| - In the late 1970's, Aldar Kose made a soul agreement with Montgomery Knox to train him deeply in knowledge of the magical arts, both black and white. He would then return to ask a favor within thirty-three years, one that Knox could not refuse. Not long after Knox' training was completed, Aldar disappeared and Knox believed him to be dead. In 2010, Aldar appeared at Knox Academy and revealed he was planning a ritual known as the Advent, the resurrection of the Old Ones. He had managed to manifest the souls of the Old Ones in the form of seeds, which could hatch in the bodies of powerful witches. He planned to use the students at the academy as vessels. In order to save his students, Knox made another soul agreement with Leo Wyatt, so that the Charmed Ones would be forced to help him. Piper confronted Aldar, though he cloned himself and teleported to the academy. The sisters, Leo and Knox fought the clones to protect the students until Phoebe identified the real Aldar with her empathy. Before Piper could freeze him, Aldar tried to infect the students with the seeds, though Knox jumped in the way and was hit instead. Piper then blew up Aldar, vanquishing him.