Vanessa: You're gonna be late, Bloom.
* Bloom gasps and gets up quickly.* Bloom: Oh, no! School! Yikes! I've gotta get going! I'm going to be so late! Mom, why didn't you wake me up?! Why didn't the alarm go off?!
* She puts her shirt on, realizing something.* Bloom: Wait a minute. There isn't any school, it's summer vacation. Not funny, mom! Vanessa: I thought it was funny.
* Bloom yawns.* Bloom: I'm going back to bed. Vanessa: Sweetie, why were you up so late last night? Bloom: I was reading.
* Vanessa finds a book on the floor, picks it up and reads the title.*
Attributes | Values |
| - Winx Club: The Fate of Bloom/Script
| - Vanessa: You're gonna be late, Bloom.
* Bloom gasps and gets up quickly.* Bloom: Oh, no! School! Yikes! I've gotta get going! I'm going to be so late! Mom, why didn't you wake me up?! Why didn't the alarm go off?!
* She puts her shirt on, realizing something.* Bloom: Wait a minute. There isn't any school, it's summer vacation. Not funny, mom! Vanessa: I thought it was funny.
* Bloom yawns.* Bloom: I'm going back to bed. Vanessa: Sweetie, why were you up so late last night? Bloom: I was reading.
* Vanessa finds a book on the floor, picks it up and reads the title.*
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| - Vanessa: You're gonna be late, Bloom.
* Bloom gasps and gets up quickly.* Bloom: Oh, no! School! Yikes! I've gotta get going! I'm going to be so late! Mom, why didn't you wake me up?! Why didn't the alarm go off?!
* She puts her shirt on, realizing something.* Bloom: Wait a minute. There isn't any school, it's summer vacation. Not funny, mom! Vanessa: I thought it was funny.
* Bloom yawns.* Bloom: I'm going back to bed. Vanessa: Sweetie, why were you up so late last night? Bloom: I was reading.
* Vanessa finds a book on the floor, picks it up and reads the title.* Vanessa: Hm. "Fairies: Myth or Reality?". Pretty silly stuff, Bloom. Bloom: It is not silly, okay? Vanessa: Anyway, now that school is over, you can help me in the shop. Bloom: Oh, mom!
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