| - NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. There is no doubt about it. “The Simpsons” has defined a generation of humor. (Sad, touching music begins to play in addition to a montage of clips of episodes from the earlier seasons of “The Simpsons”) NC (voiceover): It was slick, it was clever, it was satirical, it had unforgettable characters, and it left its mark forever on television history. Clearly, it was ahead of its time and taken off the air far too early. (A promotional ad for “The Simpsons” Season Twenty-Three is quickly shown) NC: GODDAMN IT! IT’S STILL ON?!
| - NC: Hello, I’m the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don’t have to. There is no doubt about it. “The Simpsons” has defined a generation of humor. (Sad, touching music begins to play in addition to a montage of clips of episodes from the earlier seasons of “The Simpsons”) NC (voiceover): It was slick, it was clever, it was satirical, it had unforgettable characters, and it left its mark forever on television history. Clearly, it was ahead of its time and taken off the air far too early. NC: And...if it was still on air today, I’m sure it would continue to inspire and challenge all of the masses out there— (A promotional ad for “The Simpsons” Season Twenty-Three is quickly shown) NC: GODDAMN IT! IT’S STILL ON?! (Clips from the most recent episodes of “The Simpsons” play out; among them the Tik Tok couch gag from To Surveil With Love, the Banksy opening from MoneyBART and an opening sequence in slow motion) NC (voiceover): Yes, like most people, I really wish “The Simpsons” would just up and die so we can talk about what a great impact it had on comedy as opposed to asking why the hell they’re beating a dead horse with another dead horse! But, either way, we still end up saying the exact same thing: NC: “Wasn’t ‘The Simpsons’ funny?” (Clips from classic episodes of the show now play out) NC (voiceover): And the answer is, “Yes.” Yes, it was. Despite the fact that they’ve more than overstayed their welcome, we still can’t forget what an entertaining, quotable and hilarious impact the show has had on us. It’s one of the most influential shows in that it helped form so many people’s sense of humor. So many of us today get our delivery, our writing, our performing, and just our straight-up sense of comedy from the genius that was “The Simpsons.” But again, I must ask, which ones had the biggest impact? Which ones were the most memorable, meaningful, or just downright funny? NC: Well, let’s travel back to Springfield, El-la-ca-chusetts, this is the Top 11 Best Simpsons Episodes. (The classic intro for the show plays out with the title in the clouds) Background Singers: The Simpsons… NC (voiceover): (with multiple voices, sings accompanying text underneath the title) Top 11 Best Episodes. (For each interlude on the Top 11 list, there is a shot of the Simpson family’s TV screen with a numbered entry on it)