| - __NOEDITSECTION__ Changes to these policies should be proposed and discussed on this → forum topic. A User page is a Wikia profile, it can be generated automatically on each Wikia wiki you contribute to. Each wiki has its on policy on profiles, and here is Gaiapedia policies. Users are free to create a user page in the User: Namespace about themselves as long as it does not interfere with Gaiapedia and they are actually registered and active under that user name.
* Unless it is necessary and exceptions are made, Do Not edit someone's User page!! The editing of pages unannounced is largely done by the current administrator of the wiki for the purpose correcting content or removing unacceptable content.
* Do not use the User page as some kind of image gallery. If you have drawings you want to show, consider getting a deviantART (or other art site) account and leave a link to your gallery page. When it comes to personal images or images that will be of no use to the wiki, please use a real image host. The Gaiapedia is not an image hosting site or file repository; this goes for videos and playlist as well, which must be embedded with an html code. See External Embedding and
* The Gaiapedia is not a place for you to make a profile so you can tell other people about 'private details' of your personal life or about other peoples business and groups. If you want to link to your various online profiles, then this is preferred, however if your profile is not considered safe or is unacceptable by Wikia then it will be removed. There is also the User blog to consider if you are certain you want people to know you or know what you are currently doing.
* Try not to excessively edit your User page; if you are an 'active contributor' then you should try to contribute more to articles and expanding this wiki than constantly updating about 'every aspect' of yourself on your User page, the exception would be you trying to showcase your projects for the wiki. The Gaiapedia obviously welcomes interaction with the community, however, there are websites that specialize in social networking service. Wikia is not one of them.
* No blacklists of other users. Users should not make a list of users they dislike or wish to discredit on their user page. Gaiapedia should keep a positive editing environment and users should not blast other users on their user page.