Pacific Rim is a tokusatsu/science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro from a screenplay by Travis Beacham and del Toro. The film is set in a world where soldiers piloting giant robots battle against invading giant monsters (Kaiju) who have mysteriously risen from beneath the ocean.
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- Pacific Rim
- Pacific Rim
| - Pacific Rim is a tokusatsu/science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro from a screenplay by Travis Beacham and del Toro. The film is set in a world where soldiers piloting giant robots battle against invading giant monsters (Kaiju) who have mysteriously risen from beneath the ocean.
- Pacific Rim is a 2013 American science fiction film directed by Guillermo del Toro and written by del Toro and Travis Beacham. The film is set in a near future where soldiers piloting giant robots battle against invading giant monsters who have mysteriously risen from beneath the ocean. Del Toro has said the film will be "a beautiful poem to giant monsters".
- Pacific Rim -thumb|222px film z 2013 roku Ziemia zostaje zaatakowana przez potężne monstra - kaijū z wychodzące z pod dna oceanu. Do walki z nimi stają gigantyczne mechów sterowane przez ludzi. Zobacz więcej w Wikipedii w artykule: Pacific_Rim Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów Kategoria:Filmy
- Pacific Rim is a 2013 sci-fi action movie and comic series released by Warner Brothers Pictures. It features a near future Earth where all governments united to create giant mechs (named Jaegers) piloted by two people at once in order to fight off the threat of monstrous aliens known as Kaiju.
- United States Marine Corps Captain Strongman Becket's brother is killed in a Yeager, a machine that can be controlled manually through compatabllity of it's controllers. Becket later works on construction while the world falls apart due to Kyjui attacks, Kyjui are lizard, dinosaor and snake cross-beings that attack from through sea in Japan, the West Coast and other Pacific areas. The U.N rangers, a group of elites with no strength training, but vigorus amounts of training in Jiu Jetsiu, Karate, Tai Kwan Dui, Kung Fui and Wrestling, as well Marksmanship, Air Supperriority, Technoleadgey and Tactics and are in charge of the Yeagers. Major Marshall is a U.N Ranger Commander and former Yeager pilot and decides to request Becket to remain fighting. He accepts and is parred up with a woman that
- Als Legionen von Monstern aus dem Meer auftauchen, beginnt ein Krieg, der Millionen Menschen das Leben kostet und auf Jahre den Einsatz aller zur Verfügung stehenden Rohstoffe erfordert. Zur Abwehr der gigantischen Ungeheuer, die Kaiju genannt werden, konstruiert man gewaltige, als Jaegers bezeichnete Roboter – sie werden gleichzeitig von zwei Piloten gelenkt, deren Gehirne über eine Neuronenbrücke gekoppelt sind. Doch selbst die Jaegers können gegen die unerbittlichen Kaiju kaum etwas ausrichten. Angesichts der drohenden Niederlage müssen sich die Verteidigungstruppen wohl oder übel auf zwei Soldaten verlassen, denen man zu allerletzt Heldentaten zutrauen würde: auf einen heruntergekommenen Ex-Piloten (Charlie Hunnam) und eine Rekrutin ohne jede Erfahrung (Rinko Kikuchi). Sie sollen gemei
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| - Guillermo Del Toro
- Travis Beachman
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Music By
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| - *Charlie Hunnam
*Idris Elba
*Charlie Day as Dr. Newton Geizler
*Ron Perlman as Hannibal Chau
Edited by
| - John Gilroy and Peter Amundson
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| - Thomas Tull
- Jon Jashni,
- Mary Parent
- *Thomas Tull
*Jon Jashni
*Guillermo del Toro
*Mary Parent
- Guillermo del Toro,
Cinematography by
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