| - 200px|left|thumb|Symbol Waukeen Żywotna i dziarska Waukeen (ła-kin) jest w miarę młodym, pracowitym bóstwem, które kocha bogactwo nie samo w sobie, lecz to, co można dzięki niemu osiągnąć i zrobić. Chętnie się targuje i pilnie obserwuje spadki i wzrosty na rynkach. Włada umowami zawieranymi na stole i pod nim - zarówno oficjalnym handlem, jak i czarnym rynkiem.
- Waukeen, also known as the Merchant's Friend, is, or was, a true neutral lesser deity of trade, money and wealth. She vanished during the Time of Troubles and it is unclear what happened to her. Her priests do no longer receive spells from her, so many presume her dead. Waukeen's Promenade - the largest market place in Athkatla - was built in her honor.
- Waukeen ist eine recht junge, dynamische und lebhafte Göttin der Reiche, die harte Arbeit mag und besonders Wohlstand und Reichtum. Diesen bevorzug sie jedoch nicht um seiner Selbst willen, sondern nur wegen dem, was man damit erreichen kann. Sie liebt den Handel und das geschäftige Treiben der Marktplätze. Sie wacht über Geschäfte "über" und "unter" dem Ladentisch, legitim oder auf dem Schwarzmarkt. Sie mag Innovationen, kann aber auch sehr stur und beständig sein.
- Waukeen (pronounced wau-KEEN or wah-KEEN) was a lesser deity of the Faerûnian pantheon known as the Merchant's Friend, Liberty's Maiden, and the Golden Lady. Her portfolio included everything related to commerce and the accumulation of wealth through free and fair trade, as well as the beneficial use of wealth to improve civilization. Those that venerated and appeased her included merchants from lowly peddlers to the wealthy owners of trading companies, investors, accountants, entrepreneurs, caravan guides, warehouse owners, philanthropists, deal-makers, moneylenders, and so on. Waukeen was also the goddess of illicit trade and the patron of many smugglers, fences, black marketeers, and "businessmen" on the shady side of commerce. Collectively, her worshipers were known as Waukeenar.
- Name: Waukeen Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): Merchant's Friend Symbol: gold coin with Waukeen's profile facing left Home plane: Alignment: true neutral Portfolio: trade, money, wealth Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: any alignment Cleric alignments: NG, LN, N, CN, NE Domains: knowledge, protection, trade, travel Favored weapon: "Cloud of Coins" (nunchaku) Festivals:
- Waukeen (pronounced wah-KEEN), or the Merchant's Friend, is the goddess of coins and wealth. She rules over deals done above and below the table and believes that mercantile trade is the best road to enrichment. Waukeen frowns upon destroying fine trade goods and favors those who oppose the propagation of malicious rumors that could harm someone's commerce. Waukeen's faithful travel the world aiding merchants or staff temples in large cities that serve as moneylenders and change houses. They believe in investing in enterprises that have any chance of succeeding.
- Waukeen is the fictional goddess of coins and wealth in the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting of Forgotten Realms. Waukeen or The Merchant's Friend, rules over deals done above and below the table. She believes that mercantile trade is the best road to enrichment. She frowns upon destroying good trade goods, and favours those who oppose the propagation of malicious rumors that could harm someone's commerce. Waukeen has no enemies besides Mask and the demon lord that held her captive, Graz'zt.