| - Cacus is a fire-breathing giant who appears in the short story Percy Jackson and the Staff of Hermes, in The Demigod Diaries.
- Cacus ist ein mittelgroßes Sonnensystem mit fünf und einem Asteroidengürtel. Voraussetzung: 80% Moral (Mass Effect)
- Chohe est la seconde planète orbitant autour de l'étoile Cacus. Article principal: Chohe
* Affectation: Terra Incognita : base occupée
- The cryptid has three heads but only one mind. It appears to be friendly, because it was cared for by a caretaker for its entire life. The caretaker had a lifetime fortune of priceless gold and jewels left for that purpose by ancient Romans. The cacus was said to be able to spray fire from its tusk. This might actually be a form of venom-spitting, or acid-spitting qualities. Zak seems to be afraid of this terrifying cryptid. The creature's true origin is unknown.
- thumb|right|250px|Herakles en Cacus, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence Cacus was in de Romeinse mythologie een zoon van Vulcanus die woonde op de plaats waar later Rome zou verrijzen. In de versie van de mythe die Livius (I, 7) vertelt, was hij een sterke en ruwe herder, volgens Dionysius van Halicarnassus (I, 39) was hij een rover, maar volgens Vergilius (Aeneis VIII, 190-268) en Ovidius (Fasti I, 543-585) was hij een misdadig vuurspuwend monster. Hij had een hol in de Aventijn. Maar ook de Palatijn, waar zich in de Oudheid een pad bevond dat de Trap van Cacus (Scalae Caci) werd genoemd, wordt wel als zijn woonplaats beschouwd.
- Luminosity Sol N/A Planets Moons 0 Asteroid Belts 0 Asteroids 0 Objects 0 Location: Milky Way / Hades Gamma / Cacus Cacus is a medium system with five and an asteroid . Prerequisite: 80% Morality (Mass Effect) It is probably named for the 'centaur' Cacus and is probably a reference to Dante's Inferno, the first canticle of his Divine Comedy. In the Divine Comedy, Cacus is one of the guardians of the eighth circle of Hell.
- Cacus lived in a cave in the Palatine Hill in Italy, the future site of Rome. To the horror of nearby inhabitants, Cacus lived on human flesh and would nail the heads of victims to the doors of his cave. He was eventually overcome by Hercules. Another version of the myth states that Cacus made the cattle walk backwards so they left a false trail. Hercules drove his remaining cattle past a cave, where Cacus was hiding the stolen ones, and they began calling out to each other. Alternatively, Caca, Cacus' sister, told Heracles where he was.
- Cacus was a fire-breathing giant from Roman mythology and an enemy of Hercales - he was also the son of the Roman god Vulcan. Cacus lived in a cave in the Palatine Hill in Italy, the future site of Rome. To the horror of nearby inhabitants, Cacus lived on human flesh and would nail the heads of victims to the doors of his cave. He was eventually overcome by Hercales.