around the camp. Lorien tactics are situational and specializes in Hit & Run. Through various systems it is possible to acquire the units higher speeds, but has a weakness on the defensive. Lothlórien can recruit Beornings and on settlements and Elves from on outposts.
- Lothlórien is particularly special because of its trees, the mallorns (mellyrn in Sindarin). These trees grow to astonishing heights and are very beautiful, with silver-grey bark and golden leaves at maturity, which do not fall until spring when new leaves have grown. Furthermore, the Elves of the Golden Wood live in the mallorn trees, dwelling in high platforms known as talans (telain in Sindarin) or flets. Because of this, they are known as the Galadhrim, "Tree-people". Please note that (despite The Movies' take on the matter), the correct pronounciation is "Galathrim", not "Galadrim". Same way as it's "Kell-e-born" rather than "Sell-a-born".
- Lothlórien, also known as the Golden Wood, Lórien, Dwimordere and Laurelindórenan, is home to the Galadhrim Elves. The Golden Wood is located in the Vales of Anduin, south of the Gladden Fields and north of Fangorn Forest. This biome features mainly Mellyrn with silver bark and falling golden leaves, with occasionally a Lairelossë or other trees intermixed. Galadhrim Elves live in the treehouses on the huge trees extending above the canopy. Occasionally, grand Elven treehouses will appear, in which a Galadhrim lord can be found.
- Lothlórien (Sindarin: Traumblütenland), auch kurz Lórien genannt, war ein Elbenreich westlich des Anduin, am Zusammenschluss von Celebrant und Anduin gelegen, regiert von Celeborn und Galadriel. Die Mallorn-Wälder von Lórien wurden durch die Macht Galadriels vor Sauron geschützt, und hier allein bewahrte man in Mittelerde die wahre Schönheit und Zeitlosigkeit von Eldamar. thumb|146px|Der Goldene Wald von LothlórienIm Ringkrieg (3019 D.Z.) wurde Lórien durch Sauron dreimal von Dol Guldur aus angegriffen:11. März15. März22. März
- Lothlórien was een woud in Midden-aarde, ten oosten van de Nevelbergen. De eerste bewoners waren de Nandorin Elfen en later de Noldor en de Sindar, onder de heerschappij van Celeborn en Galadriel. Twee plaatsen in Arda waren bekend als Lorien, en beide waren uitzonderlijk mooi. De eerste waren de tuinen van de Vala Irmo in Valinor (Lórien werd meestal ook Lorien genoemd). De tweede was Lothlórien, waar Galadriel tijdens de gebeurtenissen van Oorlog om de Ring woonde.
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| - "Heart of Elvendom on Earth"
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altri nomi
| - Lórien, Laurelindórinan, Lórinand. Lindorinand, Dwimordene
| - Gundabad [Rare]
- Dol Guldur [Rare]
- Gundabad Warg [Rare]
- only in Lothlórien Edge
| - Amroth
- Celeborn e Galadriel
- Amdír
- Re di Gondor e Arnor
| - Elven Treehouses and
- Galadhrim Smithy
- Grand Elven Treehouses
| - Grande bosco situato sulla riva ovest dell'Anduin alle pendici orientali delle Montagne Nebbiose
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| - Reame elfico della Terra di Mezzo
| - Vales of Anduin [W,N,E], Field of Celebrant [S], Misty Mountains [W], Mirkwood [E], Fangorn [S]
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Podpis obrazu
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| - dbkwik:resource/F4yQqKZRb2l0CT8eucergA==
- Lorien, Lórinand, Złota Dolina, Laurelindórinan, Dolina Śpiewającego Złota, Dwimordene, Nawiedzona Dolina
- Elfy Leśne
- Galadriela i Celeborn
- Kraj
- Lothlórien
- Po wschodniej stronie Morii, nad Celebrantem
| - Terre Selvagge, ad est delle Montagne Nebbiose
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