A credit card is a hunting tool used by primitive humans. The credit card weighs about 98 pounds and is 6 feet long. The founder or and creator of the credit card is Mr.Barb Ary Ann. It was first brought to the cave market in the time of cave men as you might have noticed. The credit card is very hard to find nowadays.
Most all Japanese credit companies will offer credit cards to foreigners if you can fill out the application forms or have someone to help you do so, and if you have a bank account from which you can pay by direct debit every month. Seibu's 6th floor Saison counter is a good place to get started. They offer SAISON Visa, Mastercard, JCB and American Express. Very useful because many gas stations and local shops will only accept credit cards issued in Japan. TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us
A credit card is a hunting tool used by primitive humans. The credit card weighs about 98 pounds and is 6 feet long. The founder or and creator of the credit card is Mr.Barb Ary Ann. It was first brought to the cave market in the time of cave men as you might have noticed. The credit card is very hard to find nowadays.
Most all Japanese credit companies will offer credit cards to foreigners if you can fill out the application forms or have someone to help you do so, and if you have a bank account from which you can pay by direct debit every month. Seibu's 6th floor Saison counter is a good place to get started. They offer SAISON Visa, Mastercard, JCB and American Express. Very useful because many gas stations and local shops will only accept credit cards issued in Japan. TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us