Attributes | Values |
| - Ha
- HA
- HA
- HA
- Ha
- Ha
- Ha
- Ha
- Ha
| - Ha.
- I am Bramblewhisker The EXE 15:38, May 28, 2015 (UTC)
- There are 27 home assignments available. Students need to choose any 12 assignments to complete. If they want to do more than 12 assignments, they can either choose their best works from those drawn, or submit them all. Assignments should be at least more than 1/2-a-page, so that the judges can clearly see what the drawing is of. List of home assignments
- This exercise asks the participants to pass the word 'ha' around a circle. This activity is generally more effective when used during the later stage of the training program or session.
- =habeas corpus ((
* habente ????
* habente conscientia de su classe social
* habente derecto al pension
* habente derectos equal
* habente experientia
* habente le derecto
* habente le gusto del bira
* habente le intention de
* habente le mal del aere
* habente le mesme character
* habente le mesme derectos
* habente le mesme pensatas
* habente le obligation de dar alimentos
* habente le obligation de mantener un cosa in bon stato
* habente multe oculos
* habente octo annos
* habente representation equal
* habente tres brancas
* habente tres oculos
* habente un conversation agradabile
* habente un stock ¬A
* librero habente multe libros in stock
* non plus habente effecto
* persona habente derecto
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| - Ha.
- I am Bramblewhisker The EXE 15:38, May 28, 2015 (UTC)
- There are 27 home assignments available. Students need to choose any 12 assignments to complete. If they want to do more than 12 assignments, they can either choose their best works from those drawn, or submit them all. Assignments should be at least more than 1/2-a-page, so that the judges can clearly see what the drawing is of. List of home assignments
- This exercise asks the participants to pass the word 'ha' around a circle. This activity is generally more effective when used during the later stage of the training program or session.
- =habeas corpus ((
* habente ????
* habente conscientia de su classe social
* habente derecto al pension
* habente derectos equal
* habente experientia
* habente le derecto
* habente le gusto del bira
* habente le intention de
* habente le mal del aere
* habente le mesme character
* habente le mesme derectos
* habente le mesme pensatas
* habente le obligation de dar alimentos
* habente le obligation de mantener un cosa in bon stato
* habente multe oculos
* habente octo annos
* habente representation equal
* habente tres brancas
* habente tres oculos
* habente un conversation agradabile
* habente un stock ¬A
* librero habente multe libros in stock
* non plus habente effecto
* persona habente derecto al pension
* specialistas habente un formation scientific
* con / habente cilios
* habente / con difficultates de contacto
* habente / possedente derectos juridic
* habente atmosphera / character
* habente derecto a / de un allocation / un prestation / un subsidio social
* habente le derecto de voto / de eliger
* habente un bon technica del / con le ballon
* habente un maladia / morbo veneree
* parte del population habente justo / a pena le minimo vital