| - History of location is unknown.
- Vanity is an out-of-control teenager. She appears only in "Freak Strike" on the Maury Pauvich TV show. Vanity beats her mother and claims to take drugs. She and Eric Cartman "compete" on the show so Cartman will "win" the prize. She claims that she takes drugs, has sex with older men, and has taken part in a drive-by-shooting. Vanity physically beats her mother Vanessa and insults her. After the episode she is not seen again. Her catch phrase was "I can do what I want", which Cartman parodied into "Whateva whateva, I'll do what I want"
- Well, it turns out that Uncyclopedia wasn't a monster. I guess it's some sort of "opposite" encyclopedia where people like... write about things that don't exist, or something. I still don't quite understand, but Laura was getting pretty mad so I just pretended like I knew. She started talking about some Vanity thing, and I was about to ask her whether or not that was what you did your hair in front of, but I thought it'd be better if I just kept my mouth shut from now on. She said that in this Uncyclopedia place there are these people called admins, and I don't know about you... but to me the word "admin" slightly resembles "Badmitton" which is kinda weird...
- Anything in Stephen's World that:
* ...is not Colbertcentric.
* ...contains information about anything (a person, place or thing) that Dr.Colbert has not acknowledged as existing. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Vanity"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Date of death: 8/29/1958 at 5:38pm
- Vanity is the seventh guild Myriad has bought. It was originally formed by SMT, who gave it to DREVID; SMT left due to boredom. It was a home to many high-level characters, most of whom left mysteriously. After Myriad bought the guild, she felt it was unfair to keep so many people in a guild with an alt leader, so she kicked everyone out in hopes that they would find better homes.
- Denise Katrina Matthews (January 4. 1959 - February 15, 2016) was a former Canadian singer-songwriter-model-actress, later a Christian preacher, previously known as Vanity who appeared as hooker Ali Ferrand in the episode "By Hooker by Crook" of the series Miami Vice.
- Vanity (Disadvantage, 1 point) Characters with the Vanity disadvantage are gorgeous or talented, and they know it. Unfortunately everyone else has not seemed to notice, and the character feels compelled to have to make sure everyone knows.
- VANITY is an American wrestler. She has worked for the promotion Women's Extreme Wrestling among others.
- "Vanity" is a song performed by American recording artist Lady Gaga for her debut studio album, The Fame. It was released as a promotional single for the album some time in the Spring or Summer of 2008 before the album release. This feature was the only CD release the song got. The song was later originally planned to be track eight on the UK version of The Fame, however, it was cut due to the jazzy sound. Instead, the song was released as an exclusive download song for the music store, Rhapsody, on November 11, 2008. When tickets went on sale for the 2011 Monster Ball Tour, LiveNation made the song available as a free download to those who bought tickets. Lady Gaga released a statement about her collaboration with Lady Starlight.
- Vanity items within World of Warcraft are important because of 'non-combat' uses rather than functional uses. Gear that looks good but has bad stats, disguises, items that you use for fun, etc. Some vanity items have functionality, but it is usually not unique functionality (like mounts and pets). On RP servers Vanity items are sometimes called Props.
- Sé que no sabes lo que se siente. Tal vez nunca has experimentado la hermosa sensación de tomar algo que no es tuyo, solo por el simple hecho de un..., ¿capricho? Tal vez, pero te tengo noticias. Algunas personas no tenemos la capacidad de ofrecer disculpas si no tenemos razón alguna, hay quienes se disculpan por todo pero al menos yo no me disculpo por nada... Vivo como soy, con ese afán de arrebatar, de robar... Robando la juventud de las demás, ¿para qué? Por el simple hecho de que jamás envejeceré. Hace mucho tiempo que dejé de temerle al tiempo. Yo soy Vanity.