| - Chloe O'Brian is een Senior Data Analyste voor CTU in Los Angeles alsmede de CTU in New York
- Chloe O'Brian is an agent who gives Jack Bauer all of the info he needs to complete his missions. Jack told her to look up information of someone called Ahmed Adoudi, which was actually one of Bart's prank calls. She told him that it was a prank after telling him fake details.
- Lieutenant Chloe O'Brian was the chief engineer of the USS Wineland. (Star Trek: Wineland) Until someone assumes the role of Chloe O'Brian, there can no further details be mentioned about the Wineland's CE.
- During Day 8, while investigating threats against a planned peace accord between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Kamistan, O'Brian was named acting Special Agent in Charge of CTU New York and tasked with capturing Jack Bauer before he could expose the Russian government's part in the attacks. After preventing Jack from assassinating the Russian president, Chloe helped him expose the conspiracy, then was forced to say goodbye before Jack went into hiding.
- Chloe O'Brian was a senior intelligence analyst with the Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit. She also served as Internet Protocol Manager at that unit, and later assumed a major role at the agency's reopened New York office. As one of Jack Bauer's closest friends and confidantes, she played a vital role in averting several terrorist attacks on the city of Los Angeles and the United States of America.
- Chloe O'Brian (anche detta Clò Obraian) è un esemplare di nerdessa o nerd femmina allevato in cattvità al Los Angeles, nonché la ragione principale per cui Jack Bauer riesce sempre a farla franca. È tra l'altro una delle poche persone ad avere la fiducia di Jack Bauer - per ottenerla, in effetti, le è bastato hackerare il database della stradale di Los Angeles e togliergli le multe per eccesso di velocità e comprargli delle ciambelle di tanto in tanto. Ha anche dei poteri soprannaturali perché, come Jack Bauer e gli altri protagonisti di 24 non mangia nè dorme nè va mai in bagno.