| - A training vessel is any ship used by service academies, such as Starfleet Academy, to give cadets real-world training in the operation of starships. Several starships, including the USS Enterprise have served as training vessels.
- The Federation Starfleet designated various vessels to be training vessels, including the refitted USS Enterprise and the USS Republic. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; DS9: "Valiant") While commenting on the efficiency of his crew, following the Enterprise's departure from Talos IV in 2254, Captain Pike inquired "what are we running here, a cadet ship, Number One? Are we ready or not?" (TOS: "The Cage" )
| - A training vessel is any ship used by service academies, such as Starfleet Academy, to give cadets real-world training in the operation of starships. Several starships, including the USS Enterprise have served as training vessels.
- The Federation Starfleet designated various vessels to be training vessels, including the refitted USS Enterprise and the USS Republic. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; DS9: "Valiant") While commenting on the efficiency of his crew, following the Enterprise's departure from Talos IV in 2254, Captain Pike inquired "what are we running here, a cadet ship, Number One? Are we ready or not?" (TOS: "The Cage" ) During the mid-2260s, Starfleet maintained a class J starship for training cruises until at least 2266, when Fleet Captain Pike suffered severe delta radiation exposure and eventual paralysis while attempting to rescue cadets trapped in the engine room. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I" ) The Talarian observation craft encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2367 was recognized as "a basic training ship" by Commander Riker, during an evacuation of the ship, based on the observation that the crew consisted of "five boys, all teens, all wearing uniforms." (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) During the late 2360s, some cadets at Starfleet Academy, such as those in the Nova Squadron, were allowed to operate Academy flight trainers on the Academy Flight Range. (TNG: "The First Duty" ) Also during this time, cadets at Starfleet Academy were assigned to class 2 shuttles for various training missions. According to B'Elanna Torres, these shuttles were often the cause of "class 2 claustrophobia" for the cadets who served aboard them, as they were "fast, maneuverable, but not built for comfort." Tom Paris added that "they used to shoehorn half a dozen cadets into one of these things for weeks at a time," adding, "you did not want to be around when they opened up that airlock." (VOY: "Drone") While attending the Academy, Ensign Nog had heard of instances of cadets commanding a runabout or a Shuttlecraft, but never a starship, after discovering, in 2374, that the USS Valiant served as a training vessel for Red Squad cadets. (DS9: "Valiant")