| - Edgeville er en by tilgængelig for alle. Den ligger meget tæt på Wilderness og var inden 10. december opdateringerne "hovedstaden" for PKere. Der er nogle ruiner lidt syd for byen med to Yew træer. Ved siden af er indgangen til Edgeville dungeon, hvor man blandt andet kan finde Hill giants. Kategori:Steder Kategori:Byer
- Due to its location close to the wilderness, Edgeville is the home location for ArteroPk. It provides easy, fast access to the wilderness, while providing a large space for the players and the shops.
- Edgeville is 'n dorp wes van Varrock en die Grand Exchange en noord van Barbarian Village.
- Edgeville war früher eines der beliebtesten Runenanfertiger Städte. Mit dem Beschwörungs Update hat sich dies aber geändert. Trotzdem findet man oft Spieler, die sich auf den Weg inden Höllenschlund machen, oder einfach ein paar Fertigkeiten trainieren. In den Spielerkampf- und Wildnis-Welten ist Edgeville auch ein kleiner "Treffpunkt", da diese Stadt nah an der Wildnis liegt. Das Zentrum ist, wie man sicher sehen kann, die Bank.thumb|Sehenswürdigkeiten in Edgeville!|284px
- Edgeville befinner seg nord-vest for Varrock og nord for Barbarian village.
- Edgeville ligt ten noordwesten van Varrock. Het is een kleine stad, maar toch zijn er enkele handige dingen te doen. Edgeville was vroeger ook een plaats waar veel mensen zich verzamelden om samen met hun clan de Wildernis in te trekken. Er zijn verschillende manieren om naar Edgeville te gaan. Members kunnen zich bijvoorbeeld met een Amulet of Glory teleporteren of met een kano naar Edgeville varen. Nr. 3 op de kaart is de ingang van de Edgeville Dungeon. Deze stad is afgeraden voor beginnende spelers omdat een Mugger de stad onveilig maakt. Deze Mugger valt iedere speler aan die combat lv 12 of lager is. De Mugger zelf is level 6, maar hij is sterker dan je misschien denkt.
- 300px Edgeville on pieni kaupunki, joka sijaitsee aivan Wildernessin rajalla. RuneScape Classicin alkuvaiheissa Edgevillessä ei ollut kuin tyhjiä taloja. Siitä käytettiin usein nimeä 'Ghost Town', kunnes talot täytettiin esineillä ja sille annettiin virallinen nimi, Edgeville. Sieltä pääsee myös nopeimmin Abyssiin.
- Edgeville is a small town located near the Wilderness. It is commonly visited by players who like to engage in PvP combat.
- Edgeville is a city on Runescape where you can get there by a amulet of glory teleport. To the north of it is the wilderness where many Fire-Pk players enjoy risk fighting as they can teleport, as you can not in Dangerous Pk.
- Edgeville, formerly Ghost Town, is a small town to the north of Barbarian Village. Both a bank and a General Store sit in the north part of town. Edgeville is also on the cusp of the southern Wilderness border, because of that it is a popular gathering spot for player killers before they go north. The bank is also used by players collecting herbs and big bones in Edgeville Dungeon.
- Edgeville is a small town located at the border of the Wilderness available to free players. In the early development of RuneScape Classic, Edgeville only had empty buildings. It was commonly referred to as "Ghost Town" until items were placed in the building and was given an official name, Edgeville. Edgeville is also a popular town to trade player killing-related items. This includes sharks, various potions, dragon weapons, and other combat related items. It is also the bank used by players training Runecrafting via the Abyss. Edgeville is also popular with high levelled members who own several amulets of glory, as it is the fastest bank to get to via a teleport.
- Edgeville is a small town located at the border of the Wilderness, west of the Varrock Grand Exchange. It is commonly visited for burning logs, cooking raw fish caught near Barbarian Village, and for smelting bars in the Edgeville furnace.
- Edgeville to osada położona tuż przy granicy królestwa Misthalin i Pustkowi. Jest dość nowym miastem, lecz nie oznacza to, że nie warto tutaj przychodzić. We wczesnych czasach RuneScape Classic Edgeville składało się wyłącznie z opuszczonych budynków. Edgeville pierwotnie widniało pod nazwą "Miasto Duchów" (Ghost Town). Gdy wprowadzone zostały Pustkowia, miastu zmieniono nazwę na Edgeville, a na jego terenie powstał bank i sklep wielobranżowy.
- In the early development of RuneScape Classic, Edgeville only had empty buildings. It was originally called Ghost Town on the world map, but when the Wilderness was released it was renamed Edgeville and given a general store and bank. Before the updates of 10 December 2007, Edgeville was a very popular town for player killers, clans, and free-to-play players who would use the nearby low level Wilderness for duelling, and traders of player killing-related items such as food, various potions, weapons, runes, and other combat-related items. This area was the location of the Mod Hasmo riot, which occurred during the same time as the Pay to Pk Riot.
- Edgeville is the place that all players have default for the home command ::home, or home teleport. There are several shops in Edgeville, some in the Edgeville General Store , In the bank itself there is max level 138 to buy max/comp cape, Donator store, and Vote Store, all inside the Edgeville bank. When players meet up to trade it's typically up at Edgeville. The "Chest" is over to the West of the bank which you can buy Crystal Key Half 's, combine them into a Crystal Key and open the box for a shot at gold, random items, and unique items such as trimmed and gold sets of armour. File:Chest.png