| - "A-a D-d-d, D-d-d-d . . . D-de-devil!" Yep, a devil. The one girl that considers taking to me, other than looking for Directions towards a peeping pervert who caught them changing in the early morning, turned out to not even be human. I don't even want to delve deeper than that, I might end finding out she not even a girl. Eek! I might have been fine, maybe even excited if she was just a magician, heck having allies with superpowers to top that off would have been fine. But sprouting wings, bat-like wings, that just eliminated the possibility of being human off the list completely. "Yeah, I guess I am. By the way, sorry about lying to you." Oh crap, she's still being nice. Why, is she pretending nothing happened, like this is a big joke? Tread carefully. I'll listen to you, you know what your thinking. "Lying? Seriously? Y-you're a D-devil! I don't see how your lying when I never expensive asked-" She folded in her wings. I didn't know where they went, but I didn't even know they were there in the first place so they must be well hidden. "No, I was actually talking about how you're cuter when you stutter." "H-how?" She had to think about it for a minute, well less than that, but was longer than a second, so- never mind. "Well, when you stutter you're answering more quickly so you're obviously trying speak what's on your mind, which is what I like about it." "I meant, h-how are you a devil?" She giggled a bent over forward, which nearly made me crawl backwards out of fearful instinct, in spite of her overly friendliness. "Well Zeni-kun, that's an easy one; It's the story of when a Mummy devil and a Daddy devil are forced procreate after a terrible war, they-" "I m-meant why are you n-n-n, n-not . . . red-d, and . . . horn . . . -n-ney?" That dropped her smile. Shit. "Are being stereotypical?" Eek! Crap! Calm down, don't give her a reasons to eat you. Eat me! "Please don't eat me." I blurted that straight out. Damn voice in my head, making me so nervous. I obviously know diddly squat about Devils, but even so, why would this super hot devil choose to go out on a date with me if she wasn't after something. And let's be perfectly honest here; I really offer up nothing else than a decent hunk of meat. Sports, please. I can play sports, but my stamina sucks like hell. I can play an excellent game for five minutes at my best before I collapse from lack of any real fitness. Smarts, I don't think so; straight average, and sometimes slightly above, but definitely nothing impressive to get recognised for it. Just a head with bundled up useless facts that won't get me a high test score in any exam. If I'm not brawn or brains, then that just leaves brew. (Couldn't think of a better word, so just leave it be unless you can think- oh yeah *slap* fourth wall, forgot.) "Eat you?" I was cowering in fear, well wouldn't you? I was sitting on my backside, covering my head with both my arms, while leaving my legs and mid-regions wide open. But what was caught off guard more by was her reaction. I slowly lowered my arms and looked back up. She wasn't smiling, but she wasn't frown even. Confused, definitely. . . . Wait, why is she confused? Did she not want to eat me? "Uh hm." "Why on hell would I want to eat you?" Oh. I take it she's not telling one convincing lie right here. Call it intuition, but if a person with clearly more power than you doesn't kill you the first chance they get once they know you know something you shouldn't, then it's clearly not what they planned. Great, now how do I explain it to her . . . Fuck. Nothing you can say is going to make it worse. You're probably right. "W-well, b-b-becau-" "Nibble maybe, possibly bite if it gives that far. But, I'm thinking way to ahead, we've only had one date after all." . . . "*gulp* W-what?" She giggled again, smiling again like she did earlier. I don't know if this us suppose to be relieving, or even more tensing. "You don't need to worry about that." I am worried though! She reached out her hand, which nearly made me flinch. Yes, nearly. I. Was beyond the point if scared, nothing more was going to freak me out anymore than winged people, magic attacks, superhuman followers, a hand was the least of my concerns. I hesitantly reached out and grabbed it. I know the point of this, when she started pulling, was to help me back to my feet, but I just got my arse saved by three teen school girls. Doesn't matter if they're magical beings or whatever, the least I can do is pick myself out of the dirt. When she started pulling, I put more effort in just using her hand as a balancing stabiliser while I forced the rest of my body to stand up straight to my feet rather than leaning in towards her. I patted the back if my jeans. Brand new or not, I couldn't leave any dust stains on it. If there was any, especially since she picked them out. I've just seen her stand strong against a bloodthirsty half-bird man. Compare him as a chicken, I would be the equivalent of a wing; boney with little meat on it and pretty much easy to throw away most of it once you've picked at it. I don't know if I should have said this, but . . . "Thanks." She then looked playfully at me, those rich fandango eyes getting larger. Stepping in closer, despite being only a few feet apart, she started raising herself inwards. "I would actually prefer one of my thanks yous instead." I know what she's doing. Damn, it's a kiss. Why? Why now of all times, common, don't start like this. As long as I told myself to forget about her wings, and that freakish green aura that had surrounded her, I could get by pretending that nothing had changed and that our date was never interrupted. She wasn't a devil, she was just Akane Naberius, another girl who happens to go to the same school as me who I'm here on a date with. She was getting closer. It wouldn't be long now. A kiss, or more than you think? Please be talking about something else other than being eaten. Fuck, I had to say it again. Now I'm thinking about it again. Stop! Come on. I had two thoughts running through my head. The first voice was remembering those warm melted caramel feelings that went running through my mind every time she was near me, and the increase in intensity when she kissed me, twice. Something like that which was dying more another lip-on-lip contact to recharge those feelings. But then I had this new voice that was flashing images of bat wings sprouting, green auras filling the area. The whole fact that she was a devil, and the thought that she might still want to take a bite at me, even if that earlier comment was meant as a playful joke. Giving her any piece of me was just another opening for her to sunk her teeth in a draw out my blood in the gallons. While my own body was now wrestling with the attraction and repelling towards her, not quite sure which to listen to, she was drawing closer, which started to overload both senses. My body was now shaking. Scared. Anxious. I hadn't a bloody clue. She then stopped, just inches away, and then smirked a little. Does she really find my awkward fear to be that funny? "I guess this is the end of the date now." I felt partially disappointed, and partially relieved, but . . . "Uh hm." "Well then." I had no time for reaction. She lunged into me, locking both our lips again before I could think I was scared or overjoyed. It didn't last long, but the sudden action was making my heart thump straight through my ribs. "One last kiss before I go." My eyes were shot wide open. I was stuck standing here like when she first confronted me, yesterday. I was still overcome with that thumping in my chest. It was affecting my breathing as well. I was getting light headed by my own accord now. She smirked and then started walking away. It took me a while to. Regain my sense of awareness. "Wait." She stopped and turned to me, sweeping back her hair as she rotated rapidly on the spot. The ground beneath her turned green. Light sprouted from no where, again. The aura was back. "Oh, don't worry, you don't need to walk me home. Since you already know I'm a devil, I can just use the magic circle to get home." How on earth could she tell me all this with a smile, when I am having a hard time contemplating the fact that the bible was actually a historical record, or am I going too far with that? "The what?" The light stated growing stronger till all other lights in. The park were dimmed out. The circles rotations started rising. She tilted her head and waved me off. "See you tomorrow at school, Zeni-kun." I gave a weak wave off as she disappeared into the green magic, till that too also vanished. "Ok- tommorow? Tomorrow!"